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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 28-02-2005, 00:16   #1
Junior Member+

childhood trauma

Given the current penchant for suing for past trauma whether real or imagined, I wonder if we could get payment for having to endure "Nitty Norah the Bug Explorer", or what about the indignity of having to walk round school with that purple dye stuff they used to put on. I also remember that kids with a 'lazy eye' had to wear clinic glasses with sticking plaster over one lens. Of course these kids were often the recipients of cruel taunts which must surely have affected them for years. I also remember one time we had to queue up to have our backsides swabbed, I think it might have been an outbreak of dysentry. Or standing in line for injections and seeing others slide down the wall in a fainting fit as they were told the needle was 'enormous'. Surely the education board must be made to pay, I'm sure there must be something in it for all of us 50 plus damaged souls?
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Old 28-02-2005, 00:18   #2
Resident Waffler

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Re: childhood trauma

If you can find a good solicitor les put me down on your list and we'll do a mass "sue" like the Americans did against the tobacco companies!

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Old 28-02-2005, 00:20   #3


Re: childhood trauma

Where do you get 50 plus from. I'm 45 and you've just recalled the first ten years of my life but I had to have that sodding suger lump an all.

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Old 28-02-2005, 00:22   #4
Resident Waffler

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Re: childhood trauma

I didn't mind the sugar lump! At least it didn't have a needle attached to it.

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Old 28-02-2005, 08:49   #5
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Re: childhood trauma

I really really wanted one of the syringe thingies that they put the serum on the sugar lump with. Don't ask me why, I think I was going through an Emergency Ward Ten period at the time.

Do you think I could sue the NHS for my subsequent addiction to white refined sugar?
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Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 28-02-2005 at 08:51.
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Old 28-02-2005, 08:56   #6
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Re: childhood trauma

i think mine was the one & only visit to the "school dentist" in the clinic on cannon st, glad thats closed now.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 28-02-2005, 11:32   #7
Senior Member+

Re: childhood trauma

Nitty Nora found one dead nit in my hair and i had it all cut off.Brike my heart back then i had a head of hair like Georgie Best back then.Ended up looking like Telly Savalas
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 28-02-2005, 15:36   #8
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Re: childhood trauma

It's not so easy to sue for Childhood Trauma - you need evidence don't you - I don't think that it's that easy or else I'd do it! For one the Dentist Torture treatment and the Health Centre in the 70's and any males recall having their testicles placed on a cold spoon in the 60's - to see if they'd dropped or som' at! Nitty Nora was nowt compared to Testicle Terry - except you only had that once!

Last edited by kestrelx; 28-02-2005 at 15:40. Reason: missed something
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Old 09-03-2005, 14:51   #9
Resting in peace
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Re: childhood trauma

All you soppy lot - IT WAS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! At least, that's what they used to tell me. I seem to remember that Nitty Norah was actually called Joan Grant-Townsend, she was a friend of my mother's. We don't have Nitty Norahs anymore, and head lice are rampant in schools!

At least we girls were spared Testicle Terry - first I've ever heard of him, he didn't pay many visits to Paddock House! If I could sue the nuns, now, .............
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Old 12-03-2005, 12:23   #10
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Re: childhood trauma

Old Testicle Terry I made him up. But they did check if a male child's balls had dropped into the sack! I'm not sure of the age it was about 8 years old I think? The doctor used a silver spoon - twas a little cold! Any men remember that?
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Old 12-03-2005, 14:29   #11
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Re: childhood trauma

I think I qualify.......mine would have to be like Mez's.....the school dental clinic on Cannon Street......being held down by two meaty dental nurses while the dentist did his worst to my molars......and I have proof......not been to a dentist for 40 years!
I am phobic of dentists. I am going to need MAJOR support when i have to go and visit this new NHS dentists mob!
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Old 12-03-2005, 15:44   #12
Junior Member+

Re: childhood trauma

I never knew where my fear of dentists came from, I suspected the clinic and having my yeeth yanked out. Even now at 57, with years of good dental care, my dentist knows to ask how I feel about a check up. If I am uptight he will give me a little gas and air to relax me. I made sure my kids had good positive dental care. When one dentist lied to my kids, told them no filling then filled a tooth, I changed dentists immediately and made it known that I do not lie to my kids and no one else was going to either.

I recall being assured it wasn't going to hurt then experienced my jaw being ripped apart. Ughh!
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Old 12-03-2005, 20:53   #13
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Re: childhood trauma

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I am phobic of dentists. I am going to need MAJOR support when i have to go and visit this new NHS dentists mob!
You can come with the rest of us who are enrolling with the new dentists. I had my letter last week and completed the required details and sent it back. I am now looking forward to finally being able to eat my Thorntons Special toffee and not worrying about it ripping out one of my many fillings. I'm sure I didn't need that many fillings as a child, but the dentist used to fill the same tooth over and over again. Gave him something to do, kept him off the streets, you get my drift...
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 13-03-2005, 09:16   #14
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Re: childhood trauma

Got my letter last week too. You can always come with me margaret. lol
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Old 13-03-2005, 21:13   #15
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Re: childhood trauma

I can see a whole crocodile of us turning up.......all holding hands, just like at school!
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