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14-10-2003, 09:04
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One xmas i received a fisher price house and my sister got the school, we played with them for hours until we grew out of them. My mum strored them away in the loft and they have now got a new lease of life...... my kids play with them...... they dont make toys like they used to, stuff was built to last in those days.
17-10-2003, 22:28
Senior Member
The Magic Wizard...you put a card with questions and a card with answers in a box. Turned the little plastic wizard with a stick to the question you wanted answering then put the answer card in and hey presto the wizard 'magically' pointed to the answer
SPOILER!!! I think it worked with on the opposing magnets attract principle (Thats just about ruined it for all you people who believed in magic) 
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
27-10-2003, 19:48
Filthy / Gorgeous
My sister had loads of Sindy stuff and I was really jealous, as she wouldn't let me play with it. I got a bike instead though, a shiny purple Dawes Kingpin, went all over the place on it. My dad still has it in his garage ( bless him) ;D
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
27-10-2003, 20:06
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i used to have one of them plastic ladybird prams it was great. i also had my little ponies which are still going now
27-10-2003, 21:19
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My sister had a Tressy doll her hair grew, you wound it up and down with a plastic key in her back. I wanted that but got a black haired Sindy doll.
19-06-2004, 23:38
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i once got some kind of puppet
i have had it all my life (13 years) and its still in perfect condition
life is loud protect yourself
16-07-2004, 23:22
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I had a Magic Wizard too Guinness!
I remember I always wanted Lego but my parents bought me this thing called "Bako" which they said was better but was really only about building houses from prefabricated component parts. There were some interesting designs but it wasn't Lego. They didn't get the point that with Lego you could make a lot more than just houses. I suppose they were disappointed that I wasn't over the moon with it at first.
I used to like spud guns which fired little bits of potato at other kids, and cap guns which when fired left a gunpowder smell.
I loved my Triang two-wheel scooter. I customised it by repainting it crimson and put a white skull and crossbones logo where the "Triang" name had been. I would come down the full length of Sultan Street on that, picking up speed as I went so that the scooter went down and up kerbs and over the cobbles with ease. The knack was to stop before crashing into the wall at the bottom. Good job there weren't many cars in those days.
19-08-2004, 22:18
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Used to love playing with the Sindy's, we used to have most of the stuff between us, as I remember it if we wanted to play with any of Lettie's I had to give her my spending money (50p). Also played frustration and ker plunk, had a great girls world with hair dye and 4 different eye colours (had to tilt it and give it a slap on the side of the head and its eye colour would change). Also had a Simon which I was ok on.
Always wanted a Hornby train set but my Dad wouldn't let me. My favourite doll was Tiny Tiny Tears, I called her Marie, used to take her everywhere in her pram, she was a regular patient in our dolls hospital. Does anyone remember the Post Office sets and Sweet shop toys etc?
19-08-2004, 22:33
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A Football, every year all I wanted was a football, if only I kept a few they would be worth a fortune now, the one with world cup willie on and the mexico 70 one how much on Ebay now? but we had old ma Birtwistle next door who used to put a knife through them, I supose looking back we deserved it after tying fishing line to her door knocker and hiding behind the hedge , she came to the door 7 times in 5mins.

19-08-2004, 23:12
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Like Lettie I spent a lot of my childhood peddling my bike around....(and climbing tree's)
The Bike I always wanted was a CHOPPER
But I got a TOMAHAWK  similar but smaller and not as cool
And a few years later got a Raleigh Arena 10 speed drop handles and speedo (felt like Eddy Merkxs)
OH YEH and making Aerial runways  Rope from one tree to a lower tree and a pulley to roll down it..
20-08-2004, 11:54
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The best Christmas present I ever received was a cowboy outfit. Some people believe that I still am a cowboy, I know, before anyone else says it.
20-08-2004, 12:21
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Hey Simon I had a Tomahawk too! Grifters were pretty hard-wearing cool bikes of the time if I remember. I graduated onto a 'track-certified' chrome Aero BMX later which was responsible for many stiches, bruises, bust lips and noses and general good times.
Anyone remember test Match Cricket in the 80's - you had the bowler and batsman on their own gantry which you could aim and bowl/play a stroke with (obviously....) and you placed the fielders (who had a plastic 'pouch' in between their feet with which to catch the ball), you scored runs depending on where the ball finished up on the pitch (it was marked out). A great game which me and my younger brother played for ages until he started beating me everytime and I quit playing - I was a very sore loser and some would say still am!
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
20-08-2004, 12:43
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Originally Posted by grego
Used to love playing with the Sindy's, we used to have most of the stuff between us, as I remember it if we wanted to play with any of Lettie's I had to give her my spending money (50p). Also played frustration and ker plunk, had a great girls world with hair dye and 4 different eye colours (had to tilt it and give it a slap on the side of the head and its eye colour would change). Also had a Simon which I was ok on.
Always wanted a Hornby train set but my Dad wouldn't let me. My favourite doll was Tiny Tiny Tears, I called her Marie, used to take her everywhere in her pram, she was a regular patient in our dolls hospital. Does anyone remember the Post Office sets and Sweet shop toys etc?
I always wanted a train set, but they wouldn't get me one just cos I was a girl (still am - haven't made any gender changing decisions so far). However, I used to play with my cousin Richard's set - loved every minute. When my son was born, the midwife thought I was delirious, the first thing I said was "Now I can have that train set"..... My grandson is 2, and I have already got him a pretty good layout. He never gets near it, though, his parents are too busy playing with it! Had a Post Office set. I think I ran it rather more efficiently than the real one ...
20-08-2004, 13:10
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I still have my mums old dog teddy called fred, she gave him to me when i was 11 im 27 now he was about 15 when mum gave him to me. remember him mum? hes all out of shape he was cuddled so much.
20-08-2004, 22:19
Accy Goddess
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Ah, I remember him.
To watch over you when you slept.
Give him a cuddle from me.
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