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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 26-06-2004, 08:49   #166
Senior Member+

Re: i remember when.....

Alreet lads if ya called the red sauce blud what did you call the choccie bits.Our local ice cream man asked if ya wanted rat droppings, and no nobody was disgusted.If you was really good you got a cone with bluddy rat droppings.Treat of the week.Not to forget the screwball.Plastic cone full of ice cream with a bubble gum at the bottom
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 26-06-2004, 14:33   #167
Resident Waffler

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Re: i remember when.....

I don't think Albert did choccie bits. It was either blud or nowt.

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Old 26-06-2004, 16:46   #168


Re: i remember when.....

how about Crushed Nuts.....
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Old 26-06-2004, 17:46   #169
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Re: i remember when.....

Yummy, Yummy dont forget the flake.
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Old 26-06-2004, 17:51   #170


Re: i remember when.....

Anyone remember Moody Blue Lollys - Lions Maid I think c1965.
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Old 01-12-2004, 11:10   #171
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Re: i remember when.....

After having spent some time reading all of these posts, I have to say you all ought to be ashamed of yourselves making an old bloke cry. I remember all of the above pre 64 back to just after the war. I used to go to St.Johns at the top of ?? Maudsley St I think. I had a class mate called Alan who used to live in Manor St. His house didn't have electricity, it was still on gas. He, like a lot at school wore clogs. I never did for some reason. He once took me to a back st. that runs parallel to Burnley Rd. It was where he used to get his clogs re-ironed. I also discovered that this back st. was also the hang out of the 'rag and bone man' who used to give us a ' yellow stone' to do the front doorstep with in exchange for rags. Later on he would give plastic bags with water in and a goldfish. Round about that time there was an 'Air Raid shelter' at the top of the St. where we used to play quite often. When the council started to knock them down all the street would come out to watch this crane with a great big concrete ball at the end of the cable and see it swing from side to side demolishing the shelters. Great fun.

There was a shop on the corner of Meadow and Derby st's run by Jack and Elsie Marsh where we used to spend all our ration book tickets and one on the opposite corner called I think?? Stars. I was only 8 or nine. I was madly in love with their daughter LOL(from afar). We all had billy carts and used to race them down the steep hill from the 'Clock Garage to bull bridge copping many a cut and bruises. I eventuall got older and ended up going to Accy Grammar and used to walk there from Derby St. along Hyndburn rd, often stopping by the abbatoirs to watch them killing the animals(not a fun sight). There was also a grave yard opposite with old graves that they used to keep the sheep in awaiting slaughter. In this graveyard was a stone lying flat next to the railing It's epitaph said
Spare a thought as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you will be
Prepare youself to follow me.
Even though it frightened me I still used to read it.
My grandmother told me of a policeman that late one night on Hyndburn Rd near the viaduct was suddenly confronted with a plague of rats. He stood rooted to the spot as the rats surged past jumping on and off his feet. She said that he had to retire and that his hair had turned white overnight???? One day I was walking to school and a bloke who as he was passing said in a loud voice."The Kings dead" It didn't really mean anything to me at the time.
Sometimes walking around town I used to come across this bloke who had no nose and looked terrible but he seemed to be aware of it and always took his hat off to cover his face if he was passing young people.
I remember walking down Avenue Parade on the opposite side from the Odeon towards Blacburn Rd(there were hoardings there at this time and no sunken gardens). I noticed the english teacher from school (A.G.) His name was actually Mr, English sitting in his car just staring forward. I said hello Sir but he didn't respond. The day after I learned he had committed suicide that day.
There was also a bloke in Accy that used to stand around street corners mostly on the main roads taking copious notes in a note book. One day us mischievous lot decided that one of us was going to creep up behind him and nick his notebook. So in order to decide who:- One potato two potato three potato four .......etc. The 'chosen' hero was decided and the said notebook was duly nicked and we all ran off towards the Town Hall laughing our heads off. We discovered that there was absolutely nothing in said notebook. In hindsight the poor fellow was probably a nutter. Ah yes the railway line behind the cricket ground. I remember us trying to shove a railway wagon along the track without much success.. I seem to remember that there was a hill of rubbish near there that was perpetually on fire or something. It was always smelly. You 'orrible lot, you have lit a fire in my memory banks (albeit nice memories) I will just have to conclude my waffling in another post.
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Old 01-12-2004, 11:38   #172
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Re: i remember when.....

I posted here but can't find it.
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Old 01-12-2004, 12:00   #173
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Re: i remember when.....

Sometimes walking around town I used to come across this bloke who had no nose and looked terrible but he seemed to be aware of it and always took his hat off to cover his face if he was passing young people.
Yeah.. I remember him Terry, he always wore a Trilby and a raincoat. I heard that he been wounded during the war..real mess...but he was extremely polite and always kind. Poor soul.
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Old 01-12-2004, 12:34   #174
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Re: i remember when.....

