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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 23-08-2007, 11:43   #16
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Wazzy = weak flavoured, i.e. watery

You can still get milk from a milkman you know and it has the cream on top just like it always has. I also find it amusing that even full fat milk can be legally sold as a low fat product as teh definition of low fat is under 5%. Full fat milk has a combined content of 4%, Semi Skimmed is ~2% and IIRC Skimmed is 0.5%

I used to like raw milk as well but you can't get it anymore. Jersey milk is also still available.

Supermarkets sell Homogenised milk where the cream has been spread throughout teh milk equally, probably due to how they package it one 4pinter would be all cream and another all 'wazzy' Pasteurisation does not mix the cream such taht it will not seperate out again on its own.

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Old 23-08-2007, 15:14   #17
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Re: cream on top of the milk

I only drink milk in tea and on cereal,never on its own.I don't like full fat,creamy milk so I use skimmed.I can't stand the smell of the full fat stuff.When you use that in a brew you can smell it as soon as you put the cup near your face...ugh!
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Old 23-08-2007, 15:36   #18
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
We have at least one ex dairy farmer who posts here - we may get some more interesting old info from him
Sorry too old to remember.....You seem well read on the subject so I will leave it to you
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Old 23-08-2007, 15:48   #19
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Re: cream on top of the milk

We used to get green top from our milkman it would be solid cream on the top used to spoon it out and then mum would shout at me!!! Now i get semi skimmed delivered 3 times a week. If I run out in between i buy the silver top or sterilised milk from the shop. Steri's nice in coffee. When we used to be on hols in ireland and was up at my cousins used to get fresh milk straight from the cow - still warm!! That was nice.
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Old 23-08-2007, 17:09   #20
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Re: cream on top of the milk

I have used skimmed milk for years, so I am used to it. I never drink the stuff........and only have a spash of it in tea....if i have cereals (which isn't often) I pour hot water on and then again just a splash of milk, OK I know I am odd...just don't like milk....never have liked it and used to give my school milk to my best friend.
Like Lilly, I can smell full fat milk if it is in tea...and it is horrible.

When I go away on hols i drink my tea black because most places have either full fat stuff or the semi skimmed stuff.

I don't mind cream in a cake or on a trifle.
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Old 23-08-2007, 17:16   #21
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by beechy View Post
we used to get bottles of steralised milk
with the metal caps
if you added water to it you got more for your money
so me mam said
I hated that stuff, my mum used to buy both I think that was to stop us drinking all of the fresh milk!! There was no danger all the sterilised would get drunk, it was awful!!
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Old 23-08-2007, 20:51   #22
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Cant stand full fat milk it stinks. Always smells off to me. If there was only milk to drink then I would die of thirst. It's rank.
I only have a splash in mi brew and on cereal it's got to be warm. Wouldn't drink the stuff at play time at school.
My Nan used to get steri milk when it got down to the last bit in the bottle used to put my finger in the top and shook it till it frothed up to make frothy coffee.
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Old 23-08-2007, 21:01   #23
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Re: cream on top of the milk

When spug was down i sent him to buy a pint a milk seeing as he'd made so many brews - he came back with a pint of steri and a pint of normal!!! Typical bloke dont know what to buy!!!

If i make a drink of hot chocolate though its got to be full fat milk. Tastes nicer!!!
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Old 23-08-2007, 23:00   #24
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Re: cream on top of the milk

I always buy semi skimed now, When we were kids we had steralised milk , you took the empty bottles back to the shop for 2d,,,,,,I think it would be too sickly now...
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Old 24-08-2007, 15:23   #25
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Re: cream on top of the milk

When I was a child and used to stay with my aunt in Northumberland she believed it was her mission in life to "build me up". I was a very thin child and auntie believed I couldn't really be healthy (I was - and always "on the go"). She invariably bought Jersey milk and I got the cream off the top spooned on to my breakfast cereal or porridge. I was almost force-fed cream, butter, eggs, honey etc. but never got any fatter. All it's done is give me high cholesterol.

I only buy skimmed milk and only use it when I make porridge and have a drip of it in tea. The only time I miss full cream is when I make a rice pudding so I cheat and add condensed milk which thickens and sweetens it in one go. I like my rice puddings thick and creamy with a good nutmeg skin on top.

Ooh, I'm hungry now.
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Old 24-08-2007, 16:19   #26
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Many moons ago I used to work in a bakery. The milk used to come in kitts (is that how you spell it?), metal cases that held a few gallons. When they'd been in the fridges for a few hours, the cream used to form on the top. It was great to put on your cereal in the mornings. It must have been almost pure cream.
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Old 24-08-2007, 18:39   #27
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Tripe and onions cooked in full cream milk with salt and pepper is excellent.
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Old 24-08-2007, 19:40   #28
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
exactly, its wazzy , is this a lancashire term ?
Sorry can't help you there, born and brought up in lancashire and have never heard the term.

Have drank semi-skimmed for years, can't stand the taste of full fat milk, and as for skimmed milk that just tastes like water.

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Old 24-08-2007, 19:45   #29
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Re: cream on top of the milk

yes, wazzy is a lancashire term and it means 'like wazz (urine)'
Just thought I would share that with you all.
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Old 24-08-2007, 19:45   #30
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by Sara View Post
and as for skimmed milk that just tastes like water.
That's what wazzy means. Watery.

Sorry, I should say that's what I always took it to mean. I've just seen Margaret Pilkington's last post. It seems it means something much more horrible...ugh!

Last edited by Lilly; 24-08-2007 at 19:48.
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