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Springhill Spot A forum running in conjunction with Springhill Spotlight. Give your opinions on what is happening in your area. Air your views and grievances. Put forward ideas on how we can improve Springhill

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Old 31-01-2008, 06:34   #16
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Re: springhill club!!

If you look at my post #10 in the pickle works thread you will see pics of the 3 storey Barrett styles (got from their website)
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Old 31-01-2008, 07:34   #17
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Re: springhill club!!

So why don't the council buy it and build a nice playground on it for the kids or open it as a youth club for all the kids in springhill so they don't have to trapse to New era. We often moan about kids hanging round but there is sod all for them to do in the area. Make the club a youth club with pool tables, jukebox, big screen TV with MTV etc showing. a tuck shop for stuff to eat and drink so there IS somewhere for them to go of an evening.

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Old 31-01-2008, 08:42   #18
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Re: springhill club!!

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
So why don't the council buy it and build a nice playground on it for the kids or open it as a youth club for all the kids in springhill so they don't have to trapse to New era. We often moan about kids hanging round but there is sod all for them to do in the area. Make the club a youth club with pool tables, jukebox, big screen TV with MTV etc showing. a tuck shop for stuff to eat and drink so there IS somewhere for them to go of an evening.
Good idea, they could even have a football pitch on the old bowling green...................if only HBC or LCC would buy it (why not make it a compulsery purchase as they have done with all the houses, mind they have not done anything yet other than pull them down)

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Old 31-01-2008, 10:03   #19
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Re: springhill club!!

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
So why don't the council buy it and build a nice playground on it for the kids or open it as a youth club for all the kids in springhill so they don't have to trapse to New era. We often moan about kids hanging round but there is sod all for them to do in the area. Make the club a youth club with pool tables, jukebox, big screen TV with MTV etc showing. a tuck shop for stuff to eat and drink so there IS somewhere for them to go of an evening.
they probably wont, cuz half the kids in springhill are trouble makers who only get joy from other peoples misery
i say open as a pub again and give it someone who can run it properly, it was good years ago as a function room
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Old 31-01-2008, 12:22   #20
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Re: springhill club!!

My mum still lives in Springhill and lets be honest most people who live there aren't 'well off'. They can get 4 cans for the price of a pint in a pub so why would they go to it. No matter how 'good' a landlord is he is only ever as good as teh disposable income in his catchment area.

The kids are "trouble makers" because they are bored. I'm the last to advocate sending them on holiday when they do stuff wrong but unless you meet them half way you will never make a forward step. When I grew up there we played footy on the field. thats now a school, we played tennis against Lang Bridges, you'd get told off now, we made rope swings down the clough, H&S would be there fencing the area off as a hazard. We made karts and rode them as fast as we could down charter st/exchange street, youd' get run over now by all the nutters

"You can only bang your head against a wall so many times before you realise its hurting you more than its hurting the wall"

Give them something to do and you have a chance to channel that energy into something useful/less distructive

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Old 31-01-2008, 17:48   #21
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Re: springhill club!!

there are some very nice people in the sprighill area too,you get good and bad in all areas.some people yes may go and buy 4 cans instead of going out,does not mean to say they are poor,i dont buy cans nor go out but i aint poor its just my preference to stay in,dont judge people.
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Old 31-01-2008, 21:29   #22
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Re: springhill club!!

Having worked there for 30yrs my wife for almost as long and my daughter for 19 years I could write the book.Some very strange people!!
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Old 31-01-2008, 21:39   #23
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Re: springhill club!!

We moved away from that area because we had bad neighbours and to be honest I know it doesnt go for all the residents in that are but when we moved out nearly 10 yrs ago it was getting quite "rough" and there was a lot of trouble, might have changed now but that might be because half the houses in the area are empty and up for rent (maybe an exageration at 1/2 the houses but there is a fair few)
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Old 31-01-2008, 22:18   #24
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Re: springhill club!!

again people judging,i know a few people around that area who are very nice,there are a few and only a few houses now boarded up on those streets ,some of which are being done up,you get good and bad people wherever you live,jam butty estates get bad people too,believe me
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Old 31-01-2008, 22:25   #25
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Re: springhill club!!

Springhill was never a Jam Butty estate but higher up from the railway bridge it was known as Cutglass Country back in the 60's
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Old 31-01-2008, 22:32   #26
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Re: springhill club!!

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
Springhill was never a Jam Butty estate but higher up from the railway bridge it was known as Cutglass Country back in the 60's
never said spring hill was ,i just said even jam butty estates
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Old 31-01-2008, 22:48   #27
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Re: springhill club!!

Originally Posted by emzy View Post
I used to go in this club as a child (not as bad as it sounds lol it was quite a number of years ago and I was with my parents) Also used to go to the kiddies christmas parties etc (there and at the pickups arms which is no longer there) It wasnt a bad club in its day, its just another in a long line of clubs and pubs to dissapear. They should do it up and re-open it not turn it into yet more houses
So did I, how old are you?
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Old 31-01-2008, 23:29   #28
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Re: springhill club!!

Sorry my fault.just trying to point out that in them days It was a very nice area of town.A little village on its own.two butchers,two bakers -Post office-grocers-doctors-chemist- chipshops -in fact every thing you needed.But I agree that now the area is in decline(did i mention a pub and a club)very sad!!!
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Old 01-02-2008, 08:58   #29
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Re: springhill club!!

Originally Posted by lancscat View Post
there are some very nice people in the sprighill area too,you get good and bad in all areas.some people yes may go and buy 4 cans instead of going out,does not mean to say they are poor,i dont buy cans nor go out but i aint poor its just my preference to stay in,dont judge people.
There is a big difference from being 'poor' to 'well off'. I'm not casting dispersions about anyone mererly pointing out that average salary is well below the national average. My mum still lives there with noisy Polish one side and druggies teh other. She has lived there over 50 years.

Its not just places like Spring Hill that now spend money at supermarkets on cheaper beer, that is endemic across the country. You could aslo ask if its related more to the readily available entertainment we have now. 20 yeras ago it was 4 channel TV, no computer games, no readily available internet. To entertain yourself you went to teh club/pub to chat to your friends, play snooker, darts, dominos etc.

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Old 01-02-2008, 18:27   #30
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Re: springhill club!!

tell u mum to pop in 4 a brew entwis lol

Last edited by lancscat; 01-02-2008 at 18:28. Reason: spelling
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