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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 12-06-2006, 23:49   #16
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Re: Jazz Club

I suppose it all depended on which crowd you belonged to at the time. Having been a member here for over a year now and reading most of the posts, I realise that I went to all the same places as most of us 'older ones'........Accy Con, Blackburn and Burnley Meccas and the Jazz Club to name a few.

I went to St Andrews, then to Ossy Tech, the first year girls were admitted, but the only person I know on here is Steeljack.

A strange sort of world.
June xx

So much muck to eat before you die
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Accrington Web
Old 12-06-2006, 23:56   #17
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Jazz Club

Originally Posted by junetta
I suppose it all depended on which crowd you belonged to at the time. Having been a member here for over a year now and reading most of the posts, I realise that I went to all the same places as most of us 'older ones'........Accy Con, Blackburn and Burnley Meccas and the Jazz Club to name a few.

I went to St Andrews, then to Ossy Tech, the first year girls were admitted, but the only person I know on here is Steeljack.

A strange sort of world.
hey i was at ossy tech the first year girls were admitted that was the year they amalgamated with rhydings but you wern't in my class junetta your only a youngster.
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Old 13-06-2006, 00:07   #18
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Re: Jazz Club

I went to Rhyddings in 1962, the year they joined up with the Tech, first year was spent at Moor End, then one year at the main building and in 1964 my class was moved to the Tech. The first time girls had been taught there.

I have a lovely pic of us outside the main entrance, unfortunately it's in England.

Don't tell me you were the one who used to put paint on my hair during art class!

And.........we're wandering off the thread, we'll get in bother.
June xx

So much muck to eat before you die
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Old 13-06-2006, 08:09   #19
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Re: Jazz Club

Mine to Cash, Im as Bowd as Buddha now, nobody I used to know in Accy would recognise me now. Used to have my hair styled, sharp suits, the lot. I havent had a suit in 30 years. But the memories are still clear of the Jazz Club, I can stll smell it, smoke, beer, women, great music, hot pies, in the warmer and a great atmosphere, what more could you ask for, for a fiver and change left to buy fish & Chips on the way home.
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Old 13-06-2006, 16:31   #20
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Re: Jazz Club

sorry bit of a digression from topic ..."hair styled, sharp suits, the lot." ..........I bet most lads got their first suits at Burtons on weekly a payment plan , think my first one cost about 7 pound , navy pin stripe , three button , center vent . dark blue silk lining in the jacket . must have been about 17 at the time . Following year had one handmade at a tailors shop on Blackburn rd. near the railway viaduct , hand stitching around the lapels etc. Think it cost around a tenner a lot of money for a 4 pound a week apprentice .....but as Alan Gilmartin said in previous post .......only chance I get to wear a suit these days is for funerals .............
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Old 13-06-2006, 16:45   #21
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Re: Jazz Club

I remember going in the 60's with me mates, we used to sneak over the fence, because we were all underage. Having a couple of drinks and getting plastered and playing the slot machine. Oh happy days!
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Old 13-06-2006, 19:16   #22
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Re: Jazz Club

Originally Posted by steeljack
Following year had one handmade at a tailors shop on Blackburn rd. near the railway viaduct , hand stitching around the lapels etc.
You're thinking of Ernie McNoes, Steeljack. A real craftsman. Had a couple of beautiful mohair numbers made there in the late 60s. Al Gilmartin will testify to this gentleman's talents!
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Old 13-06-2006, 23:56   #23
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Re: Jazz Club

Certainly do Wyn, he was a true craftsman, and a nice man as well, did'nt matter who you were, he treated everybody the same, do you remember the other Tailor's , John Colliers, ( John Collier, John Collier, The Window to watch ) Alexanders, Sometimes you can't help digressing because its all realitive, I was earning 3 pound ten a week then, I was working at Brockhall. Only one thing wrong with Ernie he had really bad breath.
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Old 14-06-2006, 18:09   #24
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Re: Jazz Club

Had a couple of suits made by a little old tailor in a backstreet in Lima a few weeks ago. He reminded me a lot of Ernie - the same professionalism, attention to detail and quiet pride in a job well-done. The suits were the business, too - a dark blue with a faint pinstripe and a light grey number for summer wear. Increasing girth means I can't carry off the "bumfreezer" jacket styles anymore. These were double-breasted jobs. Cost the equivalent of £100 each - you'd pay at least five times more for suits of that quality in the UK.

Sorry for the thread wander, folks!
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Old 14-06-2006, 19:04   #25
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Re: Jazz Club

One thing about the jazz club - I never remember there being any punch ups there - unlike the Con and most other dance halls in the area. Must not have been there on the night Cashman had his little bit of bother!
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Old 14-06-2006, 23:28   #26
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Re: Jazz Club

I agree with you about the punch ups Wyn, I think the people who went up there were a bit more cultured. Just on another note Wynonie, can you tell me anything about Dee Dee Warwick, ( Dionne's sister ) I read she made, Your no good, a year befor Betty Everett and Alfie befor Dionne??.
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Old 15-06-2006, 00:36   #27
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Re: Jazz Club

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
One thing about the jazz club - I never remember there being any punch ups there - unlike the Con and most other dance halls in the area. Must not have been there on the night Cashman had his little bit of bother!
thats cos your a bit younger than me wyn i was there one friday night when a guy glassed another guy,made a real mess of his forehead,the upshot was he got gaoled for it, hes still knocking about today.this would probably be 63/64 ish could be a bit dodgy then.
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Old 15-06-2006, 08:11   #28
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Re: Jazz Club

Originally Posted by cashman
thats cos your a bit younger than me wyn i was there one friday night when a guy glassed another guy,made a real mess of his forehead,the upshot was he got gaoled for it, hes still knocking about today.this would probably be 63/64 ish could be a bit dodgy then.
He'd probably just get community service for it these days! By the time I got there, it had all calmed down and perhaps as Al says, the clientele had changed a bit (ie none of the fiercesome rockers who used to prowl the dancefloor of the Con!).

Al, have emailed you with a bit of info on Dee Dee Warwick.
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Old 15-06-2006, 22:50   #29
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Re: Jazz Club

Can't remember going up on a Friday night Cash what did they have on, music wise/.
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Old 15-06-2006, 23:17   #30
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Re: Jazz Club

I used to go to both the Jazz and Folk club, I first went up there about 1967. I can remember seeing lots of famous folk artists there, in fact we still have several of the Taverners LP's, but can't play the records now because we don't have a record player.
The Jazz and Folk clubs were run by Ralph Smith - whose day job was in the office at Huncoat Power Station.
The resident folk group were Pendle Folk - whose signature tune was 'Old Pendle'.
I sometimes also went to the other folk clubs in Burnley and Blackburn, and often saw the same group 3 times in the same week.
The folk club moved to Bold Street Club in about 1969 or 1970, but the atmosphere wasn't as good.
I still love folk music and like to play the rebel songs.
I always tell people I spent my misspent youth in folk clubs.
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