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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 08-06-2006, 23:47   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
And why not

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the site ain't what it used to be, I have had many happy moments with many of you but just lately (as some will already know I tried leaving before managed a fortnight), but after tonight it won't be as difficult!
Being stuck between a rock and a hard place, I take the hard place, even trying to be nice yes I do find it difficult, way back when the site was young I was asked to play mr nasty and I found myself enjoying it but not now, there are too many of you that do it so much better.

Rindy please don't try to be insulting this time, (you're too nice), Gayle ignore that lacky of p.b.'s he's whats known as a complete arse!
Katex, granny thanks for laughing at the right bits.
The members of the accy mafia, (you know who you are, just clique your fingers, I'll be there you can buy me another pint).
Slinkertinks such knowledgable ladies and so young too!
mad, if you finish building those websites, etc try not to make them too popular (nobody likes a smart arse, believe me!).
vorlon24 (whatever happened to him?), I gave you your first ackers to feed your tortoise and you've disappeared, built your own site in kent perhaps?
The mod's most of whom I've met and argued with, such loyalty deserves great rewards!
The great many of you that have come and gone never knowing that even when I was being cruel, yes I really meant it!
But mainly the two tonight that proved to me that, well there's no point trying to explain, even if you try to do right your wrong, (helpful isn't my strong suit obviously), well you'll survive and no doubt go on to upset others that are even weaker than me, well done. If I believed in giving out karma good or bad guess which you would get?

As I said earlier, I managed to stay away for a fortnight during that time I was almost me only needing to be nasty when I had to be instead of just to create interest, which was a nice holiday, maybe i could make a career of it?

Oh by the way, Jambutty a lot of your threads do make sense (not all but a lot), however I look forward to your 68th birthday then you can stop mentioning that you are 67! (sorry old habits die hard).

Those I've missed that think they should have been mentioned, no you shouldn't, or I'd have mentioned you. Those that I've missed and will miss I'm sorry I haven't mentioned you but occasionally I will remember you.

To the new members just joining, most of the members aren't a bad crowd just don't jump in and start acting like you own the place, people will like you more for that, oh, and please try to use your best English language, your keyboard is massive and it can produce an infinite amount of words, text speak is for lame brains with small mobiles!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting

Last edited by Less; 08-06-2006 at 23:50.
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Accrington Web
Old 09-06-2006, 23:22   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: And why not

right thats enough! come back less i miss the humour.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-06-2006, 23:40   #3
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Re: And why not

I don't try to be insulting, it comes naturally.

Who are the Accy Web two, who have tonight caused this state of affairs to happen?

Keep taking the medicine and you'll soon be back amongst us.

(I hope.)
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 10-06-2006, 16:37   #4
God Member

Re: And why not

Its quite amazing that you have now posted at the very least twice your resignation from Accy web.. sort your life out Less.. I for one don't give a toss who comes and goes.. but a nice leaving speech as usuall.. shortened the winter
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Old 10-06-2006, 16:41   #5
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Gayle's Avatar

Re: And why not

Thank you for mentioning me in your leaving speech - I feel like Gwyneth Paltrow's toe nail cutter who got a mention in her famous oscar speech.

I'm intrigued - who are the two?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 10-06-2006, 16:44   #6
God Member
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Re: And why not

Originally Posted by Less
Slinkertinks such knowledgable ladies and so young too!
If the wind changes direction now, you do know that your tongue will stay stuck firmly in your cheek like that, don't you?

Far be it for me to be the one who de-mystifies 'The Malevelont One', when droves of people come to search the accyweb archives to witness for themselves, and stare in awe at the posts of the legendary Less, as tales of his iniquitousness are passed down from generation to generation ...... that actually, your just a really great guy with a cracking sense of humour.

Take care Less, enjoy your break from accyweb
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Old 10-06-2006, 16:56   #7
I am Banned


Re: And why not

Mmmmm where's my mention?????

Yeh its like raking the past to find a laugh these days & the real good stuff gets closed down lol Plus the site is falling to pieces at the moment till technicalities get sorted.

Good luck Less dont make the break too short as the need for quick witt is missing here
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Old 10-06-2006, 23:19   #8
Passed away 25-11-09
West Ender's Avatar

Re: And why not

I'm completely baffled.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 10-06-2006, 23:30   #9


Re: And why not

If you leave us now, you'll take away the biggest part of us
No less please don't go

If you leave us now, you'll take away the very heart of us
No less please don't go

A site like ours is friendships that's hard to find
How could we let you slip away
We've come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way
When tomorrow comes we'll all regret
Things we said today

Cause we need each other more than you'll ever know
No less please don't go...

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 10-06-2006, 23:41   #10
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garinda's Avatar

Re: And why not

Originally Posted by Doug
If you leave us now, you'll take away the biggest part of us
No less please don't go

If you leave us now, you'll take away the very heart of us
No less please don't go

A site like ours is friendships that's hard to find
How could we let you slip away
We've come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way
When tomorrow comes we'll all regret
Things we said today

Cause we need each other more than you'll ever know
No less please don't go...
Oh my God!

Next you'll be belting out
'if you call out my name,
you know wherever I'll be,
I'll come running to see you again.
You got a friend.'
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 10-06-2006, 23:54   #11


Re: And why not

Originally Posted by garinda
Oh my God!

Next you'll be belting out
'if you call out my name,
you know wherever I'll be,
I'll come running to see you again.
You got a friend.'

Listen Dobbin, I was taking the ****…….

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 10-06-2006, 23:59   #12
Give, give, give member
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Re: And why not

Originally Posted by Doug
Listen Dobbin, I was taking the ****…….

Go on you old softy.

I believe you, thousands wouldn't.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 11-06-2006, 12:58   #13
Resting in Peace

katex's Avatar

Re: And why not

Well, 'A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do'.

If you are intent on withdrawing your contributions, would you not mind bequething me a guide on how to get all those brilliant Avators and Smilies you put up .. looked forward to those.
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Old 18-06-2006, 23:19   #14
Coffin Dodger.

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Jewel Quest Champion!
Cribbage Master Champion!

Re: And why not

is it a world cup sabbatical or what?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 19-06-2006, 00:21   #15
Senior Member
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Re: And why not

Being one of the newer members referrred to...I would like to say that I will miss your style of humour,less...and believe that Accyweb will be a poorer place....on your passing....

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