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Old 07-11-2011, 23:34   #91

Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Can't remember if she had a brother but her father had the dentists on the corner of Queens Road and Whalley Road.

Jaysay the last sentence in my last post, number 78, was for you, don't know if you've seen it.

I think the Dentist was called Horsfield.
Cheers Littlepom

Last edited by littlepom; 07-11-2011 at 23:35. Reason: spelling
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Old 07-11-2011, 23:38   #92
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by littlepom View Post
I think the Dentist was called Horsfield.
Cheers Littlepom
That was my Dentist late60s early 70s was Horsfield then.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 08-11-2011, 10:26   #93
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Thanks for the update Jaysay, I remember Barry living on Park Road.

To think I trawled all the way through the 60s pop group thread when I first found this site (don't ask me why!) and never picked up on Dave Foster!

Am I totally wrong in thinking that Peter Bentley's father had a hairdresser's too?

Thanks again
Peter Bentley's Father had the Chemist shop on Avenue Parade, in fact it was called Bentley's Chemists

Just a point on Barry sue, when he was young he had jet black hair, it is now as white as snow, his fathers hair was exactly the same
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Old 08-11-2011, 10:45   #94
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Peter Bentley's Father had the Chemist shop on Avenue Parade, in fact it was called Bentley's Chemists

Just a point on Barry sue, when he was young he had jet black hair, it is now as white as snow, his fathers hair was exactly the same
That's right, I remember now, it was a chemist.

Yes, I can remember Barry having very dark hair. Can just picture it now!

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Old 08-11-2011, 11:23   #95
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

now does anyone recognise thesetwo reprobates? the one on the left isjohnSerjeant who wasmy boyfrriend in the early sixties. I think I methim at knowlmere Street and we went outfor peobably acouple of yearstill I left the high school in 1964 to go to colege.

Ithink he may have been adopted though he never said so. he lived with hisnparents at the bottom of Avenue Parade and they also hadfarmery/ leather shop justroundthe corner on Abbey Streetoppositethe Post Office. His mother was a piano teacher and I didn't know till I read on this site that she had been kiiled on theroad outside her house in the70s. How awful.

I would probably havegot better A level results if i hadn't been going out wiyhsargebut I have to say thateven though e left school at16 and was workingg at Howard andBullough he opened my eyeseandbroadened my horizonsto a lot of culture such asclassical and folk musicand films. thatsounds patronising, it isn't meant to be. We usedto go to manchestera lot at weekeds to places like freetrade Hallfor concerts, manchester sports guild for folk music, films atthe Odeon on OxfordRoad, and shopping!

the other person in thepicture is stuarthartley who lived on tremellen Streetandhad a glass eye. He started a branch of CND andaccording to another thread on here organised aCuban missile crisis at the Grammarschool.

I think my mum told me a few years later hewas in the papers as he hadgoneto universty, spent hisgrant on booze and ended up in thegutter, literally. I think later e may havegoneto japan to teach English.
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Old 08-11-2011, 11:37   #96
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Now does anyone recognise these two reprobates? The one on the left is John Serjeant who was my boyfriend in the early sixties. I think I met him at Knowlmere Street and we went out for probably a couple of years till I left the high school in 1964 to go to college.

I think he may have been adopted though he never said so. He lived with his parents at the bottom of Avenue Parade and they also had Farmery's leather shop just round the corner on Abbey Street opposite the Post Office. His mother was a piano teacher and I didn't know till I read on this site that she had been kiiled on the road outside her house in the70s. How awful.

I would probably have got better A level results if I hadn't been going out with Sarge but I have to say that even though he left school at 16, maybe 15, and was working at Howard and Bullough he opened my eyes and broadened my horizons to a lot of culture such as classical and folk music and films. That sounds patronising, it isn't meant to be. We used to go to Manchester a lot at weekends to places like Free Trade Hall for concerts, Manchester Sports Guild for folk music, films at the Odeon on Oxford Road, and shopping!

The other person in the picture is Stuart Hartley who lived on Tremellen Street and had a glass eye. He started a branch of CND and according to another thread on here organised a Cuban missile crisis protest at the Grammar school.

I think my mum told me a few years later he was in the papers as he had goneto university, spent his grant on booze and ended up in the gutter, literally. I think later he may have gone to Japan to teach English.

