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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 19-11-2010, 21:12   #31
Full Member

Re: Cubs, Brownies, Scouts or Girl Guides, which were you?

Originally Posted by ossy kid View Post
Sorry David, don't recall a Philip on Barnfield St. I did deliver papers to Barnfield St though. What is a sixer?

Hi again, cubs in a pack were split up into teams called "sixes" (for admin, training and competition purposes) and a Sixer was a senior cub who was the leader of a "six". He was helped by a "Seconder" - a less senior cub. There was also one Senior Sixer in the pack who assisted Akela in whatever way Akela wished, perhaps by helping to see that things were running smoothly in the pack.
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Old 16-06-2012, 02:12   #32
Junior Member+

Re: Cubs, Brownies, Scouts or Girl Guides, which were you?

Originally Posted by davidf View Post
Hi ossy kid,
Remember that we met at the Saturday nights dances at Spring Hill? Well nearly met because I was there about five years before you - probably when you were in the cubs at St Paul's. So you moved around then. I was in St Peter's Cubs from 1950 to 1953 and became friendly with a lad who was a Sixer in St Paul's (real reason for this reply, the St Paul's link). His name was Philip and he lived on Barnfield Street and perhaps you knew him if you lived in that area. His family had a telly and sometimes I used to go to his house and we'd watch "Little Red Monkey", which is so long ago I can't remember what it was about.
I know this is an old post but I'm a newish member and just catching up. The Philip on Barnfield St. is Philip Edleston. He was a friend of my brother. His father had a grocer's shop in Plantation St. My mum left the order on a Wednesday morning and it was delivered in the afternoon. Wednesday was half day closing then, maybe still is.

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Old 16-06-2012, 07:11   #33
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Re: Cubs, Brownies, Scouts or Girl Guides, which were you?

I used to be in the Scouts at Oak Street Congregational Church in Oak Street Accrington. I was a Patrol Leader
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Old 16-06-2012, 12:46   #34
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Re: Cubs, Brownies, Scouts or Girl Guides, which were you?

Certainly jogs my memory----cubs in about 1955 at St Peters
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Old 16-06-2012, 13:02   #35
Resting In Peace
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Re: Cubs, Brownies, Scouts or Girl Guides, which were you?

My sister, three years younger than me, was in Cannon Street Baptist Brownies, but I wasn't interested. Then I found out that their Guides were going camping and I really wanted to go, so I joined the Guides. I got a sleeping bag, kitbag and plate mug and cutlery from the Army surplus store by Catlows, all very basic. That first camp was in Wales in 1957 and it was very wet but I loved it. In later years we went to Edinburgh, the New Forest and Sussex and I still love camping today.

Sadly I left the Guides when the twin draws of GCE exams and boyfriends lured me away but I enjoyed it at the time and I got to be a patrol leader. At different times I was a Bluetit and a Robin and I still remember the Bluetit motto- Do it now!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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