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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 26-09-2014, 21:47   #16
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Re: School items

Waiting to go on our break after a woodworking class, Rhyddings Tech, when the teacher came running towards me sitting on the bench all quiet like and I swear to goodness he gave me such a crack under the chin that I flew over the back of the bench onto the floor followed by this nutter screaming that no one did that to him?????? Not a clue what I was supposed to have said or done! Didn't think of reporting him as it just wasn't done in those days!
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Old 27-09-2014, 06:53   #17
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Re: School items

Originally Posted by gdm27 View Post
Waiting to go on our break after a woodworking class, Rhyddings Tech, when the teacher came running towards me sitting on the bench all quiet like and I swear to goodness he gave me such a crack under the chin that I flew over the back of the bench onto the floor followed by this nutter screaming that no one did that to him?????? Not a clue what I was supposed to have said or done! Didn't think of reporting him as it just wasn't done in those days!
Woodwork teacher in my day was Mr Howland down at accy tech, A Phsyco if ever there was, Once threw a offcut of 3x2 at me fer talking in woodwork, split me forehead open big time.
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Old 27-09-2014, 08:49   #18
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Re: School items

There were a few bad apples among the teachers that were definitely in the wrong career. I can remember asking one female teacher a question (and I wasn't being cheeky) and got such a smack across the face that my glasses flew off and landed on the floor! I was supposed to wear them all the time and was a bit self conscious about them anyway but after that I refused to wear them point blank. I must have been no more than eight years old. The old bag emigrated to Australia a couple of years later and I prayed she'd get bitten on the backside with one of the poisonous spiders I'd read about!
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Old 27-09-2014, 09:09   #19
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Re: School items

The only corporal punishment I recall was getting two strokes of the cane on each hand for chewing gum in class.
I was given the option of 2 minuses or two strokes of the cane.....I chose the cane because that week I had accrued enough pluses to get my name on the 'honours board'.
Two minuses would have scuppered that.....getting on the honours board was quite an achievement back,I took the cane.
Did it harm me? No, I was doing something that was against the rules.Without rules there is chaos and anarchy.
Did I consider it abuse? No, no more than when my parents meted out justice at home.
I didn't tell my parents either because I would have been in trouble at home for being in trouble at school.
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Old 27-09-2014, 09:34   #20
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Re: School items

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
So you're an advocate of child abuse?

Dragging kids by their ear making it hurt for 2 days, or rapping knuckles hard enough to pop blood vessels turning them red..yup great way to get kids to learn, beat the crud out of them, and, according to you totally justified?

Did you actually become smarter because you were physically abused? Tell me one thing that you learned on the day you were humiliated and dragged across the classroom? (other than dont p*** the teacher off)

Are you claiming that kids should not have the right to protection from humiliation and abuse? Are you claiming that teachers should have the right to burst blood vessels and drag young people around by the ear at their leisure?

I learned more when I left school, most of my teachers were like yours...listen or else... didn't engage me, didn't interest me...when I left school and went to further education...lecturers didn't use threats or violence. they engaged and educated me

Good teachers NEVER need to abuse kids...

The one thing you are right about is that education is a farce in this learn by rote and linear curriculum, creativity and imagination is knocked out of them.
Bringing back the pointed dunce cap and putting the child in the corner may have some effect too but,I believe teachers using a ear pulling (humiliation) or in extreme cases even a rap across the knuckles with the wooden rule to change a student's behavior is justified.
The lack of FIRM punishment for breaking rules is part of the reason why there is a lot of violence nowadays (i know violence tends to promote violence but i don't see this technique as such). We seem to have grown into a society where it is okay to be rude and disrespectful. Where do we draw the line? Would you rather have children learn about punishment in prison?

Some folk grow up not needing to be punished at all but some (like i did) need it,School just seems to have become glorified baby sitting nowadays.

"what did i learn"...I believe it's called biofeedback,one of the ways that we learn is through pain. If you stick your hand in a fire, it hurts. Unless you’re really stupid, you’re not going to intentionally put your hand back in the fire in a hurry.
This sort of punishment works in a similar way,if you do something bad and something comes out of it that hurts (ear pulling or the slipper), you’re not going to do it again anytime soon and i believe this technique works.Being someone who has seen an appalling drop in teaching standards over the last say 15+years, I do believe that teacher training in this country needs a serious overhaul if the state of education is to improve.(i also learnt not to pee the teacher off ).

The powers that be will never allow this sort of punishment to be reinstated G so you don't need to worry.
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Old 27-09-2014, 09:47   #21
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Re: School items

What yeh learn Guinness is to learn to obey the rules or get bounced, I firmly believe its people wi yer outlook, reckoning punishment is abuse, is the main reason things have gone to ratsh1t, Whilst punishment yeh always get some teachers that abused the rule n went too far, Thats called Life,it happens everywhere.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 27-09-2014, 10:10   #22
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Re: School items

There have to be boundaries in all areas of life. If boundaries are not set and maintained then where does this leave young adults when they join the real world?
We have to let children know from a young age that there are consequences to all actions.
I think that much of the lack of discipline in life stems from parents who do not set boundaries.....or let children overstep boundaries.
Children really do NEED to have clear behavioural objectives explained to them.
They actually need the firm borders of discipline. This is the foundation on which their life is going to be built. You would never build a house without putting down firm foundations.

