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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 09-06-2012, 13:58   #31
Resting in Peace
jaysay's Avatar

Re: Holidays with Mum and Dad, way back then!

Originally Posted by egg&chips View Post
Did you have a photo taken at the table with your family (and the one you were placed with for the duration of the stay)? Got ours in a little red spy hole canister thing that you could hold up to the light and enjoy forever.
Its now a very expensive housing estate.
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Old 09-06-2012, 14:00   #32
Rest in Peace
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Re: Holidays with Mum and Dad, way back then!

Yes we have three or four in a large box full of photos (memories) in the wardrobe going back ov
er sixty years. Very large box.

Just found this post today, exellent reading.

Last edited by claytonx; 09-06-2012 at 14:02.
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Old 09-06-2012, 14:41   #33
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Re: Holidays with Mum and Dad, way back then!

Do you remember what it was like if you didn't go away in the Wakes Weeks?
Accrington was absolutely dead, all the shops shut, all businesses closed, nobody about.
I'm not sure if even the buses stopped running.
You really felt left out of it at home those weeks.
But Dad always tipped a bucket full of sand in the back yard for me to play in.
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Old 09-06-2012, 14:59   #34
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Re: Holidays with Mum and Dad, way back then!

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Do you remember what it was like if you didn't go away in the Wakes Weeks?
Accrington was absolutely dead, all the shops shut, all businesses closed, nobody about.
I'm not sure if even the buses stopped running.
You really felt left out of it at home those weeks.
But Dad always tipped a bucket full of sand in the back yard for me to play in.
Remember it well. One year we didnt go nowhere so Tony Boardman and Malcolm Taylor and me Biked to Lythan St Annes for the day. Cant believe that we did it. Played in the sand dune,s and hiding and singing Cliff Richards, A Voice in the Wilderness. Biking back and stopped in Preston to knock on a door to ask for a drink of water. We were only kids and Accy was still dead when we got back.
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Old 10-06-2012, 09:37   #35
Resting in Peace
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Re: Holidays with Mum and Dad, way back then!

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Do you remember what it was like if you didn't go away in the Wakes Weeks?
Accrington was absolutely dead, all the shops shut, all businesses closed, nobody about.
I'm not sure if even the buses stopped running.
You really felt left out of it at home those weeks.
But Dad always tipped a bucket full of sand in the back yard for me to play in.
In 1965 I had booked an holiday in October that year, I started at Shopfitters about 3 weeks before the Wakes Weeks, when Shopfitters closed for the fortnight, so they honored my holiday commitments and I went in doing factory maintenance for the fortnight. It was very eerie walking up Union Road to work, it was like a ghost town with only the old person collecting their newspaper from a lad on the Town Hall steps
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