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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 25-04-2006, 18:46   #16
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Re: Smell memories

OOOh firelighters Yes!! all white and smooth and yummy smelling (ok getting carried away) Ive got a weird thing about touch- when i got my easter egg this year i just sort of touched it and licked it for about an hour- Oh god, what am i saying!!! Please dont ban me
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Old 25-04-2006, 18:54   #17
Beacon of light

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Re: Smell memories

Oh...I remember Tippings...and Blowers on Church St.......they used to put fresh sawdust down in a morning and it smelled lovely....they used to do ground coffee too and it was put into blue sugar paper bags......and they used to have glass topped biscuit tins so that you could choose which biscuits you had in your half a pound of 'mixed' biscuits.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-04-2006, 21:27   #18


Re: Smell memories

I loved going into Woolworths and hanging around the loose biscuit stalls and cake stalls on a Saturday morning, sniffing that sweet air filled with everything you could desire.

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Old 25-04-2006, 21:40   #19
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Re: Smell memories

Originally Posted by Doug
I loved going into Woolworths and hanging around the loose biscuit stalls and cake stalls on a Saturday morning, sniffing that sweet air filled with everything you could desire.
Aaaah, felt there was a big softy in there somewhere Doug.
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Old 25-04-2006, 23:25   #20
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Re: Smell memories

All those Heavanly smells coming out of , Varley's , Arnfields, Youngs, Brady's, Bakerie's Whalley Rd Top end of Clayton, and the Chip Shops, Doras,Whalley Rd, Pillings, Burnley Rd, Grimshaws, Blackburn Rd, Hackings, Whalley Rd and one next door to the top Club, cant remember the name and hot buttered pies on a Friday .
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Old 09-06-2006, 23:40   #21
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Re: Smell memories

The same has Granny for me it's the smell of johnson's baby products and a just bathed baby.
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Old 10-06-2006, 08:27   #22
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Re: Smell memories

The smell of raw whiff and I'm five years old and standing in Redmans with my mum looking at the rather imposing gentleman with the moustache who was the custodian of the bacon slicer at the back of the shop.
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Old 10-06-2006, 20:05   #23
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Re: Smell memories

As everyone knows, today has been roasting hot....I had some letters to post....I walked down the street and could smell the pungent aroma of 'gas' brought back so many memories.....bursting the fat shiny bubbles between the cobbles with a lolly stick.....trying to get a big ball to roll in our hands and invariably getting it onto my clothes.......or even worse, my hair.
My mother would spend time getting it out of my clothes but she would just take the scissors to my hair and I ended up looking like an urchin.......aaaah days of innocence, alas now long gone!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 10-06-2006, 23:15   #24
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Smell memories

I love the smell of fresh fish, always have. As a child I used to love walking through the fish market just sniffing the fumes. When I lived in Whitby, in the late 60s, it was a delight to walk along the fish-quay early in the morning and just take in the smell of the catch.

The smell of new-mown hay also puts me on an instant nostalgia trip - right back to the days when all the children in the neighbourhood used to help the local farmer get the hay in, long before the days of combines and bailing.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 06-06-2011, 22:57   #25
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Re: Smell memories

The smell of Oddies Pies ! It were on the corner of the market it Broadway? Is it still there? When I hear of all these changes in Accy, demolitions of grand old places, well it's just sad. Here in Canada, we have no history. Literally almost ! (The country was settled 144 years ago). Nor do we have a distinct identity, as Canada prides itself on being the melting pot of the world - which is great on one hand, but truly - Canadians have no distinct sense of identity, certainly not the way Lancashire folk do.
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Old 06-06-2011, 23:03   #26
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Re: Smell memories

Oddies are still in accy tina, but in the arndale centre now, a junior school classmate was manageress until she retired 3 years ago, still smells damn good in yon though.
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Old 06-06-2011, 23:51   #27
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Re: Smell memories

Originally Posted by Tina View Post
The smell of Oddies Pies ! It were on the corner of the market it Broadway? Is it still there? When I hear of all these changes in Accy, demolitions of grand old places, well it's just sad. Here in Canada, we have no history. Literally almost ! (The country was settled 144 years ago). Nor do we have a distinct identity, as Canada prides itself on being the melting pot of the world - which is great on one hand, but truly - Canadians have no distinct sense of identity, certainly not the way Lancashire folk do.
I would think that melting pot is what makes Canada the Country it is. A sense of identity can have its advantages, but can also at times can come with some baggage.
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Old 07-06-2011, 01:41   #28
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Re: Smell memories

Originally Posted by Tina View Post
Nor do we have a distinct identity, as Canada prides itself on being the melting pot of the world - which is great on one hand, but truly - Canadians have no distinct sense of identity, certainly not the way Lancashire folk do.
Sorry Tina have to disagree with you on this , think most Canadians I've come across have the distinct traits which idenify them as Canadians , ( most of them were born there, 2nd generation) , so they don't carry any "nostalgic baggage" like their immigrant parents,

Hope Eric comes across this thread , he's an ex Accy/Clayton guy who also lives in Canada and from reading his posts on Accy web I don't think there anyone is of a more Canadian mindset than him

Something which gets my goat both in Canada , Australia and other places where UK immigrants tend to gather is how they complain about "Coronation st" being 6 months or more behind the UK or how they can't find Birds Custard powder ...... sorry folks , you left the UK , adapt live like the locals
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Old 07-06-2011, 09:47   #29
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Re: Smell memories

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Sorry Tina have to disagree with you on this , think most Canadians I've come across have the distinct traits which idenify them as Canadians , ( most of them were born there, 2nd generation) , so they don't carry any "nostalgic baggage" like their immigrant parents,

Hope Eric comes across this thread , he's an ex Accy/Clayton guy who also lives in Canada and from reading his posts on Accy web I don't think there anyone is of a more Canadian mindset than him

Something which gets my goat both in Canada , Australia and other places where UK immigrants tend to gather is how they complain about "Coronation st" being 6 months or more behind the UK or how they can't find Birds Custard powder ...... sorry folks , you left the UK , adapt live like the locals
Can you buy Birds custard inthe bay area?
What about Nuttals mintoes?
Every city hasa little shop where ex pats can buy a little bit of something that reminds them of days gone by.
Things like CROSSE & BLACKWELL PICCALILLI, great stuff.
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Old 08-06-2011, 14:02   #30
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Re: Smell memories

There was a little shop just off the Rundle Mall that sold British sweets.....coltsfoot Rock Sarsaparilla tablets, barley sugars.....aniseed balls, mint imperials, pontefract cakes.

Don't know if it is still there...haven't been to Adelaide for 7 years or so.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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