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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 04-01-2006, 20:16   #16
Junior Member+
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Re: Sunny Holidays

I remember your dad spoiling you rotten so i cant believe me was ever that mean.
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Accrington Web
Old 04-01-2006, 20:31   #17
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Re: Sunny Holidays

my mum and dad had a camper van that was alwaya braeking down remember spending half of my holls on a layby ho happy days
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Old 04-01-2006, 20:34   #18
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Sunny Holidays

Originally Posted by mange
I remember your dad spoiling you rotten so i cant believe me was ever that mean.

The spoiling came after the divorce, he could afford it by then... He still spoils us rotten now though..
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 13-01-2006, 04:17   #19
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Re: Sunny Holidays

Originally Posted by pendy
Does anyone remember the excitement of trying to be the first one to see the Tower? and the way it changed sides as the train drew on? Although the weather in Blackpool and Lytham was often not great, we didn't seem to feel the cold. And the way everyone sat on the beach dressed as if for a tea party?

I know we now can have fabulous holidays in faraway places, but are we really any happier with them than those much anticipated weeks at

Yes Pendy. My dad used to say when on the train from Accy "first to see Blackpool Tower gets a penny"
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Old 14-01-2006, 00:23   #20
white rabbits

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Re: Sunny Holidays

oooh we got a threepenny bit..... but its a long time ago...
Not a full brick
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Old 14-01-2006, 13:18   #21
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Re: Sunny Holidays

yea ours was a threepenny bit too......he he he
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 26-01-2006, 21:50   #22
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Sunny Holidays

When I was very young we never went away as a family. After the war my dad was in business as a spectacle frame maker in Bolton, later became an optician, and I can't remember him ever taking time off until I was about 10. I used to spend my Summer holidays, from the age of 7, with a childless aunt and uncle in Whitley Bay, Northumberland and I loved it. They had a quite large house with a big garden, only half a mile from the beach. Auntie was a cordon-bleu cook (she had little else to do apart from bridge parties) so I ate wonderfully well and I was the "daughter" she never had so I was indulged.

Whitley Bay had a lovely beach, was very unspoilt in those days, and there was Spanish City, the smaller equivalent of Blackpool pleasure beach. It may have been the freezing North Sea but it was there that I learned to swim on my back, in the sea, where Uncle Vic taught me how to "skim" stones across the water and where I spent some of the most carefree times of my life.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.

Last edited by West Ender; 26-01-2006 at 21:53.
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Old 19-03-2006, 17:06   #23
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Re: Sunny Holidays at Blackpool

Wakes Week
Come July it'll be wakes week, When most people go away
Some folks travel t' Blackpool. Some fer a week or a day.
Mi favrite place wer' Blackpoo' I' digs on General Street.
At Mrs Pooles, wi mi Mam an Dad, We allus stopped fer a week.
Y' could bet ther wer' someone ther we knew. Oo'ed come fro' our 'ome town.
Fer i'd wer Accrinton's wakes week.They'd come t' try t'ge'd brown.
Ah couldn't wait t' ged down t' beach. In a deck chur mi Mam allus sat.
While me an mi Dad sailed on a boat, no further thant' pier that wer that.

Wi'd build sand castles an wid mek sand pies. I'd ride on a donkey named Jill.. Then wid eat shrimps an ice cream, an Mother ud sey. Dorned eat so much tha'l be ill.
T'ower an t' cirus wer allus a must. Wi offen went in t' zoo. There wer lions an t'igers an munkeys. An aquerium wi lots a fish too.
Ther wer shows on all o't piers, wi singers an dancers galore. As wi sat theer in't theatre wetchin, knowin't' sea wer theer under t' floor.
Ther were side shows all along t' promenade. Cum see tattooed lady they cried. or 't two eedid twins, or't worlds thinnest man.
An fairyland's on'y tuppence a ride. I'ds allus excitin at Blackpoo. There's plenty to do an t' see.Wakes weeks ar over an it's time to go 'ome. Mi Dad an mi Mam, an Me . Ah! Memories.:engsmil:
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Old 28-03-2006, 22:16   #24
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Re: Sunny Holidays

My July holidays were 2 weeks in northern ireland every year. Always without fail i would miss the last week of school and spend my birthday either travelling or in northern ireland. My mum & dad came from there and used to go 'home' and visit everybody. We used to stop at Granny's until she died and then we stopped at my aunts for a couple of years and then at a hotel. Used to spend a week visiting everybody and then the second week we'd set off and go out on day trips or drive round ireland but always end up back where we set off from for the last night. Then go for the ferry in the morning. We always went stranraer to larne on sealink. Never had seasickness and went to holland with the school when i was in the 3rd year and we sailed the north sea in the middle of a storm - me and one of the teachers were the only ones who wasnt seasick - well when you've crossed the irish sea in storms the north sea is nothing! lol Come September though we would have a week in Morecambe and we always stopped in the same flats every year without fail. Easter we went to scotland and always ended up at Loch Ness and Fort William on the Sunday.
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