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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 16-04-2005, 00:31   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
P.E. Teachers

Remember when you were at school who was the biggest bully? It wasn't one of the older kids though some of them could be rather nasty, no it was that strange & twisted person that was all muscle & no brain The P.E. teacher!

We can probably all remember the strange ways these people had to make life hell for the poor delicate flowers that were put into their care namely the children. Lots of people on this site have in various threads made a comment such as bring back corporal punishment it will give greater control to the schools, but that idea must never ever be applied to those de-ranged b*stards.

We can all re-call tales of the over generous use of the plimsoll to a rear end protected only by a thin pair of shorts. Every P.E. teacher I ever met had a unique way of making life hell.

One I remember, if while doing warm up excercises for gymnastics some-one broke wind he would demand to know who did it (and God help the culprit if they didn't own up) would then get every-one else in the class to form a circle around the guilty party, bend over facing him (The culprit), then he would shout out "DEEP BREATHING EXCERCISES BEGIN".

However sometimes revenge is sweet below is a true story about a friend of mine:-

This chap Peter, was on the portly side. The
chip shop near to where we worked also had kids from
the local school come in at lunch times, Peter was in
the queue behind the kids waiting patiently when in comes the
schools P.E. teacher & jumps straight to the front of
every-one pushing a fat boy out of the way with the
words, "out of my way Johnson your fat enough!"

My Friend went over to him & said, "excuse me what do
you think your doing?".
" I'm just getting some chips why?"
"Because said my friend when I was at school I was the
fat boy bullied by the P.E. teacher, but now I'm grown
up I don't expect you to have the bad manners to push
in front of the rest of us so either get to the back
of the queue or else I'll sit on you & make you do 100
press ups.".
The P.E. teacher suddenly remembered he
needed to be somewhere else.

Unfortunately for Peter this episode meant that whenever
we wanted chips for lunch he would have to go to the chippy
because he had become a kind of folk hero with the kids
and whenever he walked into the shop they would tell him to
go straight to the front of the queue.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 16-04-2005, 00:40   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: P.E. Teachers

got to say less,our p.e. teacher at accy tech was ok,an i wasn't particularly good at p.e.was ok at cross country but rubbish at owt else.were a few bullies i.e woodwork teacher was well deranged used to throw lumps of 3 b/2 if you wern't listening,split me head open once,thats well deranged.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 16-04-2005, 20:44   #3
Beacon of light

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Re: P.E. Teachers

I absolutely hated P.E. What must we have looked like......? Trotting round in our Navy blue gym knickers. I was absolutely useless at all ball games and was always the last person to be picked for a team. I would have done anything to get out of P.E.
I would have washed all the tea towels in the Domestic Science Room.....cleaned all the cookers.......stoked the boilers.......cleaned the toilets......... ANYTHING.
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Old 16-04-2005, 21:07   #4
Resident Waffler

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Re: P.E. Teachers

Me too. I hated it because I simply couldn't focus on a moving ball. We had one rather butch gym/sports mistress who made life a misery for those of us who were not very sporty.

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Old 16-04-2005, 21:23   #5
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: P.E. Teachers

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I absolutely hated P.E. What must we have looked like......? Trotting round in our Navy blue gym knickers. I was absolutely useless at all ball games and was always the last person to be picked for a team. I would have done anything to get out of P.E.
I would have washed all the tea towels in the Domestic Science Room.....cleaned all the cookers.......stoked the boilers.......cleaned the toilets......... ANYTHING.
I was another that would have preferred almost anything rather than sports until one week after myself & a friend had 'forgotten' our P.E. kit for the third week running as well as the usual punishment of a jim shoe applied to a sensitive area of the body the P.E. teacher hit on a new idea to try to get us to remember our equipment, it was called humilliation!
He arranged with the P.E. Mistress that we should be forced to play netball with the girls, well it didn't work after all we were thirteen/fourteen year old boys we thought we'd died and gone to heaven! all those girls running around in their short skirts.

Wow! thank YOU Sir!

Over the next few weeks more and more hormonally enhanced male teenagers developed bad memories just so we could play netball!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 16-04-2005 at 21:25.
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Old 16-04-2005, 21:40   #6
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Re: P.E. Teachers

Yes I remember that the biggest bullies used to be the games & PE teachers (games and PE were different subjects in our school - games was football/rugby/cricket, etc, and PE was a lot of indoor things like gymnastics/circuit training/5 a side football, etc)

The problem was that you obviously couldn't complain about it, as it was your word against theirs
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 17-04-2005, 01:55   #7
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Re: P.E. Teachers

Sorry I was the complete opposite loved every minute of it PE, Games whatever and as much footy as I could get.
I remember breaking a window at Rhyddings one break time and a certain Irish History teacher pulling me by the ear to Old Marsdens office, thinking this time I'm really for it he said if it happen again it was six of the best and he could defiantly make it hurt. Well luck was in Mr Thompson the PE teacher was in the office and told them that we had a very important Football match against the grammer school and that the punisment would be better if he made me sub for the game, as captain that would humiliate me and make me less likely to get in to anymore trouble, they agreed and my hands were saved from the cane.
I played the whole game scored 2 goals but they had to be credited to someone else, as Mr Thompson explained he couldn't read my name out at assembly in the morning after telling them I wouldn't be playing.

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Old 17-04-2005, 13:36   #8
Beacon of light

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Re: P.E. Teachers

We used to do cross country running during the winter.......God, I hated that with a passion, but my best friend was ace at it and she used to drag me along with her.......we used to set off from Higham's playing fields and run down into Priestley Clough.....up over Farmer Nelsons land........ behind his barn..... this was where some of the girls used to have a quick ciggie......not knowing that the gym mistress watched them with binoculars.....they were in detention after that.
Once when it was icy I slipped and fell in the brook and my gym knickers were beginning to freeze on me by the time I got back to the playing fields.......I was looking forward to a hot shower to warm me up and all there was that day was COLD water. I thought I was going to die of hypothermia!
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Old 20-04-2005, 13:21   #9
Resting in peace
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Re: P.E. Teachers

I remember cold showers - and having about 5 minutes to get out of gym kit, showered, dried and back into uniform. I hated anything to do with PE with a passion - the worst thing in the world was hockey, on a freezing cold day, with the wind whistling round your unmentionables (and to be fair, Less, I don't think anyone looks very sexy when a pale blue colour with purple mottling!). Loathed netball, hated gym, the only thing I liked was swimming and we didn't have a pool - we were, of course, far too posh to traipse down to Accy baths!

All that said, I did have a crush on the gym mistress when I was about 12! - possibly because she was the most macho of the staff (with the exception of Miss Simpson, who had quite a well-developed moustache).
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Old 20-04-2005, 15:40   #10
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Re: P.E. Teachers

Well I hated P.E I had a teacher called miss Blades, miss tomlinson and Mrs.roberts and yes they were all butch and dykes.

I always bunked off if I could and I have used EVERY excuse possible...........some even embarrasing but if it got me out of it, i'd tell them lmao.

Just walking up and down the link path of moorhead 20 times a day with the heaviest bag possible (even the army would have been proud that us girls could carry bags like that). That was enough exercise anyone needed.........then there was always fighting to get to the front of the diner cue..............that was exhausting heeeeeeee memories.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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