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13-11-2005, 22:08
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Re: nelson imp
I remember going to Nelson Imp, it had a really bouncy dance floor. Monday night was Blackburn Mecca. I used to work behind the bar at Burnley Mecca at the weekend, not that I should have done as I was only 17 at the time! There used to be five of us girls which worked really well as if one or two were 'courting' there was always someone to go out with. It's a shame I can't remember all the names...........Marilyn, Josephine and Sharon is all I can come up with........it will come to me!!
16-11-2005, 09:03
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Re: nelson imp
i went to the imp every weekend best place in any town
saw all the top stars from rolling stones emiel ford chuck berry little richard billy fury searchers p j proby saw him 5 times could not beat a good night down the imp made all my memorise come back thankyou 
16-11-2005, 09:13
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the yellow brick market
well xmas is upon us but what about the tarmac and tinsle what a sight our town as become ,only 3 pound shops ,dont no how many card shops.
i think who ever put the seating on their must have come from the artic never felt any thing like it . But not to worry they dont want us to stay in accrington let all the pigions take over .Well thats all for now
20-04-2011, 21:34
Coffin Dodger.
Re: nelson imp
Went to a Nelson Imp Exhibition today at Haworth Park Gallery, met a few old faces from back then, was a damn good little exhibition wi a film of some of the big names that played yon, all in all a good afternoon. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
21-04-2011, 08:30
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Re: nelson imp
Originally Posted by cashman
Went to a Nelson Imp Exhibition today at Haworth Park Gallery, met a few old faces from back then, was a damn good little exhibition wi a film of some of the big names that played yon, all in all a good afternoon. 
Hi cashman, is it possible I saw the Hollies at Nelson Imp in about 1963?
21-04-2011, 08:56
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Re: nelson imp
Originally Posted by sm_counsell
Hi cashman, is it possible I saw the Hollies at Nelson Imp in about 1963?
I would have thought it was very possible Sue, especially because they hale from that neck of the woods
21-04-2011, 08:59
Coffin Dodger.
Re: nelson imp
Originally Posted by sm_counsell
Hi cashman, is it possible I saw the Hollies at Nelson Imp in about 1963?
the Hollies were at nelson imp susan, they did "Stay" which was in charts at the time, so would be around 63.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
21-04-2011, 09:29
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Re: nelson imp
21-04-2011, 09:38
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Re: nelson imp
Originally Posted by wadey
What a great site wadey, some good picks too, I so dell Shannon at the cave in the 70s he was total crap, and Dave Berry used to pop into the Grate Tree in Haslingden on a regular basis, he had a mate lived round the corner, and I knew him from the numerous appearances at Martholme Grange in the late 70s
21-04-2011, 20:17
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Re: nelson imp
Dave Berry still doing the rounds unlike The Great Tree
22-04-2011, 07:44
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Re: nelson imp
Too young to have attended the Imp but have family who worked there in it's heyday and what a heyday a real A to Z of not just rock.
It's the stuff of legends in these parts and the website that Wadey has posted also has a stall in Nelson Market which is always fascinating and I can stand there awestruck looking at who played the Imp on the posters, tickets and flyers.
I did frequent the Trop in the 80's & part of the 90's which had something of a reputation
Sadly the Trop closed a few years ago leaving not a lot of night life left in Nelson especially with all the pubs closing down but my birth place of Brierfield is even worse with only one pub and two working mens clubs left, at least Barrowford is still busy and a good night out 
Working Towards Change
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22-04-2011, 09:06
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Re: nelson imp
Originally Posted by wadey
Dave Berry still doing the rounds unlike The Great Tree
Quite right wadey, was a really good local, just what local pubs were all about, it was like a little community on its own, kick one they all limped, some good traditions too like the annual pilgrimage to the rising bridge club on new years day to renew your subs, sadly that's gone too
22-04-2011, 09:08
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Re: nelson imp
Obviously being a few years younger than most of you I missed it's heyday. Did go later in it's life, was handy for staggering home a few hundred yards away 
22-04-2011, 12:00
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Re: nelson imp
Originally Posted by cashman
thank god iv'e actually found someone who remembers,i know i used to drink copious amounts but i was thinking i was hallucinating lol.accy con was also a great monday night in the early-mid 60s
Would have got the T-shirt if they had them in those days Cashy - mid 50s for me, working in Burnley lots of the other apps, and lots & lots of the girls lived up that way.   
22-04-2011, 19:47
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Re: nelson imp
When I lived in Walsden I went to the Imp pretty regular. One day in 1963 ish I got a 1957 Oldsmobile Rocket 88 and me and a few lads and lasses (it held eight if you crammed four front and back), turned up at the Nelson Imp. While we were looking for somewhere safe to park (not easy) there were a gang of screaming girls running after us, they must have thought we were the group which was appearing that night.
What a let down when when us lot, a bunch of yokels from Yorkshire, climbed out.
Here is a clipping from the brochure which was still in the car glove box when I got it.
Funny thing is although I don't qualify for any prize for a handsome hulk of a man I was never short of a girl on my passenger seat.
Anyway back to the Nelson Imp, a good night out and great groups which were just on the verge of famous, oh! and a few battles outside where more than one Ted has finished up in the cut.
Gremlin R.T.
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