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06-10-2005, 15:16
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Corporation Pop
Today i was kidsitting and he made himself a drink of sarsparilla with water and he said that it was better with fizzy (sparkling) water and I said that it tastes just as good with corporation pop. He asked me what that was and i said water from the tap and he said he'd never heard that before and water wasnt pop and why was it called corporation pop. I told him it was something what my mum and dad said to me when i was a kid and it just meant water from the tap and he said but why - i said that many years ago instead of it being united utilities that the water used to be owned by the councils. That managed to shut him up for a bit but i was thinking is that right?
06-10-2005, 15:26
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Re: Corporation Pop
Yes it is.
06-10-2005, 15:55
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Re: Corporation Pop
I still call water from tap corporation pop like to see the utter confusion & face pulling when i tell the kids to get some lol 
06-10-2005, 15:57
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Re: Corporation Pop
My dad used to say this to us lot too. We used to say " have we any pop at home"? he'd say " yeah of course, we always have corporation pop".........took me a few years to figure out what he meant.
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06-10-2005, 16:00
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Re: Corporation Pop
lol my oldest was told yesterday to get herself some 'corporation pop' she argued that there's no such thing ....... she'll learn 
06-10-2005, 17:28
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Re: Corporation Pop
My grandma used to call it corporation pop - my grandad called it 'duck wine', so now I use either just to confuse the kids.
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06-10-2005, 17:58
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Re: Corporation Pop
I haven't heard that expression for years, brings back memories. Shall have to start saying it.
06-10-2005, 21:32
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Re: Corporation Pop
We were only allowed normal pop as a treat, my Dad always used to say get corporation pop out the tap! Used to think he was really tight but now very grateful, we all have good teeth!
07-10-2005, 01:06
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Re: Corporation Pop
yep ..we said that too.and if you asked what was for tea it was butties dipped in't boiler or s, h, i, t ,with sugar on ,,,,,how common is that?
Not a full brick
07-10-2005, 08:08
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Re: Corporation Pop
I still use corporation pop from time to time, it really confuses teh cheshire set at work 
18-10-2005, 12:31
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Re: Corporation Pop
We called it corporation pop too. You don't know how lucky you are, you can go to a tap and get something that tastes clean and fresh. London water is disgusting, at least three people have bathed in it before you get to drink it, and it tastes like it, too. It's flat and 'orrible, and I must keep at least one spring in business because I only drink the bottled stuff in London. One of my great delights in Ossy is to go to the tap and get a glass of good old corporation pop - it's cold and fresh and it tastes good, and it quenches your thirst a treat, which is more than London water does. Three cheers for corporation pop!
18-10-2005, 14:40
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Corporation Pop
Aaaaw... Good old Corporation Pop. Grego is right, we used to think that my Dad was really mean because we only got proper pop on special occasions, and even then it was cordial. We never had the fizzy stuff until we were older, but we all have decent teeth. I'll raise my glass to Corporation Pop... 
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18-10-2005, 14:44
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Re: Corporation Pop
Originally Posted by grannyclaret
yep ..we said that too.and if you asked what was for tea it was butties dipped in't boiler or s, h, i, t ,with sugar on
LMAO!! S.H.I.T with sugar on, my mum and dad used to tell us that one too  ................yuck!!! the thought of it lol
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18-10-2005, 15:33
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Re: Corporation Pop
Don't forget Kippers and Custard,one of my mums old sayings.
18-10-2005, 15:57
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Re: Corporation Pop
Pendy's right about London water. It is disgusting...you should see what it does to the inside of yer kettle, or even worse, what it does to yer bogs.Its still something I can't get used to. However, on principle, any liquid I purchase in a bottle has to have a minimum of 4.5% alcohol content, so that rules out bottled water.
One of the great joys of getting back to Accy and it's environs is decent water & decent suds when you use soap. Can't wait for month end!
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