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23-11-2004, 07:01
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Re: Generation X
>>They will probably never experience whinberry or crab apple picking, I don't remember seeing any kids going conkering, or playing conkers for that matter.<<
I remarked to another member, only last week, that while Acrylic-Biff ,The Terrier With Attitude, was taking me for a drag through the cemetery on Burnley Road, we came across a fine Horse Chestnut tree with shedloads of conkers beneath it and not a child in sight - what a waste!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
23-11-2004, 08:02
Resident Waffler
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Re: Generation X
Apparently in some schools conkers are banned as a health hazard.
23-11-2004, 09:27
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Re: Generation X
Yes I've seen this in some of the schools up here, in others the kids have to ware gloves and googles so they don't get hurt, and then they can only play if they are supervised. God help us in another generation, farting, nose picking, running and having fun will be banned under Health and Safety, subject to a satisfactory Risk Assessment......  
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
23-11-2004, 09:47
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Generation X
All this conkering stupidity stems from this pathetic blame and claim "call Paul" culture that we have now. Everybody is frightened to death of providing activities for kids in case there is a mishap and some disgruntled parent files a claim. We desperately need to kick this claim culture into touch otherwise anything previously known as childlike fun will disappear. 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
29-11-2004, 17:26
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Re: Generation X
Anyone here remember sneaking in the backdoor?
In those days there were two flea pits in Accrington.One on Broadway and the other round the back of the Blockade,now what was it called?
29-11-2004, 17:45
I am Band
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Re: Generation X
Guilty as charged!  The fire exit was round the back and opened out facing the newsagents and the backyard of the Hope & Anchor.
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!
Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!
29-11-2004, 17:47
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Re: Generation X
That's the one!!! 
01-12-2004, 18:33
Beacon of light
Re: Generation X
I can remember the Kings Hall being called the 'Bug Hut' and it was only tuppence to go in there when it was sixpence to go the Odeon Saturday Club.....so we used to get sixpence to go to the Saturday club...... but go to the Bug Hut and spend fourpence on sweets (sports mixture were 5 for a penny......you could get a great bag of rainbow drops for threepence) We used to watch Flash Gordon......then we would fasten the top button of our coat and rush round like caped mad things.....what fun!
02-12-2004, 05:47
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Re: Generation X
I used to go to the 'Bug Hut' and of course 'Flash Gordon'. We used to sit on the wooden benches at the front. I remember that 'Walter lindrums' snooker joint was underneath as well. Just a little further up was a pub called the 'Brigade' I think. Blockade doesn't ring a bell. ( I could be wrong) My step grandfather was mine host at the Brigade. His name was Bill Holgate and my maternal grandmother Gert(rude). They also kept greyhounds.(late 40's early fifties). One of them was called Lou.
02-12-2004, 06:07
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Re: Generation X
Speaking of conkers. I still have one on a shoe lace circa 63. It's as hard as nails. It would probably make world champion these days  . Just one of the momento's I brought with me. You people are so delightful to my eyes reading about the things you remember. The good old days before telly. The whole of Accrington and beyond was our playing area and by god didn't we have fun despite the injuries and setbacks. Lovely era.
02-12-2004, 08:44
Resident Waffler
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Re: Generation X
Ah Flash Gordon every Saturday morning. He was my hero.  A whole troup of us used to go down to The Odeon Club.
Anybody remember singing along to the bouncing ball?
The only "Blockade" I know of is the one at the bottom of Edgar Street, I was trying to think of a cinema round there and wonder if kestrelx meant The Princes or Empire? I forget which one endured the longest. I think it was The Princes. They were side by side and wasn't there a fire at The Princes so they moved operations to the old Empire and renamed it The New Princes?
I remember people used to call it The Princess but that was wrong because it wasn't a female it was plural for Prince or genitive - Princes or Prince's. I'm not sure which.
I think the Empire had become a bingo hall (didn't they always?) Memory plays tricks so I'm sure other people will be able to correct me where I'm wrong and fill in some of the gaps.
There was a cinema also at the bottom of Avenue Parade. What was that one? Was it The Regal?
02-12-2004, 10:35
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Re: Generation X
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Ah Flash Gordon every Saturday morning. He was my hero.  A whole troup of us used to go down to The Odeon Club.
Anybody remember singing along to the bouncing ball?
The only "Blockade" I know of is the one at the bottom of Edgar Street, I was trying to think of a cinema round there and wonder if kestrelx meant The Princes or Empire? I forget which one endured the longest. I think it was The Princes. They were side by side and wasn't there a fire at The Princes so they moved operations to the old Empire and renamed it The New Princes?
I remember people used to call it The Princess but that was wrong because it wasn't a female it was plural for Prince or genitive - Princes or Prince's. I'm not sure which.
I think the Empire had become a bingo hall (didn't they always?) Memory plays tricks so I'm sure other people will be able to correct me where I'm wrong and fill in some of the gaps.
There was a cinema also at the bottom of Avenue Parade. What was that one? Was it The Regal?
No, if I think the one you're on about was the "Kings Hall".....locally known as the Bug-Hut, and had wooden benches on the first 3 front rows (3d a do as I remember)...... It was actually not quite at the bottom of Avenue parade but more or less opposite to the end of Peel Street. Must have closed in the late 50's.
The "Palace" was opposite the end of Avenue Parade, and Ray Linden took it over after it closed and made it into his emporium!
02-12-2004, 10:43
Resident Waffler
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Re: Generation X
The Palace is the one I was thinking of. Just didn't describe the location very well.
I'd forgotten all about the King's - I saw Pinnocchio there when I was very tiny and that's giving my age away!
02-12-2004, 11:02
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Re: Generation X
I saw Pinnocchio there when I was very tiny and that's giving my age away
Did he still have his long nose?
02-12-2004, 11:06
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Re: Generation X
The Regal is the old name for the Odeon on Broadway.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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