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19-08-2004, 22:00
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Re: Generation X
Lettie, I hope the plum reference wasn't directed at me, I remember Fennings fever cure, we used to sell it when I worked in the Chemist, was only bought by the older generation, no offence intended. Brought back some good memories that Sparky, hate to admit I'm getting older still feel like early 20's, I suppose thats all that matters!
Last edited by grego; 19-08-2004 at 22:01.
Reason: spelling
20-08-2004, 22:25
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Re: Generation X
I feel really old now - especially as I completely agreed with everything about "The Good Old Days" and then found out if I was born a year later in 1983 I wouldn't have any of the old memories and would be living it up at college/uni right now! Talk about just missing out!
20-08-2004, 23:02
Always EVIL within us
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Re: Generation X
I probably go back further than the rest (or most) of you, but can anyone tell me about this "gas tar bubbles?".....also, earache was a common problem in the 50's/60's and what was the stuff my mother used to warm up by the fire, put on cotton wool and shove into my ears? I hated it as you could hear the crackling as it broke up the ear wax!!!
20-08-2004, 23:32
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Re: Generation X
Would it be Hydrogen Peroxide, Busman? That's what I had to endure, if I ever snivelled & whinged about earache.
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!
Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!
20-08-2004, 23:54
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Re: Generation X
It was probably warmed up olive oil. Bussman.
21-08-2004, 01:06
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Re: Generation X
I don’t know if I was a particular bad kid “although I was pig ugly” but it would appear that me and my mates where quite nasty little bu**er’s compared to you people. Apples, Strawberries, Rhubarb and anything that walked that was smaller than you was fair game when we where kids. That would include one piglet, one goose, several ducks, numerous hens and there eggs and the attempted kidnap of a cow. I kid you not……………
I don’t think we where vandals or anything like that, but if you could eat it, we nicked it, simple as that. We took what we wanted but did not cause wonton destruction in our wake, unless it had teeth or carried a stick or shotgun and was chasing us.
Just a point to end with, in the end I grew up to be quite a handsome chap, who abides by the law…..
Sparks in regard to your original post, what you have there is the life storey of a generation, and we are still going strong. Thank God.
Last edited by Doug; 21-08-2004 at 01:08.
21-08-2004, 22:46
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Re: Generation X
too much protection now in more ways than one
22-08-2004, 19:34
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Re: Generation X
I usually think that "the good old days" are retold whilst looking through rose-tinted specs, but in this case I must agree. Children now will not (usually) be allowed free run of their neighbourhood, let alone the surrounding countryside (as I had as a child, and I only lived in Ossy!!).
They will probably never experience whinberry or crab apple picking, I don't remember seeing any kids going conkering, or playing conkers for that matter. Gone are such things as germaline bubblies (!), jawbreakers, popping candy, playing knic-knac (is that how you spell it?), building your bonfire (not sure if this isn't such a good idea!), treehouses and dens, coming home completely charred from too much sun and having to practically bathe in calomine lotion, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.
Too much emphasis is placed on mollycoddling youngsters, and we are in danger of breeding a nation of soft-touch, thrill-loathing cheeky gits!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote - "Women. You can't live with 'em.......... You can't live with 'em." Amen!
23-08-2004, 16:45
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Re: Generation X
I sometimes wonder if we have bred a generation who will never do anything first hand .... it will all be done by virtual reality on a computer. We used to hide round corners, shooting at the Indians (or the cowboys, whoever got the short straw). Now it's all on screen. Second hand thrills will never make up for the real thing - okay, you don't get skinned knees coming off your cart, but I think we enjoyed the ride more.
24-08-2004, 17:18
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Re: Generation X
Yep I recall those gas tar bubbles - the tar was inbetween the cobbles in the back streets and we used to heat it up with a magnifying glass,till it smoked and then set on fire and then get it all over ones person.I love that smell of burning tar!
"those were the days my friend we thought they'd never end!"
"Hope I die before I go bald!" (but Pete Townsend already has)
Last edited by kestrelx; 24-08-2004 at 17:20.
21-11-2004, 15:48
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Re: Generation X
I have heard of Bananarama and Billy Joel
but im not gettin on im still under 18
life is loud protect yourself
21-11-2004, 21:23
Beacon of light
Re: Generation X
What about a medicine bottle full of 'spanish' water and a penny Hovis loaf to take up to the park......did any of you do that???? And what about the real dandelion and burdock in stone bottles from ???Stantons......I used to drink it right out of the bottle neck and my Dad would tell me it would blow my navel off.....that was Ok because in those days I didn't know what a navel was!
21-11-2004, 21:26
Beacon of light
Re: Generation X
And what about going to the Bug Hut on Saturday Morning.....cost tuppence to get in and we would watch 'Flash Gordon' and then going home we would button our coats at the collar like a caped crusader.....pull the collar up and pretend to be Ming the magnificent........yes those were the days alright.
22-11-2004, 15:45
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Re: Generation X
Saturday Morning Pictures  what a laugh I recall Flash Gordon it was in black and white?
showing me age now! 
23-11-2004, 00:15
Always EVIL within us
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Re: Generation X
Going to the "pictures" Saturday morning!! (Matinee??) So noisy, you couldn't hear a thing, Objects being flung all over the place (but no bottles or hard objects) It was the "soap opera" of the 60's, you HAD to go the following week to see if Roy Rogers escaped from the indians...........and Batman was always left in dire straights!!
But it was so cheap, even in those days. Was it about sixpence to get in? and there was always enough money to buy an ice cream from the "lady with the tray" during the interval. No over-priced popcorn or gassy coke, just lollies and orange juice!
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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