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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 29-05-2006, 11:03   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Bank Holiday Memories

Oops, just pressed favourites on my way to my favourite porn site and ended up here! (Don't get judgemental we all need some form of hobby!).

Well while I'm here, what about some more Holiday memories?

Here are a couple of mine, (don't worry about the big words rindy, if you can't pronounce them just substitute the word 'wheelbarrow', for anything you don't understand).

How brown is your Ocean?
Long, long ago, when the weathermen were allowed to predict hot sunny days without having to apologise for global warming.
Myself and some fellow students went for a week-end in Welsh Wales.
The first day we went wandering around the coast and found a lovely little bay, so it was on with the swimming cossies and into the water we went.
Fortunately for me I got a cut on my foot and was sitting on a rock while my friends enjoyed the water, after half an hour a man came along the beach and advised my friends that this was not perhaps the place to be swimming as the tide was about to go out. They asked if this made the area dangerous.
Not dangerous replied the man, more, well uncomfortable, he didn't stop to explain but disappeared around a bend in the cove.
A few minutes later the colour of the water had changed and it had a rather unattractive aroma to it, my friends discovered that they were swimming in sewage!
They made for the beach and as they tried to remove what they could from their bodies the man came by again, I did tell you he said, I work at the local sewage works and whenever the tide turns it's my job to open the sluice gates!

Oh I do like to bomb beside the seaside!
One bank holiday weekend it was off to the caravan park for the weekend.
My brother and I had built a very large kite the week before and couldn't wait to fly it. It worked first time up it soared no problem absolutely stable! Perhaps if it hadn't worked straight away, our time would have been filled with making minor changes to the balance, instead we decided to see what we could lift with it.
we tried a variety of objects but none were as ambitious as the final experiment, I had one of those yogi bear punch bags which had a heavy weight at the bottom of it so that it always returned to the upright position.
Not a problem to our kite, up went yogi as if he weighed nothing at all.
Then disaster struck, the string attaching yogi to the kite snapped, down he plummeted straight through the sun roof of one of the caravans! The kite relieved of the extra weight immediatley soared up into the heavens and was well away from the accident.
The occupier of the caravan came running out with yogi under his arm looking all around him trying to work out where this damn thing had come from.
the only thing he could see were two innocent young lads hundreds of yards away intensely watching their kite, after a while he went back in, we wound in the string and 'legged it' vowing not fly it again that weekend just in case.
So if the owner of that caravan is reading this, SORRY! but I bet it looked good on your insurance claim form!

Right thats it for now, see you all again sometime maybe next bankholiday!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Accrington Web
Old 29-05-2006, 11:14   #2
Resting in Peace

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Re: Bank Holiday Memories

He hath emerged from hibernation. Hi Less

'Fraid I have no stories to contribute to this thread, my life was all too normal.
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Old 29-05-2006, 13:31   #3
white rabbits

grannyclaret's Avatar

Re: Bank Holiday Memories

.....HE.S BACK......
Not a full brick
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