My father was very strict, but the rules were explained and if you broke the rules and were found out then you knew what the consequences were. My father was also very fair....he would give you a chance to explain, but on the understanding that you would still get what was coming. There were seven of us at home and anything less than this approach would not have been workable.
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Old 27-09-2014, 12:03   #23
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Re: School items

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Woodwork teacher in my day was Mr Howland down at accy tech, A Phsyco if ever there was, Once threw a offcut of 3x2 at me fer talking in woodwork, split me forehead open big time.
Yup, that was him!
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Old 27-09-2014, 20:36   #24
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Re: School items

We had a woman teacher who caned the girls, and a man for the boys. Can't actually remember any girls getting it though. I know the boys did.

A science teacher used to throw things at us - empty tins, chalkboard dusters, whatever he could lay his hands on. Had a good aim, too. Seemed to enjoy tugging girls' plaits hard as he walked past them 'to keep them alert'. Had a dark room for developing photographs - and for putting disruptive students in.
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Old 27-09-2014, 20:43   #25
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Re: School items

I remember in Junior school the teacher telling us that we shouldn't use swear words otherwise she would wash our mouths out with carbolic soap. My so-called friend told her that I used the word 'blooming' a lot in a way that made it sound like a swear word, and so I was threatened with the carbolic soap treatment if I continued to do so. I think the teacher was looking forward to extracting the punishment to offenders.....

.....she would have a ball these days!
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Old 27-09-2014, 20:51   #26
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Re: School items

Just asked my Accrington man if he was ever punished at school. 'Too right' he said. Apparently (according to him that is) he and another student got the cane every day at Springhill school. On the fingertips.

I said they must have been slow learners not to have woken up to the fact that this is what they would get if they misbehaved, but he said the headmaster (Mr. Spencer) seemed to have it in for them. This was to the point that instead of encouraging them he told them that if they passed the exam to go to Accrington Tech it would be 'nothing short of a miracle'. They both did!
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Old 27-09-2014, 22:20   #27
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Re: School items

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
What yeh learn Guinness is to learn to obey the rules or get bounced, I firmly believe its people wi yer outlook, reckoning punishment is abuse, is the main reason things have gone to ratsh1t, Whilst punishment yeh always get some teachers that abused the rule n went too far, Thats called Life,it happens everywhere.
I find it strange that a guy who allegedly touches a womans breast for 10 seconds 20 years ago, said woman being well able to fight back mind you...gets dragged through the courts as an abuser..yet someone who chucks a 3x2 at a defenceless childs head and splits it open, someone who drags a defenceless kid across a room by the ear, hits a young girl so hard he knocks her glasses from her face...well thats ok, because they are educators..and because the justification for giving this kind of neanderthal punishment to our children is that everything goes to ratsh1t if you dont.
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Old 27-09-2014, 22:59   #28
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School items

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
I find it strange that a guy who allegedly touches a womans breast for 10 seconds 20 years ago, said woman being well able to fight back mind you...gets dragged through the courts as an abuser..yet someone who chucks a 3x2 at a defenceless childs head and splits it open, someone who drags a defenceless kid across a room by the ear, hits a young girl so hard he knocks her glasses from her face...well thats ok, because they are educators..and because the justification for giving this kind of neanderthal punishment to our children is that everything goes to ratsh1t if you dont.

Do you know who she was Guinness, just wondering how you can be so sure of her self defence abilities.
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Old 28-09-2014, 07:37   #29
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Re: School items

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
I find it strange that a guy who allegedly touches a womans breast for 10 seconds 20 years ago, said woman being well able to fight back mind you...gets dragged through the courts as an abuser..yet someone who chucks a 3x2 at a defenceless childs head and splits it open, someone who drags a defenceless kid across a room by the ear, hits a young girl so hard he knocks her glasses from her face...well thats ok, because they are educators..and because the justification for giving this kind of neanderthal punishment to our children is that everything goes to ratsh1t if you dont.
Well, looking at the way children have gone over the years where no authority of any description has been exerted, society is definitely not improved by the lack of discipline.
There are no deterrents to bad behaviour, either from parents or schools.

Not so long ago I was on a bus when a group of school children got on.
They were in uniform, swearing and generally behaving in a very anti social manner.
Did anyone check them? No, they were allowed to continue being rowdy.
I rang the school to tell them and a more disinterested person would be hard to find.
When I was at school(yes OK, it was a long time ago) we were told that while in uniform, we represented the school.....and what people saw would be how the school would be judged.

My experiences tell me that times were better when there were boundaries which were clear to children.....when parents taught their children basic manners and instilled respect for themselves and others.
Whatever deterrents were used back in the days when I was growing up seem to have been more effective than what is currently being used.
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Old 28-09-2014, 09:09   #30
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Re: School items

My mum came back from town on the bus full of school children the other day and was fairly shocked too. She's made a mental note never to travel at that time of day ever again! (And she's no wallflower either).
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