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13-05-2004, 08:49
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
Hi Tealeaf, I was under the impression that the Warehouse at Church belonged to the Waterboard? No? And to Accy stanley fan, the connectin with the marvellous Kinloch Castle featured on last times Restoration was .....Bullough (of Howard and Bullough fame) BUILT the castle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13-05-2004, 10:05
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
I'm sure if the warehouse does belong to British Waterways they would have done something with it by now.......their track record over the last few years on restoring canal side historic buildings has been excellent. I'm certain that what I wrote above comes from reading about it in the Observer a couple of years ago when there was one of the sproradic hue & crys about the eyesore.......but as the footy fans will tell you, the Observer does'nt always get the facts right.
13-05-2004, 10:26
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
Originally Posted by Atarah
Hi Tealeaf, I was under the impression that the Warehouse at Church belonged to the Waterboard? No? And to Accy stanley fan, the connectin with the marvellous Kinloch Castle featured on last times Restoration was .....Bullough (of Howard and Bullough fame) BUILT the castle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ACCRINGTON SWEAT & BLOOD BUILT THAT CASTLE ( sorry, thats the old radical in me speaking
13-05-2004, 14:35
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
Right on, Comrade Tealeaf. I fully agree with you. Though Kinloch Castle is beautiful, representing as it does the final flowering of Edwardian excess. I cannot help but be reminded of some of the people who spent their working lives helping to pay for it. The whole place should have been left to the people of Accrington. Mind you, with the council's record on building conservation, if it had been left to us I am sure it would have been demolished a long time ago. Just an idle thought, is there a case to be made in law for moral ownership?
13-05-2004, 15:12
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
The interesting thing is that the estimate to build a similar structure today is close on £100m......of course, if it had been built as large as Bullough originally specified - 221ft across the front, to match his yacht - then it would be half as much again.
What I find objectionable is the fact that this 2nd Bullough wasrarely seen in Accy, preferring instead to ride to hounds in Leicester while the 3rd Bullough blew the money on nags down at Newmarket (Unlike me.....I spend 90% of my money on drink, fags and women and the rest I waste)...
Whatever the argument for saving this particular property - and there are several - one thing is for sure. The working-class taxpayers of Accy have already paid for it many, many times over.....let the heavily-subsidised Jocs pay for it instead. Afterall, ther're the ones who get the benefit of it.
14-05-2004, 12:39
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
The interesting thing is that the estimate to build a similar structure today is close on £100m......of course, if it had been built as large as Bullough originally specified - 221ft across the front, to match his yacht - then it would be half as much again.
What I find objectionable is the fact that this 2nd Bullough wasrarely seen in Accy, preferring instead to ride to hounds in Leicester while the 3rd Bullough blew the money on nags down at Newmarket (Unlike me.....I spend 90% of my money on drink, fags and women and the rest I waste)...
Whatever the argument for saving this particular property - and there are several - one thing is for sure. The working-class taxpayers of Accy have already paid for it many, many times over.....let the heavily-subsidised Jocs pay for it instead. Afterall, ther're the ones who get the benefit of it.
A great article that one on the Castle, and I can just imagine the idle rich wasting money whilst the rest of Accy slaved away for peanuts.
The Commercial and the warehouse next to it should have been improved many years ago. In fact I can remember the place actually being in use. The whole site could make an excellent attraction and mayde his knibs at Ossy Mills would be interested.
The main problem I foresee is the yobs and Gypos that inhabit the area (No I don't include those on Lion Stret!). But a sort of Ossy Mills extension linked to the waterways may provide a different sort of atmosphere.
However, you're right about most things, and getting anybody interested in doing anything about it is almost impossible. Still it's good to have some ideas.
PS: Just back for the day, on my travels again to-morrow!! 
11-06-2004, 07:52
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
Bearing in mind the canalside location of the buildings perhaps some kind of water based attraction there? I was thinking of canal cruises. Well I can daydream can't I?
Has anyone else ever thought that our River Hyndburn is also vastly underrated? It isn't even marked on some maps as existing at all!
Most of it is underground but there's an area which could be developed and made attractive near Oak Street (practically town centre) where, with a bit of imagination and a lot of refurbishment, we could have a riverside picnic area with grassy banks.
11-06-2004, 12:47
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
This is good stuff... keep it up. I'v not been back home since 78 so its hard to give an opinion, but i'm all for it.. what about my old house??? - 89 Church St, Church. I was born there at 1.30 am a wet Thursday morning on the 6th August 1959.
11-06-2004, 12:55
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
Hi Doug
Well, if you're from Church - so am I! You probably remember the X Guns - not very nice, now; the Thorn (ditto) and the Queens (now a private residence)....the Commercial is now a delapidated building, the Welly is a resaurant, the Bridge is so-so.....everything happens at the Stag - see the piccy's under "Bank Holiday Sunday" thread.
11-06-2004, 13:35
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
Hi Tealeaf,
Thanks.. I had my first drink in the Cross Guns at the ripe old age of 4. My mum and dad Margret & Alan Douglas where regulars at most of them in the 60s. My dad was a bus driver in the mid to late 60s driving omo's on the Church Kirk and ferngore runs, my mum work at the Commercial.
Again Thanks for the picture.. Times change and not always for the better
11-06-2004, 16:04
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Re: RESTORATION - in Accy?
To Willowthewisp - that a brilliant idea, the area down Black Abbey Street. On a summers day you could be forgiven for thinking you were in the country side. Anyone out there with any money who could transform it?
11-06-2004, 16:20
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Black abbey street area.
Here is a photo taken last year of the lower part of Black Abbey street area.
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