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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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  • 1 Post By colin sagar
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Old 31-12-2014, 15:37   #1
Junior Member

Huncoat memories.

Having lived in Huncoat for most of my life and now in my 80s I am a village survivor with long memories, I went to Accrington Junior Tec in 1946 till 1948 in the engineering branch,
Harry Anderton was my age at the same school Building Branch emigrated to Canada just after the Queens coronation where he lived and raised a family, But passed away after heart surgery, I have been a widower for approximately six years, After raising my family.
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Old 17-11-2015, 17:25   #2
Senior Member

Re: Huncoat memories.

I have only just spotted this post Colin, I too have lived in the village a long time, since 1955 to be exact.

If you press the search button above and type in Aussie Irene, you will find a post where she is asking if anyone knows a Colin Sagar and Harry Anderton, also a post from me that mentions a Henry Anderton; (not looking like the same person).

Regards, Taddy.
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Old 17-11-2015, 21:36   #3
Full Member+

Re: Huncoat memories.

My dad was born and brought up in Huncoat but before your time. I used to laugh at some of the local characters names he talked about. ' Owd up a tree.' and 'Owd oh mi eye.'
He went to school with Harry and Joe Chadwick who I am sure some of you remember as having a butchers in the market hall. I have happy memories of my Granny who lived in Walter street and running out on a Sunday evening with a pint pot, when Albert blew his whistle , for some of the best ice cream in the world.
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Old 22-11-2015, 20:03   #4
Senior Member

Re: Huncoat memories.

Well into my early teens I used to help, (or maybe hinder) "Albert Birtwell" to get his ice cream horses harnessed up to his ice cream carts, if my memory serves me right he had four, Dolly, Queeny, Jewel, and a.n. other that I cannot remember
"Alberts" favourite saying when any youngster ordered a cornet was, "does ti want blood on it", referring to the strawberry sauce that he used to liberally squirt all over when the said youngster said yes please. Ah, day's long gone but never forgotten,
Your's Taddy.
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Old 22-11-2015, 22:17   #5
Full Member+

Re: Huncoat memories.

Oh yes Taddy. I always had 'lion's blood on top of the ice cream. Never tasted any ice cream any where as good as Albert's. I believe it was made from goats milk. He used to come round Hapton with the horse and cart too and always on Whit Monday he would be at the top of the rec with a big metal churn full of the lovely stuff. Happy days.
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Old 04-10-2016, 14:15   #6
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Re: Huncoat memories.

I remember the Griffin pub is it still there?
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Old 04-10-2016, 20:37   #7
Full Member+

Re: Huncoat memories.

Yes the Griffin is still a pub and open which cannot be said for dozens of others round and about. The inside has been altered and there is a conservatory on the back but the front looks as it ever did.
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