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23-08-2007, 06:01
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cream on top of the milk
guess most of the users of Accyweb now buy their milk at supermarkets and other outlets , I buy mine by the gallon (1 us gallon = 6.66 British pints) sorry but i think its easier for most Accy web users to visulize what an imperial pint looks like than a liter  , anyway ......I got to thinking how many of you miss the pint bottles with the cream at the top ..........I'm at the age now where I am supposed to drink/use "low fat' products so I buy the 2% fat milk and it's crap.....but looking at the stuff on display in the dairy case I wonder how many kids today have never enjoyed the joy of pressing down the tin foil cap on the milk bottle and slurping up the cream on the top of the milk and then getting into bother by your Mum because the milk is 'wazzy" because you had supped the top of the milk . 
23-08-2007, 06:30
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Re: cream on top of the milk
I have just worked out that I use that much per week for just me -seems like a lot but I love the stuff. I buy all my food in bulk once a fortnight in order to get free delivery, so my milk has to be UHT. I dont scrimp on the flavour - has to be 'full fat' - I just cut back on other fats in my diet to compensate.
There is nothing to compare with 'gold top jersey' we had as a 'little treat for the weekend' -yummy
I make my own probiotic (yogurt type) drink with milk. Just at the moment I am trying it with UHT goats milk.
The main drawback with the old bottle/doorstep deliveries was keeping the birds from pecking the tinfoil tops to get at the cream.
Before that (1940s) I remember deliveries by horse and cart and the milk being ladeled from a churn into the jugs on doorsteps and having little squares of cloth weighted with beads sewn on the corners to keep the dust and birds off.
Milk is more hygenically sold nowadays and that is a good thing about modern food processing. My brother suffered from a TB infection of the gland in his neck for a long spell of his childhood, which was due to consuming 'raw' milk -ie. in the days before herds were inoculated.
We have at least one ex dairy farmer who posts here - we may get some more interesting old info from him
23-08-2007, 06:53
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Re: cream on top of the milk
thanks for the post Margaret , now I'm a bit confused , I allways thought pasturization involved boiling the milk to kill any 'bugs' and therefore mixing/combining the cream with the milk (no cream on top) hopefully the farmer/milkman can tell us if its possible to get pasturized milk with the cream on top. 
23-08-2007, 07:28
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Re: cream on top of the milk
Poor little Tits.
I used to enjoy watching them pecking through the foil lids, and stealing the cream of mext door's milk bottles, once I'd brought our's safely in. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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23-08-2007, 07:30
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Re: cream on top of the milk
The milk that caused my brother's illness was unpasteurised 'raw' milk
Defra, UK - Animal health & welfare - TB in cattle
fact file bovine TB
I recall that in the early 50s herds began to be vaccinated and farmers declared their herds to be TT (tuberculine tested)
I haven't tried to buy raw milk for 'donkeys years' -dont know whether you can still buy it. Like you I miss the cream top - but perhaps its safer that way.
23-08-2007, 07:36
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Re: cream on top of the milk
The wife insists we have skimmed milk its like coloured water
do you remember the little bottles of milk we used to get at school (showing age now) silver top
also before we where married me and 3 friends used to go camping a lot and we allways went to the same farmer as in exchange for helping out a bit he would give us free eggs and milk the milk was that fresh it was still warm from the cow great.
23-08-2007, 07:43
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Re: cream on top of the milk
Originally Posted by mick
The wife insists we have skimmed milk its like coloured water
exactly, its wazzy , is this a lancashire term ?
23-08-2007, 08:44
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: cream on top of the milk
i use skimmed milk!, whats wrong with it?....LoL...
i hate full fat milk its too creamy for me, eee i remember when you could get gold top, i dont see it now! is it still available?
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23-08-2007, 08:48
Resting in Peace
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Re: cream on top of the milk
Originally Posted by panther
i use skimmed milk!, whats wrong with it?
ER no taste
but after drinking it for years i have got used to it
but miss the cream off the top of the milk 
23-08-2007, 09:01
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: cream on top of the milk
Originally Posted by mick
ER no taste
but after drinking it for years i have got used to it

same ere, thats probably why..lol but had a little sip of proper milk as some people say, and i didnt like it, hey well, at least im getting my calcium, more in skimmed than normal yer know

"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
23-08-2007, 09:08
Re: cream on top of the milk
Originally Posted by garinda
Poor little Tits. 
You just can't stop talking about Tinks can you.   
23-08-2007, 09:20
Coffin Dodger.
Re: cream on top of the milk
in the same boat as mick here  paris gets semi-skimmed n i have got used to it,lol its minging.
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23-08-2007, 11:24
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Re: cream on top of the milk
we used to get bottles of steralised milk
with the metal caps
if you added water to it you got more for your money
so me mam said
its just
like i've never been gone
23-08-2007, 11:28
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Re: cream on top of the milk
Originally Posted by beechy
we used to get bottles of steralised milk
with the metal caps
if you added water to it you got more for your money
so me mam said
My mum used to say that floating tea leaves were vitamins
It aint neccessarily so (Gershwin)
23-08-2007, 11:40
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Re: cream on top of the milk
it was at a time when we had to believe
what our parents told us
its just
like i've never been gone
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