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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 03-10-2003, 17:47   #136

Post Re: i remember when.....

I remember greasing the slide in Bullough park with bread wrapping paper and watching from a distance who would be the first down,to shoot off the end, and land on their bum.
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Old 03-10-2003, 18:08   #137

Post Re: i remember when.....

Used to get coupons in Embassy fag packets too and No 6 were called coughing nails.  
I went many times for 5 woodbines and they put them in those little triangular white paper bags. Also one seven o'clock razor blade we couldn't afford a full packet, but they were the good old days.
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Old 03-10-2003, 18:18   #138

Post Re: i remember when.....

Can't remember when I have laughed so much. Thanks for these wonderful memories. Our kids today will never have memories like these. Anyone remember Lung healers. I used to sit with my friend in the cupboard under the stairs and pinch these tiny grey little balls from her uncles pocket.  He had a big strap he used to sharpen his cut throat razor on. It was hung at the side of the mantle piece.  What about picture rails or dust collectors as my mum used to call them.  
Swimming hats with rubber straps under the chin. Never did keep my hair dry.
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Old 03-10-2003, 19:14   #139

Post Re: i remember when.....

Some drinks I remember.  Orange Juice in cartons called Sun something. Round dotted hole on the top you pushed in and put your straw in.  Jubblies pyramid shape carton we used to put them in the freezer. The milkman delivering orange juice in small bottles.  Sweets: flying saucers coloured discs filled with kali. Same time as mo jo's and black jacks there was another called refreshers blue and yellow packet. There was a caramel one too but I cant remember the name.  Red spanish. American cream soda kali.
Comics Bunty, Judy, Beano, Topper.
Bonfire nights coming up many a time I went collecting wood only to wake up the next morning to find some so and so had raided it. Many a couch and armchair went on the fire in mistake.
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Old 05-10-2003, 10:34   #140
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Post Re: i remember when.....

Will definately agree with Anne there.Fantastic trip down memory lane even if i am only 41.Lynn after all this time i finally find out who was doing that with the slide.Not nice.Many a pants got ripped and i got a real rollicking.Kids nowadays eh! They do not know they have been born!!!!!!
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 05-10-2003, 14:48   #141
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Post Re: i remember when.....

My 4yr old Grandaughter got an halloween mask.
I looked at her and pretended to be frightend. All i got was dont be silly Grandma its only a mask.  :
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Old 05-10-2003, 16:25   #142

Post Re: i remember when.....

Sorry Mik. Now I have grown up I know better. Hope you will accept my apologies and forgive me.
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Old 07-04-2004, 03:48   #143
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Re: i remember when.....

I used to go to the Saturday morning Mickey Mouse club at the Odeon in Burnley starting around 1936 -- Milky way and Mars bars -- Buck Jones (my favorite) -- Ken Maynard -- Tim McCoy -- Charlie Chan -- Jungle Jim (Johnny Weissmuller).

Playing Cowboys & Indians afterward with cap guns -- the little kids had to to be the Indians.

Some Saturday mornings went to the Coliseum in Rosegrove where my cousin lived -- fare was essentially the same.

James Pickering
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Old 07-04-2004, 11:51   #144
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Re: i remember when.....

I remember living in richmond street, which is where autocol is now! One winter a load of us got together and went up the big hill by the side of the old richmond pub (now a doctors surgery) and made what was possibly the biggest snowball ever and rolled it down the hill. I was only about 4 or 5 at the time so the size may be exaggerated.
I remember the shop that was on the corner of brown st and willows lane, they did some sweets called space dust, a mouthful of that and a swig of coke and your mouth foamed like a rabid fox!!!!!!!
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Old 07-04-2004, 15:10   #145
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Re: i remember when.....

Summer holidays playing footie on holy farmers playing fields, starting at 3 a side and by the time it was dark at least 18 a side, arguing if the ball went over the jackets ( posts ) no ref, or at least the oldest one or biggest one made the decsion.

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Old 12-04-2004, 23:02   #146
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Re: i remember when.....

That spare land where the Hyndburn Sports Centre is now we called “The Wreck” and it had air raid shelters where boy met girl and found out the difference.

Going dancing at Knowlmere St to learn how to dance. Had to learn ‘cos that’s where the girls were.

My first pint at 16 in the Australian Inn just off Bull Bridge in ’53.

Watching the blacksmith shoe shire horses also next to Bull Bridge.

Swimming at Accy baths just down from the pit and diving off the top board of the diving board into just 6 feet 6 inches of water. Then down a side street just across the road and through a ginnel to buy 1d or 2d packets of crisps. All broken of course but very full bags.

Working down Scaitcliffe pit as a pit pony.
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Old 15-04-2004, 10:07   #147
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Re: i remember when.....

Originally Posted by jambutty
That spare land where the Hyndburn Sports Centre is now we called “The Wreck” and it had air raid shelters where boy met girl and found out the difference.

Going dancing at Knowlmere St to learn how to dance. Had to learn ‘cos that’s where the girls were.

My first pint at 16 in the Australian Inn just off Bull Bridge in ’53.

Watching the blacksmith shoe shire horses also next to Bull Bridge.

Swimming at Accy baths just down from the pit and diving off the top board of the diving board into just 6 feet 6 inches of water. Then down a side street just across the road and through a ginnel to buy 1d or 2d packets of crisps. All broken of course but very full bags.

Working down Scaitcliffe pit as a pit pony.
I think you're a bit off with your directions Jambutty.

Where the Sports Centre is was called Nelson Square, and the "Wreck" was behind Hydburn Park School in the direction of Accy. But the memories remain the same.

You were 16 when you got your first pint at the Australian Inn??....why did you wait so long??...they use to serve 'em in short pants. I know...I got my first Half of the serving window (stand outside and be served from the bar), when I was just 14. Never looked back since

Remember Mr. Smith (Supervisor) the guy who use to make the young kinds get out of the warm shower. He was OK really and helped a lot of kids to learn to swim. Did you ever dive off the Balcony?? (no! I didn't have the nerve to do it, but watched a cople of "big" lads do it!!)
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Old 15-04-2004, 10:16   #148
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Re: i remember when.....

The interesting thing is why Nelson Square was/is called Nelson Square...anybody know why ? (I think I do)
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Old 15-04-2004, 10:51   #149
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Re: i remember when.....

Do tell T.
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Old 15-04-2004, 11:05   #150
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Re: i remember when.....

well, if you look at the very old maps.....there is one about 1848 which shows will see that there were a number of houses built on the site, at a position between what is now the reception area of the Sports Centre and the bridge over the river (the river was further north-east then). the house were built in the typical Georgian style of the time...a square (with one open end). Naturally, the square was named after the hero of the time..Nelson. When the houses were demolised - in the early part of the 20th century, the name still remained...Nelson Square.
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