We aspired to be beatniks in those days, hence the protests and the endless hours in the Blue Dahlia drinking coffee and putting the world to rights!
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Old 08-11-2011, 11:42   #97
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Please ignore my post 95. Some gremlin sent it too early. I am working on a keyboard with dodgy space bar and shift key so a fair bit of editing is required on each post.

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Old 08-11-2011, 12:23   #98
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Ask Neil to remove the post for you Susie -he's very good at helping out in these matters!

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
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Old 08-11-2011, 12:24   #99
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
That was my Dentist late60s early 70s was Horsfield then.
Same here Cashy -was terrified of him I remember. Mr Cookson who took over from him was much nicer...

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 08-11-2011, 12:41   #100
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Same here Cashy -was terrified of him I remember. Mr Cookson who took over from him was much nicer...
Mr Cookson was a nice bloke, but seemed to be terrified of me, after my behaviour once when coming round from the gas, so rather embarrassed i left the practice.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 08-11-2011, 16:16   #101
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

I know this is not quite within the supposed scope of this thread but I wanted to share this photo as I find it amusing. It will probably be my last photo post unless I come across another treasure trove of pics.

I was working as an archaelogical conservator on the finds from the Mary RoseTudor warship in Portsmouth when we had a visit from our patron, Prince Charles, not long before he married Diana.

His first words to me were didn't I meet you on my last visit, to which I had to reply no, I hadn't been there then. It's the only time a royal has asked me, haven't I seen you somewhere before?

I explained that I was working on a leather bucket, inside which I had found a toe bone, when I was cleaning out the mud. I wondered if someone had kicked the bucket. Can't remember if he laughed or not.

What I find amusing about the photo is my boss in the background checking his watch, wondering why is he spending time with this oik when we have better things to do.

I've been a fan of Charlie ever since this occasion.
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Old 08-11-2011, 19:01   #102
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Please ignore my post 95. Some gremlin sent it too early. I am working on a keyboard with dodgy space bar and shift key so a fair bit of editing is required on each post.

Um thought I needed my eyes testing sue, looks like I was wrong
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Old 08-11-2011, 19:36   #103
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Now does anyone recognise these two reprobates? The one on the left is John Serjeant who was my boyfriend in the early sixties. I think I met him at Knowlmere Street and we went out for probably a couple of years till I left the high school in 1964 to go to college.

I think he may have been adopted though he never said so. He lived with his parents at the bottom of Avenue Parade and they also had Farmery's leather shop just round the corner on Abbey Street opposite the Post Office. His mother was a piano teacher and I didn't know till I read on this site that she had been kiiled on the road outside her house in the70s. How awful.

I would probably have got better A level results if I hadn't been going out with Sarge but I have to say that even though he left school at 16, maybe 15, and was working at Howard and Bullough he opened my eyes and broadened my horizons to a lot of culture such as classical and folk music and films. That sounds patronising, it isn't meant to be. We used to go to Manchester a lot at weekends to places like Free Trade Hall for concerts, Manchester Sports Guild for folk music, films at the Odeon on Oxford Road, and shopping!

The other person in the picture is Stuart Hartley who lived on Tremellen Street and had a glass eye. He started a branch of CND and according to another thread on here organised a Cuban missile crisis protest at the Grammar school.

I think my mum told me a few years later he was in the papers as he had goneto university, spent his grant on booze and ended up in the gutter, literally. I think later he may have gone to Japan to teach English.

We aspired to be beatniks in those days, hence the protests and the endless hours in the Blue Dahlia drinking coffee and putting the world to rights!
Susie the Stu Hartley who led the "Hands Off Cuba" march from AGS to the Town Hall in 1962 is a member on here under the name "whitecrags".
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Old 08-11-2011, 19:49   #104
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Please ignore my post 95. Some gremlin sent it too early. I am working on a keyboard with dodgy space bar and shift key so a fair bit of editing is required on each post.

And here's me thinking you were hammered out of your gourd
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Old 08-11-2011, 20:35   #105
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Re: My early life in Accy 1946-68

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
And here's me thinking you were hammered out of your gourd
That's a new one on me Eric. I assume you mean three sheets to the wind, legless, worse for wear... As if!!!!!!!!!! You should by now have a PM from me which might explain why putting up an unedited post is a bit embarrassing!

Susie the Stu Hartley who led the "Hands Off Cuba" march from AGS to the Town Hall in 1962 is a member on here under the name "whitecrags".
Wynonie thanks for the info on Stuart Hartley. I did wonder if he might be about.
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