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30-12-2012, 21:32
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30-12-2012, 22:34
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
Follow the link, post number 2513, for a couple of snaps of cocker Lumb as it is now, I went up earlier in the year and was disappointed. Although to answer your question yes I was taken up as a child and it was always busy on sunny days.
Its very different now as I was challenged as to why I was taking pictures, even though I was on a public footpath, so I don't think people are invited to stay anymore.
30-12-2012, 22:50
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
remember it well as i was born at jackhouse farm, not too far away from cockerlumb, i spent a great deal of my childhood exploreing as we did in those days, the only shop so called was the tea gardens, cant remember the name of the place,
30-12-2012, 23:33
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
I used to go up to Cock-o Lumb regularly when we were kids to eat ice creams and play in the stream
31-12-2012, 09:20
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
It's pity that most kids today can't do some of the stuff we used to do back then. I used to explore the brooks & moors around Ossy from about the age of 6 with just a bunch of other kids. Great fun!
31-12-2012, 09:35
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
Used to spend lots of time up yon, we even went on a nature trip from St Mary's Ossy, led by the now local historian Cliff Astin, who was my form teach at the time, just before The Holy Family (Mt Carmel) was\ opened in 59
01-01-2013, 18:26
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
Originally Posted by davemac
Follow the link, post number 2513, for a couple of snaps of cocker Lumb as it is now, I went up earlier in the year and was disappointed. Although to answer your question yes I was taken up as a child and it was always busy on sunny days.
Its very different now as I was challenged as to why I was taking pictures, even though I was on a public footpath, so I don't think people are invited to stay anymore.
Sad how all of the places I remember as a kid now seem to be more or less out of bounds or gone! Cock-O-Lumb, Preistly Clough, Black Rock! All of the factory lodges. Any more?
01-01-2013, 21:02
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
Originally Posted by gdm27
Sad how all of the places I remember as a kid now seem to be more or less out of bounds or gone! Cock-O-Lumb, Preistly Clough, Black Rock! All of the factory lodges. Any more?
I walk Priestly Clough on a regular basis, and it looks nothing like the place I used to roam around for the school holidays. I also walked the path up to black rock, gone are the tarmac paths, and what was once called black rock is not there anymore, it was bulldozed away and spoil tipped over the edge. I walked it up to Millerfold Avenue and it was a disappointment from start to finish.
I do however use paths that were not there as I played as a scruffy kid, Woodnook Vale, Mill Lane, Castle Clough, all contributions from the millennium fund, so perhaps they will be there when todays kids start to reminisce as wrinklies. (I refer to myself)
01-01-2013, 21:35
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
The correct name is Cock er Lumb.
I have early childhood memories of frequent visits to Cockerly farm in mid/late 40s.
The farmer was Billy Finch, who went on to be an LCC councillor, and who was a friend of my parents.
We went there in my dad's Austin 7 and I recall that we took a steep uphill left turn onto a cobbled road with a waterfall on the right.
When I look now on google maps I do not see the route I remember - no steep uphill section of road - no waterfall.
The waterfall did exist
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Unfortunately google maps does not follow the entire route to the farm, but from what I can see, the present landscape and access roads are not as I remember them.
Last edited by MargaretR; 01-01-2013 at 21:40.
09-04-2013, 15:49
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
I was born at Cockerley farm in the fortys and now live only 1mile away ( as the crow flies)
09-04-2013, 20:31
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
Ice cream eddie, did you concoct an a curry type icecream, in years gone by,
12-04-2013, 13:51
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
Yes,I was on telly with 'hot ice cream'.good fun.
12-04-2013, 14:37
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
i remember you very well, i used to work for alec hindle, and stuart,i used to come down to the house you lived in opposite the plough, had a motor bike at the time, nick name bronc, at that time you had an old car wosley, cant spell it, a blue bedford van, memorys not as good these days,
03-05-2013, 13:16
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
Remember this so well, where me and my brothers grew up. Sadly just dcattered my oldest brothers shes there.
04-05-2013, 09:07
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Re: Cock-O-Lumb
Don't know about driving a vehicle, Margaret, but there is still a public right of way on foot through the farmyard at Gaulkthorn down to the brook where Fern Bridge and the waterfall are/were - I haven't been round for a long time. After crossing the book the path curves round two sides of a field to come out at Cockerley Fold Farm where Bill Finch lived.
Re Ramsclough Lane, the three cottages at the bottom are called Benjamin Row - apparently the tea room used to be there.
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