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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 10-10-2003, 06:50   #1
Siddie's Avatar


Hi Everyone
I thought you might me interested in seeing my friends site, an extract from his fathers book, (not published for general use) who was an Accrington man. He tells us what a slop stone is, but we all knew that didnt we, well those of my age did.
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Old 12-10-2003, 19:57   #2
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janet's Avatar


just read the first chapter and was very impressed with it, will be reading it all.
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Old 12-10-2003, 22:45   #3
Siddie's Avatar


Glad you liked it Janet, I had to print the whole lot out for my old dad as he wouldnt sit and read it on the computer, but it was worth it, it kept him quiet for hours.
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Old 21-05-2004, 11:14   #4
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Yes Siddie, I've also read that and it is excellent. Actually, many of the names of the people mentioned in the book were known to me. My father lived in the area and went to Woodnook school. His parents had the hardware shop at number 75 Nuttall Street. The gentleman who wrote the book was three or four years older than my father but obviously knew a lot of the same kids.
View my site @

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