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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 24-08-2007, 19:56   #31
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
yes, wazzy is a lancashire term and it means 'like wazz (urine)'
Just thought I would share that with you all.
Ah , now that also helps to explain why my Grandad used use the word to describe the beer in various pubs.
Thanks Margaret for helping to keep the lancashire dialect alive , karma on its way

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Old 24-08-2007, 21:32   #32
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
yes, wazzy is a lancashire term and it means 'like wazz (urine)'
Just thought I would share that with you all.
That term must only have been used in Clayton.......never come across that before. Church was always more sophisticated than Clayton?
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Last edited by Royboy39; 24-08-2007 at 21:35.
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Old 24-08-2007, 22:04   #33
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Re: cream on top of the milk

I stayed in a cottage on a working farm in Cornwall last year. The farmers wife left us the usual tourist clotted cream, scones and jam as a welcome gift. There was also a jug of unpasteurised full cream milk straight from the cow.

Being used to tasteless supermarket milk, kept chilled, I'd forgotten what room temperature real milk tasted like!

I was talking to her a couple of days later and she told me that it was illegal for her to sell it but she was allowed to give as much away as she wanted. Needless to say I refilled that jug every day of my stay..Heaven
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Old 25-08-2007, 07:47   #34
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by Royboy39 View Post
That term must only have been used in Clayton.......never come across that before. Church was always more sophisticated than Clayton?
We would refer to any 'Dodgy ale' as Gnats P......................
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Old 25-08-2007, 13:04   #35
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Have you never heard anyone saying that they are going for a 'wazz'....well, perhaps not...but when i was younger......that was what going for a wee was called....maybe some of the newer euphemisms have taken over
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Old 25-08-2007, 13:07   #36
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by Royboy39 View Post
That term must only have been used in Clayton.......never come across that before. Church was always more sophisticated than Clayton?
Well, Royboy......I am not sure that it is used anymore....and in any case I am an 'incomer' to Clayton....I have only been here 41 years!
Think perhaps another twenty and then I might just have made it as a local.
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Old 25-08-2007, 13:41   #37
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Have you never heard anyone saying that they are going for a 'wazz'....well, perhaps not...but when i was younger......that was what going for a wee was called....maybe some of the newer euphemisms have taken over
That must have been a very polite ladies term, perhaps never heard it because they would'nt tell us anyway
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Old 25-08-2007, 21:31   #38
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Re: cream on top of the milk

I think that cream on top of milk is mingen, my mother in law gets milk in the mornin and sometimes when i used to make a brew, the cream used to splash on my brew so now instead of pouring it on my cup i pour the first bit in sink and then on my brew, arghhh
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Old 26-08-2007, 12:47   #39
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Oh Royboy, it wasn't the ladies who used that euphemism...we always went to 'powder our nose' was the chaps who used that term, and many others which were much less polite.
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Old 26-08-2007, 12:54   #40
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Oh Royboy, it wasn't the ladies who used that euphemism...we always went to 'powder our nose' was the chaps who used that term, and many others which were much less polite.
I told you.......more refined in Church and Ossy.....It was going for a 'slash'
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Old 26-08-2007, 12:56   #41
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Re: cream on top of the milk

And you call that refined ????? 'Pointing Percy at the porcelain'...perhaps....going for a 'slash'...I don't think so
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-08-2007, 17:34   #42
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Re: cream on top of the milk

Originally Posted by Yolanda25 View Post
I think that cream on top of milk is mingen, my mother in law gets milk in the mornin and sometimes when i used to make a brew, the cream used to splash on my brew so now instead of pouring it on my cup i pour the first bit in sink and then on my brew, arghhh
Or perhaps try shaking the bottle before you open it?
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Old 02-10-2007, 00:56   #43
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Re: cream on top of the milk

One woman we worked with liked the milk top creamso much she used to come to work early to grab it for her brew, but we used to get one of the night shift men to turn the bottle over. That cured her.
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Old 02-10-2007, 08:31   #44
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Re: cream on top of the milk

I always thought wazzy meant watery. It may well have been used as a crude slang term for going to the loo but I think that derives from 'passing water' being a more refined way of putting it.

Anyway, back to milk. I prefer semi-skimmed and buy the UHT stuff because it's easier not to run out when you can buy it in bulk. I gave up on the milk man years ago when it kept being delivered after I'd gone to work and would be there on the doorstep all day. I do get a small amount of full cream milk for my kefir thingy which is multiplying at an alarming rate!!

I can drink semi-skimmed on its own but full cream is too sickly to me. Skimmed is just too watery.

We used to get sterilized in those tall bottles with the metal caps and my Dad made a stopper to go in the bottle once the cap had been removed. He was a centre lathe turner and he made this lovely thing on his lathe at work. We kept milk on a stone shelf in the pantry back in those olden days.

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Old 02-10-2007, 12:05   #45
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Re: cream on top of the milk

we had steralised when i was a kid,,, [i liked it then but i wouldent dream of buying that sort of milk now],,,,
if we ran out ...we would open a tin of condensed milk it was like syrup.....
[....nowadays its semi skimmed ,its good for everthing.....
Not a full brick
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