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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 23-09-2014, 09:30   #121
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Re: Priestly Clough

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I lived on Riley's Hill and only knew of one of those tunnels.
I thought they were part of the coal workings which went under the hill.
As children we were warned about going into these workings. My mother told us she would 'skelp our aces' if she ever heard about us having been in there.....she was a formidable woman(she still is) so I never ventured in there......that isn't to say our lads didn't......but they were never found out if they did.
Wouldn't mind betting the one i mated wi did?
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Old 23-09-2014, 11:00   #122
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Re: Priestly Clough

Cashy, I have no doubt whatsoever about that.
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Old 24-09-2014, 13:11   #123
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Re: Priestly Clough

Last time i went up T clough i was about 16. Went walking with a young girl from our area. Think she was called Marion Holden or something like that. It was pouring down and we had to shelter in a workmans type of tent on top of the rock. Only kids.
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Old 13-03-2015, 13:32   #124
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Re: Priestly Clough

Living on Belfield Rd. Priestly Clough was my playground. Somebody mentioned the lodge behind Hingham’s works; well that is where we would fish with a net for "Sticklebacks". Unfortunately one day when I was about 7-8 I fell into the lodge and being a non swimmer I was soon in Trouble. Fortunately as it was Sunday a couple came by and the Young man rescued me. It was Derick Briggs who also lived on Belfield Rd. If Things had turned out for the worse, I wouldn't be writing this article today!


Philip Kenyon
Late of Belfield Rd.
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Old 13-03-2015, 13:59   #125
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Re: Priestly Clough

Originally Posted by landhusweg View Post
Priestly Clough was my playground. Somebody mentioned the lodge behind Hingham’s works; well that is where we would fish with a net for "Sticklebacks". Unfortunately one day when I was about 7-8 I fell into the lodge and being a non swimmer I was soon in Trouble. Fortunately as it was Sunday a couple came by and the Young man rescued me. It was Derick Briggs who also lived on Belfield Rd. If Things had turned out for the worse, I wouldn't be writing this article today!
Do you mean the original mill pond top of bath st near the footpath?

I use to get warned all the time about the dangers of playing around that area there was also platts lodge too.

Glad your alive to tell the tale
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Last edited by Accyexplorer; 13-03-2015 at 14:05.
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Old 13-03-2015, 15:16   #126
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Re: Priestly Clough

Yes exactly the mill Pond to the right of the footpath.

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Old 13-03-2015, 17:00   #127
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Re: Priestly Clough

I remember I was once looking for frogs and things on the banks of the rectangle-shaped lodge to the side of Nelson's farm. This would be around 1960. I stepped in, just at the shallow edge, and my feet started to slide down the sloping banks and into the deeper water. I panicked, not being able to swim, and the lodge looked very deep. After what seemed like an eternity my little brother reached for my hand and pulled me out. Never forgot that!
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Old 13-03-2015, 17:29   #128
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Re: Priestly Clough

A bit history about the clough on this picture

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Old 13-03-2015, 20:25   #129
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Re: Priestly Clough

Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
I remember I was once looking for frogs and things on the banks of the rectangle-shaped lodge to the side of Nelson's farm. This would be around 1960. I stepped in, just at the shallow edge, and my feet started to slide down the sloping banks and into the deeper water. I panicked, not being able to swim, and the lodge looked very deep. After what seemed like an eternity my little brother reached for my hand and pulled me out. Never forgot that!
Be around that then wintertime Turtle, mates and me ventured out onto Nelson's Lodge when frozen. The groaning and cracking of the ice as it took the weight of 4 or 5 of us Woodnookers, scared the bejazus out of me and offski I went.
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Old 13-03-2015, 21:22   #130
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Re: Priestly Clough

Long before 1960...during a pretty cold winter we(my brothers and I) went to survey the lodge.
This was a place that we were forbidden to go, unless with an adult...and we weren't.
Both of the lodges...the big one and the little triangular shaped one, were frozen over.
My brother Michael wanted to skate on the frozen ice and squeezed through the railings.
I pleaded with him not to go onto the big lodge.....but he did not listen to me.
The ice cracked and into the freezing water he went. He could not swim and the shock of the cold water had sort of stunned him.
I saw a thick branch lying in the wooded side of the lodge and I managed to get hold of it.
I held this out to him and with the help of Peter(another brother) we managed to fish him out.
We took him home, blue with cold and shivering and shaking.
He dared not go in the house...fearing what Ma would say.
She came to the top of the back steps and flung a bucket of cold water over him saying
'you like water????? I'll teach you to like bl**dy water'
he was then brought into the house and had his bar bum paddled , then he was wrapped in warm clothes and sent to bed to consider the error of his ways.

It made no difference he was always in some kind of Cashy will no doubt attest to.
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Old 14-03-2015, 12:50   #131
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Re: Priestly Clough

Poluted and devoid of fish in the 70's! - 80's ?
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Old 11-09-2019, 10:26   #132
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Re: Priestly Clough

I lived in the farm house at that time so I must know you
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