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15-12-2003, 13:27
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Re: Accy Places
[quote author=janet link=board=nostalgia;num=1059999667;start=0#25 date=10/03/03 at 16:45:50]The old theatre was called the hippodrome remember it well ( not that well i'm to young)[/quote]
I remember going to the Hippodrome in the 40's with my parents. They had a classic Music Hall every Saturday night.
15-12-2003, 13:46
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Re: Accy Places
Alan,have just checked with a comprehensive Lancashire Directory and there is no such street with the spelling you use -- Marlbrough St. That is all Lancashire. There are a number of Marlborough Streets and Roads etc and as I mentioned before the one in Accrington is Road.
15-12-2003, 22:25
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Machpelah Graveyard on Hyndburn Road
Hi, the old graveyard along Hyndburn Road, where the sheep used to have their last nibble of grass before they took them across the way to the Abbattoirs, was called MACHPELAH, pronounced Mac-pee-lah. When they "officially vandalised" it approx.16/17 years ago, any remains they found in the graveyard were taken up to Accrington Cemetery, and were buried in a communal grave. Who would have thought that the remains of loved ones would be built on top of ... by a garage!
16-12-2003, 13:23
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Re: Accy Places
That's an unusual name. What's the scource - any ideas?
17-12-2003, 15:37
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Re: Accy Places
Cazzer, Janet and Tealeaf please someone put me out of my misery I'm sure one of you can help. I remember a nightclub in Lower Darwen I think it was called the Carousel and it burnt down. There was another place that burnt down somewhere in the Rishton or Great Harwood area up on the tops before you could drop down into Blackburn. Please what was it called. Someone earlier was talking about the Lodestar and it brought these places to mind but I cant remember they name of the second one.
17-12-2003, 15:58
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Re: Accy Places
My brain is hurting on this one......I knew the place....never knew that it had burnt down though.....I though the Lodestar was going out Ribchester way?
17-12-2003, 17:06
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Re: Accy Places
thr great harwood one is the New Inn
18-12-2003, 23:12
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Nuttall Street
Who remembers the newsagents at the corner of Wellington Street and Nuttall Street, run by Littlefairs
Here is a smashing photo
18-12-2003, 23:14
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Nuttall Street/Wellington Street
Sorry, this is the one I meant to show
19-12-2003, 09:00
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Re: Accy Places
Good photo Atarah, brings back some memories (not going to tell you, as it involved a girl :
I can see that the quality of chat on here is very high and woe betide anybody who's memory slips. Lots of fun, and informative.
Cazzer, do you remember Barry Williams? (he lived in the flat roofed houses and went to Hyndburn Park School), I think Terry Riggs also lived thereabouts in the early 60's.
I also lived on Warwick Close, having moved from Meadoway in 64. My dad remained there until he died in the early 80's, I moved away in 67, and have never lived in Accy since.
30-12-2003, 11:00
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Re: Accy Places
Yea, I remember the New Inns, also called the bay horse, the Loadstar, built an exstention on to it , about 1970, they called it Victorias, a sort of theam pub. then there was the Cranberry Fold, in Darwen. Sorry Bert you were right about Melbourne St, I must have been thinking about the Marlbrough WMC, at oak lee.
31-12-2003, 09:39
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Re: Accy Places
does anybody remember going dancing at the old empire picture place up ossy (church really) next to the old royal pub, in the late 50s early 6os ( oops giving my age away ) it was of course r/roll then [smiley=ban.gif]
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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02-01-2004, 13:15
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Re: Accy Places
Thanks folks for a peaceful mind for 2004. The New Inn was what i was looking for and thanks Alan for the correction it was Cranberry Fold in Darwen not Carousel at least I had the first letter right.
06-01-2004, 15:47
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Do any of you remember the cemetary in Union St.With regards to the Empire in Ossy
It was owned by cyril whitaker,and also the palladium.
20-01-2004, 09:47
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My mum was the manageress at the Palace on Rhydings Street. I went to Ossy Tech opposite the Paladium, and adjacent to the Empire. Went regularly to both, and to the Empire in the early 60's when it was a dance place. The Royal pub was a nice place anmd had an Irish Landlord for years. My Uncle Roland almost lived in there.
Cyril Whittaker was (as said) the manager of both the Empire and the Paladium. Great days, and lots of fun, not to mention the fun "down the backs" in between the dancing!!
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