I remember him too! My mum said he had been in an industrial accident at Bulloughs.
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Old 01-12-2004, 14:53   #175
Beacon of light

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Re: i remember when.....

Does anyone remember the 'Pendletons Twicer' the rhyme said....what could be nicer than a Pendletons Twicer? cream with a lolly each end.
After Birtwells, they were my favourites.
I also remember being sent along Nuttall St by my dad to get some Bile Beans...... they were something like 10 for a penny and the lady who owned the shop gave them to me in a little twist of paper. On the way home I decided to try one of these little round tablets.......I put it into my mouth and sucked the sugar off and got to the medicinal bit which tasted I spit it out. When I got back home my dad counted the Vile bile beans and made me go back and tell the lady in the shop she had given me one to little. She was not impressed and although she gave me another one she let me know she thought I had taken one. Bile beans were always Vile beans after that episode.......and i avoided going into that shop for ever after that.
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Old 01-12-2004, 17:20   #176
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Re: i remember when.....

There was a young girl of Southend,
Who had only 'tuppence' to spend,
So what could be nicer than a Pendleton's Twicer,
Ice cream, with a lolly each end.
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Old 01-12-2004, 18:26   #177
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Re: i remember when.....

Good on yer John......couldn't remember the first bit for the life of me.
I think it must be an age related thing......over 21!!!!!(and the rest)
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Old 02-12-2004, 11:45   #178
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Re: i remember when.....

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Good on yer John......couldn't remember the first bit for the life of me.
I think it must be an age related thing......over 21!!!!!(and the rest)
You probably would have enjoyed the "Remember the Commercial" thread Margaret. In fact, I have a good idea that the 'Twicer' advert was one of the ones posted. If you have a search you will be able to find it and may even regenerate the thread?
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Old 02-12-2004, 20:40   #179
Beacon of light

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Thumbs up Re: i remember when.....

Thanks for that John.....will give it a try

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 02-12-2004 at 20:41. Reason: stiff little fingers
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Old 07-12-2004, 07:59   #180
Full Member

Re: i remember when.....

Well I wasn't actually born in Accy. I was born in Manchester in 1939. My mum was from Accy and my dad from blackburn. During the war years( when I was old enough to remember) the air raid sirens used to go off with that terrible wail(a sound I'll never forget) and dad would upend the arm chairs and settee and then put the table top over the lot. That was our shelter just in case. Great fun for me but not for my parents. Later dad told me he never went down the local air raid shelter because whole streets of people used to get wiped out if it copped a direct hit. Dad later told me that the Germans used to drop 3 incediary bombs to light up the area for the rest of em. Aparently, the last one of three had dropped two streets away. We must haved lived near an airfield because I remember 'airy planes' with funny colours, and big funny looking fat balloons all floating high up in the air at the end of a long rope(young perceptions). A big truck like a removal van would come round occasionally and the end would open up and inside was a picture screen so that the locals could watch the latest news on the war. All kinds of good were sold by blokes coming round on horse and carts selling it and people used to rush out and collect the horse dung for their gardens or vegie plots.
Mum must have taken me to Accy lots of times during this period to my grandma's and grandad in Willow lane. I remember on the trip through Manchester to Accy that there were 'hose pipes' all over the place and buildings on fire. I used to see horrifying red glows coming from some places. I had lots of nightmares of these sights as a kid. I used to love visiting grandma in Willows lane. Except for one time when everybody was having dinner. In the middle of the table was a plate of bread and butter?????? and everybody had a boiled egg in an eggcup. My dinner was the two tops sliced off from mums and grandma's eggs. Mum would slice up a piece of bread into fingers and she would give me one that she had dipped into her egg. It was the tastiest food ever.(Ihave loved eggs ever since) But you know kids. I wanted a full egg. So uncle David had finished his and turned it upside down and replaced it in the eggcup without me noticing and put it in front of me. They gave me a spoon and I cracked it open only to discover it was empty. My resultant tantrum was rewarded with a few good hard smacks on my bum.
whilst in Accy at some stage mum had taken me to the pictures in Edgar st. to see Bambi.(I suppose records could confirm that) anyway, apart from the film there was an newsreel that started with a big Cock. During this newsreel it showed a truck on fire and bodies that were also on fire jumping off. I asked my mum who they were and she said Germans. In a totally quiet theatre I said in a loud voice.'Oh poor Germans" The reaction from people around was not very nice and I was quickly shushed by mum as well as copping a smack on the leg. How can kids understand? Well the war came to an end and we eventually left Manchester and moved to Huncoat for a brief 6 month period and then moved into Accy to live in Derby St.
Whilst there I attended St.Johns school. From then oh boy did my mischevious adventures start.............
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