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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 15-04-2006, 13:29   #1
Resting in Peace

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Front Parlour

As I now live in a 3-bedroomed semi box, just wondered if the people of Hyndburn still only open their front parlour on Sundays and special days when visitors come. Does seem sensible to utilize this room more to me, however, I always felt a little excitement and knew was going to be a special day when my dad made up the fire in the front.
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Old 15-04-2006, 20:07   #2
Passed away 25-11-09
West Ender's Avatar

Re: Front Parlour

We never referred to our front room as a parlour and it wasn't kept "special". The piano was in there (both my parents played and my brothers and I had lessons) and so was the record player and a radio. It was, basically, just another sitting room and I used to do my homework there - accompanied by Radio Luxembourg and the "Goon Show".
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 15-04-2006, 21:40   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: Front Parlour

I was never allowed in my Gran's front parlour. It was kept locked and only unlocked on special occaisions. I remember once being allowed to pop in and seeing a large round table with a green crushed velvet cloth on and a large conch shell in the middle.

Our front room is where the telly is and we use it daily.

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Old 15-04-2006, 22:23   #4
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Front Parlour

same as willow my grans was only used on special occasions,she called it the parlour! ours though was were the sideboard was- on which every friday evening was placed the club books ( sometimes with the money )lol but mam called ours the front room.
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Old 19-04-2006, 12:52   #5
Resting in peace
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Re: Front Parlour

I could never understand why people with small houses, two up, two down, didn't use one room most of the time. I think things changed when everybody got TVs - you couldn't fit it into the back kitchen, so it went in the front room.
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Old 20-04-2006, 08:41   #6
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Front Parlour

I remember my Nan's parlour being used for special occasions. We never went in there as kids as we would mess up, but it had a glass door and we used to peep through it regularly.
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Old 20-04-2006, 13:08   #7
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Re: Front Parlour

As I recall, the front room was used at Christmas or when the chimney in the back room was being swept, rather a long messy process in the pre-vac days! Having to eke the coal out was a prime factor in the room not being used regularly, but it was such a treat when we had a fire in there, no furniture in it, mind you. Afraid it's a different world, as I have to remind myself several times each day - no-one thinks twice about heating now!! It was second nature in the forties and fifties.
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Old 21-04-2006, 07:58   #8
white rabbits

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Re: Front Parlour

I Thought It Was Only Used For Laying Out Dead Boddies.
Not a full brick
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Old 22-04-2006, 20:32   #9
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Re: Front Parlour

The only time we were allowed into the front parlour was to polish tha brasses. Wouldn't want shares in Brasso these days . . .
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Old 22-04-2006, 21:05   #10
Resting In Peace
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Re: Front Parlour

For the first 14 years of my life we lived with my Grandma who had very strict rules regarding "The Parlour". For most of the year it was a cold dimly lit place that smelled of mothballs, but at Christmas and special occaisions Gran used to take a shovel full of fire from the living room and place it in the grate in the parlour, which was quite a risky business but luckily there were no mishaps, you could smell the coal smoke for hours after the fire had been moved, but after the fire got established and the room warmed up it became rather cosy, I remember the winter evenings with the Christmas decorations reflecting the flickering firelight.
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Old 23-04-2006, 13:14   #11
Resting in Peace

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Re: Front Parlour

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
I Thought It Was Only Used For Laying Out Dead Boddies.
Well, G-C .. this is quite true, was used for this purpose on many occasions and you could go and view the deceased over a couple of days. Not done though now, is it ?

In actual fact, my Grandma lived with us in the front until she died when I was 13 and the bed was taken out and the coffin placed in there with the curtains drawn. It was the first dead person I had seen and very impressionable >> wished I hadn't, this was my last sighting of my Grandma and left this image of her on my memory for quite some time. For about a year after this, used to scurry in and out of that room very quickly, as with no central heating, only added to the cold and sombre atmosphere.

Then, of course, became the 'best' room and much more cheerful, gas fire was installed so would become lovely and cosy within 5 minutes, but still only used for special occasions.

Lots of people had the lobby wall knocked down which made the room more accessible and used daily.
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Old 23-04-2006, 13:21   #12
Beacon of light

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Re: Front Parlour

I think my Grandma must have been the same as most of the ones previously written about...except we were allowed into the front room on a Sunday, because that is where the Bible was kept.....we were not really encouraged to play any games on a Sunday....and to play Cards was a cardinal sin....we were allowed to sit quietly and read books and of course we were steered towards the big family Bible.....I quite liked looking at the pictures......but to be honest it wasn't a comfortable room to be in...the sofa was a horsehair contraption and it used to prickle my legs. Goodness it sounds like a different world doesn't it?
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Old 25-04-2006, 12:52   #13
Resting in peace
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Re: Front Parlour

It WAS a different world, Margaret. We didn't have the disposable society - you got a cooker when you got married, and it saw you out! The furniture in the parlour was for best - these days people are trying to claim on their insurance for sofas that have been ruined because their children have jumped up and down on them - what would our Grannies have said?!

I can remember a shovel of coal being carried through at my Auntie Nellie's - I loved the smell it left behind!
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Old 25-04-2006, 14:03   #14
white rabbits

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Re: Front Parlour

Oh Katex i am sorry, i diddent mean to bring back bad memories...its just how i remembered parlours......when your a child ,creepy places
Not a full brick
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Old 25-04-2006, 16:40   #15
Beacon of light

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Re: Front Parlour

Pendy....was the smell from when a lump of coal dropped on the coco matting? And what about exploding coal....I think it used to be because there were pieces of slate in with the seam of coal....but once a bit of coal exploded and broke the mirror in the living room....gran was distraught and thought it was an omen that someone in the family was going to die!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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