Originally Posted by kestrelx
Anyone remember the blind guitar player (so I was told) who played all the Hendrix stuff - I remember Strife and Arbre! 
My partner seems to think that the band was called New England, he used to know it but can't remember the guitarist's name, but he does recall seeing him feeling for the edge of the stage with his foot (it was a slightly raised stage, apparently) and then laying on the dance floor to do things to his guitar, that he ought to have been doing to a 'lady', as he played it.
I've also been told that Jack was the booking agent, Jean his wife and occasionally his kids would be there on a Sunday, too, Glen was his son's name but he can't recall his daughter's name. Jack died rather suddenly at a pretty young age, sadly. Jack had apparently booked the Sex Pistols to play but canceled after all the negative publicity. All the local bands played - Cybermen, Schoolgirl Bitch, Buffalo etc etc.
My partner also remembers seeing the Scorpions and Jim Milne's Tractor as well as Arbre and Strife, amongst many others. He occasionally helped the DJ (Disco Mantis - Paul or Clint) to collect their gear but wasn't quite old enough to have been to see Gravy Train or Stackwaddy but knows of most of those bands as his mother was Pauline Marshall whose passing was recently mentioned on these boards - his mum used to go in the Pickwick and the Astronaut.
If anyone's interested, I'll post more of his recollections as they are stirred.