After having spent some time reading all of these posts, I have to say you all ought to be ashamed of yourselves making an old bloke cry. I remember all of the above pre 64 back to just after the war. I used to go to St.Johns at the top of ?? Maudsley St I think. I had a class mate called Alan who used to live in Manor St. His house didn't have electricity, it was still on gas. He, like a lot at school wore clogs. I never did for some reason. He once took me to a back st. that runs parallel to Burnley Rd. It was where he used to get his clogs re-ironed. I also discovered that this back st. was also the hang out of the 'rag and bone man' who used to give us a ' yellow stone' to do the front doorstep with in exchange for rags. Later on he would give plastic bags with water in and a goldfish. Round about that time there was an 'Air Raid shelter' at the top of the St. where we used to play quite often. When the council started to knock them down all the street would come out to watch this crane with a great big concrete ball at the end of the cable and see it swing from side to side demolishing the shelters. Great fun.
There was a shop on the corner of Meadow and Derby st's run by Jack and Elsie Marsh where we used to spend all our ration book tickets and one on the opposite corner called I think?? Stars. I was only 8 or nine. I was madly in love with their daughter LOL(from afar). We all had billy carts and used to race them down the steep hill from the 'Clock Garage to bull bridge copping many a cut and bruises. I eventuall got older and ended up going to Accy Grammar and used to walk there from Derby St. along Hyndburn rd, often stopping by the abbatoirs to watch them killing the animals(not a fun sight). There was also a grave yard opposite with old graves that they used to keep the sheep in awaiting slaughter. In this graveyard was a stone lying flat next to the railing It's epitaph said
Spare a thought as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you will be
Prepare youself to follow me.
Even though it frightened me I still used to read it.
My grandmother told me of a policeman that late one night on Hyndburn Rd near the viaduct was suddenly confronted with a plague of rats. He stood rooted to the spot as the rats surged past jumping on and off his feet. She said that he had to retire and that his hair had turned white overnight???? One day I was walking to school and a bloke who as he was passing said in a loud voice."The Kings dead" It didn't really mean anything to me at the time.
Sometimes walking around town I used to come across this bloke who had no nose and looked terrible but he seemed to be aware of it and always took his hat off to cover his face if he was passing young people.
I remember walking down Avenue Parade on the opposite side from the Odeon towards Blacburn Rd(there were hoardings there at this time and no sunken gardens). I noticed the english teacher from school (A.G.) His name was actually Mr, English sitting in his car just staring forward. I said hello Sir but he didn't respond. The day after I learned he had committed suicide that day.
There was also a bloke in Accy that used to stand around street corners mostly on the main roads taking copious notes in a note book. One day us mischievous lot decided that one of us was going to creep up behind him and nick his notebook. So in order to decide who:- One potato two potato three potato four .......etc. The 'chosen' hero was decided and the said notebook was duly nicked and we all ran off towards the Town Hall laughing our heads off. We discovered that there was absolutely nothing in said notebook. In hindsight the poor fellow was probably a nutter. Ah yes the railway line behind the cricket ground. I remember us trying to shove a railway wagon along the track without much success.. I seem to remember that there was a hill of rubbish near there that was perpetually on fire or something. It was always smelly. You 'orrible lot, you have lit a fire in my memory banks

(albeit nice memories) I will just have to conclude my waffling in another post.