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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 12-10-2003, 19:05   #16
Senior Member+

Post Re: Accy Characters

[quote author=Karen link=board=nostalgia;num=1059999017;start=0#14 date=10/07/03 at 19:38:44]

I think i remember him , did he have the stall which went round the corner next to what was the electricity shop before it was a charity shop?
that will be the one
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 20-11-2003, 19:20   #17

Post Re: Accy Characters

[quote author=Lynne link=board=nostalgia;num=1059999017;start=0#13 date=10/05/03 at 18:09:29]I remember the guy with the alarm clock hung from the inside of his overcoat. Can't remember his name. More often than not found in the Pickwick or Bees Knees.[/quote]

He was known as Capt. Dove. Also used to wear a bandelero full of felt-tip pens. Sadly no longer with us.
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Old 20-11-2003, 19:55   #18
Accy Goddess

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Post Re: Accy Characters

He reminds me of a guy from Preston. who used to do a lot of art work and wore felt tips like that. went about dressed has napoleon. Think he had a beard.  :-/
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Old 11-12-2003, 11:47   #19
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Post Re: Accy Characters

Does anybody remember the old Polish or Ukrainian guy in the 60's who always wore wellies and a dirty raincoat (summer and winter), carried a black plastic bag, and walked on the sides of the pavements, and then would jump quickly into the road to face an oncoming car, and then just a quick jump back on the pavement.  He would then smile at the amazed and annoyed motorist, bow and say "Thank you".

He was really harmless, but would bow to people, or give them a Nazi salute if he thought they were formal.  he talked to himself a lot, as if he always had a companion.

Once in the saloon bar of the Commercial Pub, he walked in, bowed to the assembled drinkers.  Asked the barman for "A Pint of Mild, Please"...the barman (who was new), pulled a pint, and put it on the bar.  Old "joe" or whatever he was called, simply bowed, said "Thank you" and promptly walked out ;D ;D
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Old 11-12-2003, 11:54   #20
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Post Re: Accy Characters

Anybody remember "Bill Dash" the water baliff on the Antley Res.  He would chase the kids off the Res., and if he caught you he'd cuff you round the ear.  Terror of Ossy and Church

He would be sued up to the eyballs in this day and age.

Also anybody remember Ernie Snape.  He was the Doorman and chief "chucker-outerer at the Queens Hall in Church, later re-named the Tudor.  He kicked more kids out of the Flicks than anybody else I knew.
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Old 16-12-2003, 23:56   #21
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Post Re: Accy Characters

To Darby, the Polish guy you mention, I am sure he is still around, but now, the wellies have gone, the hair is whitish and I am sure I have seen him around town on a push bike.  I am sure they used to call him "Joseph"
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Old 17-12-2003, 15:29   #22

Post Re: Accy Characters

I remember the Polish guy and I think your right Atarah he was called Joseph.  He used to sit infront of the Market Hall and very often with a very short man.
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Old 17-12-2003, 16:04   #23
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Post Re: Accy Characters

What about modern day characters. Anyone know mad Pete "The Rockin Reverend" Rapson. He must be in his late fifties but still goes out round town usually wearing a striped suit with trainers and has his own unique progressive dancing style involving alot of side-to-side bouncing around and arm flailing  ???.
Why bother changing the lightbulb in the first place? I can pee on the carpet perfectly well in the dark!
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Old 17-12-2003, 16:27   #24
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Post Re: Accy Characters

Whats he on? Where can I get some of it?
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Old 04-07-2004, 19:17   #25
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Re: Accy Characters

Yes I remember the Rag `n` Bone man coming around Ossy with his horse `n` cart shouting (RAG BONE, ANY RAG BONE).
Also their was a small guy in the 70s up Ossy who used to always be seen pushing a 2 wheeled cart around everywhere, can’t think of he’s name at the moment.
I remember in the early 80s down Accy seeing a man walking around town in full American (Viet-nam) period combat uniform, including the helmet. Not once but quit a few times.
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Old 04-07-2004, 22:39   #26


Re: Accy Characters

I remember the Rag and Bone man that always called up Church St with his horse and cart. We use to get a Gold fish for a pillow case full of old cloths. I also remember monthly visits by the door to door salesman who sold house hold cleaning products including little sample tins of floor polish that kept us occupied for hours. His suit case was always full of what to us where mystical things. Gone are those days, we don’t have the trust to open our doors that wide to day…….
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Old 05-07-2004, 07:16   #27
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Re: Accy Characters

That would be the Bettawear man (sp?) Doug.

Are we allowed to say "Pacci Ali"?

Who was the guy on the market who had a flower stall selling everything at "Haa - aalf a crown a bunch" ? Towards the end of the day his bunches got larger as he tried to sell as much as possible. It was always a good idea to wait as long as you could and maybe get three bunches in one for the "haa-aalf a crown" Good Lord - that's only 12 1/2 pence! What can you get for that these days?
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Old 05-07-2004, 08:20   #28
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Re: Accy Characters

I am well aware of Pete Rapson's antics. Remember him jumping off tables at Accy CC at a Heavy Metal gig - quite a character. Anyone know the asian guy (20's) who tries to convince people he is Michael Jackson - haven't seen him since the allegations.....

re: 'p*ccy ali' - Yeah....c'mon mods, if we are gonna have certain words we cant write then it needs to be across the board. Not just when thin-skinned lefties complain.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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Old 05-07-2004, 08:41   #29
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Re: Accy Characters

Gosh yes I remember Uncle Dick and Ali's stall. I'd completely forgotten them. That's going back a bit.

That's a valid point too about the name. I don't think anyone objected in those days did they?

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Old 05-07-2004, 10:04   #30
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Re: Accy Characters

Anyone remember Redmans across from the market hall, used to love the smell in there, coffee i think it was.
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