Big hearts with open doors
Sparse coverings on bare floors
Rag rugs by firesides
A welcome present for new brides
Sideboard gleaming in the firelight
Rubbed with masion polish bright
Gas light and cobbled street
Living rooms small but neat,
On the wireless,Hancock,Murdock and Horne.
The BBC where home entertainment was born
Mothers in curlers and pinny
Standing at the door singing out,
For their Winnie or Minnie
To come home,tripe and onions for tea
Bought fresh from the UCP
Kettle simmering on fireside grate
Cups and saucers with doily on plate
Home made bread biscuits and pies
Fresh from oven a lovely suprise
With beer collected in a jug
For fathers supper mug.
Streets of tram lines for horse drawn tram
Manure for gardens,where the horses ran
Bells dinging people clinging,
Tramlines singing,strap hangers swinging
As they where transported around town
Travelling to work,or for a beer at the Rose &Crown
Then the trolley buses swished silently by
Powered by overhead rail and electric supply
Street parties and family sing song
In parlours where Aspidestra belong
Tin baths and tipplers down yards
Glowing coke fires and fire guards
High stacked chimneys on cotton mills
Distinctive landmarks on northern hills
Low lying weaving sheds alongside lodges
Where illicit swimmers knew all the dodges
Filled with fish, a fishermans delight
Women in clothes black as night
Lyl stockings,clogs and shawls,
Trawling around the market stalls
Clog irons sparking on cobbles
Where high heeled ladies hobble and wobble
Local drapery shops selling goods
Stiff collars,cuff links and studs
Fleece lined liberty bodice vest
Rubber buttons harnessed it around our chest
Hand knitted woolly socks scarf and gloves
Made by mum for all she loves
Heavy tweed coats,Sunday best
Easter time bonnets better dressed
Knocker up and lamp lighter
Demob suits fitting looser or tighter
Silver Cross coach built pram
Monday washing day for mam
Boiling babies bottles and teats
Lines of washing filling back streets
Hand ringing boiling and possing
Busy day no time forgossiping
Dolly blue brings out the white,
In lines of nappies what a sight.
Corner shop, ration cards and slate
Paid off on Friday,unless wages late
Fresh baked white loaf,crusted black
Wrapped in fragile tissue paper sack
Bacon slicer cuts rashers thick or thin
Also Spam or Corned Beef from a tin
Doorstep milk delivered by farmer.
By horse and cart in churns much warmer
Doorsteps and flags dubbed white
With donkey stones was socially right
Or painted cardinal red instead
Then pity anyone who dare to tread
Rag and Boneman's barrow patrols the streets
Collecting old clothes in exchange for treats
Goldfish in jam jars swinging by string
Or a paper windmill for anything you bring
Concrete bunkers on seaside promenades
Corrugated air-raid shelters in backyards
Flags and bunting line the street
Trestle tables spread with lots to eat
Street parties full of fun
Maypole dancing in the sun
May Queens processions down our street
Field days an annual treat
But nothing ever stays the same
Except memories,that stay bright as any flame