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Springhill Spot A forum running in conjunction with Springhill Spotlight. Give your opinions on what is happening in your area. Air your views and grievances. Put forward ideas on how we can improve Springhill

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Old 18-08-2003, 22:12   #31
Bordercollie's Avatar

Post Re: Questions for Lee Haworth - Environmental Heal

Delivered by hand to each household, making sure they are aware of the rules :P people don't seem to care, infact certain people seem to enjoy making other people's lives ( who actualy care about the area) hell, its just not on, shame on them :-[
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Accrington Web
Old 24-08-2003, 09:02   #32
Junior Member+

Post Re: Questions for Lee Haworth - Environmental Heal

Hi Lee.

Thanks for your time.

If I miss putting out my blue box, and it is full, can I take it to Whinney Hill tip myself to be disposed of in the appropriate way. Is there a separate recycling point for this?

Also, is there any chance that we will be recycling plastic in the near future?

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Old 28-08-2003, 21:23   #33
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Caz's Avatar

Post Re: Questions for Lee Haworth - Environmental Heal

Hi Lee,

Well it's started!

A friend of mine in the Springhill area has had her wheelie bin taken.

She went outside to collect it within half an hour of the collection, and it had gone.

Thing is, when we got the letter with the bin on the day of issue, it said that wheelie bins would be replaced inside the yard and the gate shut. In most cases round here that is not happening! If it was, this bin would not have been taken.

My friend has contacted EH and is being issued with a new one before the next collection. I have suggested she keeps an eye out for her bin on collection day, and if seen to report the person who appears to have taken it. Hopefully they will have been stupid enough to leave the number on!

I think if  the bins aren't going to be placed back on properties, it's going to cause a lot of expense in the long run.

Also I have already had to fix my back gate due to damage caused by it slamming back and forth in the wind. It's OK when I put the bin out, as it props the gate open. but afterwards, it's just being left to swing!

Plus of course some people are still not using their bins at all, and are putting bags out - and these are still being removed.

Could you clarify for us that the normal collection is going to stay weekly?

We really need to be told what is going on.

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 02-09-2003, 11:16   #34
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Post Re: Questions for Lee Haworth - Environmental Heal

Well, after all that's been said about not putting binbags out on the back alley and using wheelie bins, what do the binmen go and do?


What the heck's going on!

This is stupid!

Put them back in now and waiting for them to collect, going to ask them what they think they are doing.  : : :
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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