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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 26-06-2004, 18:46   #16
Resting in Peace

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Re: Good old Accyweb

I know someone (no names ) that used jam in his tea !! if he had no suger
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Accrington Web
Old 26-06-2004, 19:06   #17
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Re: Good old Accyweb

Have to agree with you on the black ones, only thing is they make your mouth very dry.
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Old 26-06-2004, 19:45   #18


Re: Good old Accyweb

Sarsaparilla pop in a earth jug at home or little bottles of Milk at school – then we had those funny Mobo shaped things – sometimes we got orange juice….Sorry Janet I’m back home 30 odd years ago…..

I am going to school up at Green Howarth, it weren’t that far from Miller Fold, but if you had little legs it seemed to be miles. Half way up on the bend was a little shop they sold Sports Mixtures from a brown cardboard box or you could have Fruit Salads. I always thought that the box made them special. Over road from the shop was the Red Lion, I can still smell the stale ale that use hang in the air each morning. Then on we went up to the school, we always use to stop and have a drink of stone cold water from the well that was built in to the wall opposite school house lane.

I remember a little old man the live on the row of cottages a side the Red Lion, he use to pass us walking back from the well with his pale of water.

One day my legs grew in to the right length to fit my mums old (by then) 1930s push bike. I only used it twice, My mate Ivor Lloyd borrowed it one day to go home from school, I think he was ill are something, anyway I walked up to his dads Farm up over top of Cross Edge. No one was there so I got my on my bike and set off.

I was going a fair crack when I notice the brakes weren’t working, faster and faster the bloody thing went and I couldn’t stop, I was laughing my head off and s****** myself at the same time, faster and faster…Then I saw a gap in the little retaining wall that held the bank back, about 25 yards just before you reach the pub. I aimed for it and shot up the little path that had developed over the years only to hit a big chunk of stone. Bang. It hurt, oh god it hurt, but I was still laughing when managed to stand up again. Memories eh...Sorry I couldn’t stop myself

Last edited by Doug; 26-06-2004 at 19:56.
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Old 26-06-2004, 19:45   #19
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Good old Accyweb

isn't this where the above subjects should be discussed?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 26-06-2004, 19:49   #20


Re: Good old Accyweb

I don't like Jam its Janet's fault, she led me astray.
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Old 26-06-2004, 21:26   #21
Accrington Web Mascot

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Re: Good old Accyweb

I got told off twice for going off thread - and it wasn't even as far off as this one! - can we get back to the subject pls?
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Old 26-06-2004, 21:32   #22


Re: Good old Accyweb

I've forgotten what it was.....Sorry shortstuff. I get carried away, but I will consider myself told off and stop it right now
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Old 26-06-2004, 21:40   #23
Resident Waffler

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Re: Good old Accyweb

Sorry Shortstuff. I have removed my subject wander. I'm afraid I don't remember the old days which this thread was originally about. I'm new and still making lots of mistakes.

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Old 26-06-2004, 21:49   #24
Accrington Web Mascot

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Re: Good old Accyweb

Everybody is officially forgiven!
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Old 26-06-2004, 21:52   #25


Re: Good old Accyweb

Thank you boss.....we still luv ya, don't we Willow...
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Old 27-06-2004, 11:33   #26
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Good old Accyweb

Originally Posted by ShortStuff
Everybody is officially forgiven!
NOT every-one shortstuff, the person that gave us a warning for being off topic has actually posted off topic in this section! (Talk about double standards) Why isn't there a smiley for superior smirk? (oops going off topic)!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
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Old 27-06-2004, 12:21   #27
Resting in Peace

Mick's Avatar

Re: Good old Accyweb

PLEASE keep on topic or it will be Deleted thankyou
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