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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 12-05-2005, 22:55   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Super New Improved

Way back in 1955 ITV did it's first broadcast (I believe the first advert was for Colgate toothpaste but I could be wrong) however what I would like to know is how come washing powders have been improving dramatically over the past 50 years every few months we get at least one of the leading brands telling us how they have improved the 'blue whitening', 'penetration power', 'cool wash' or some other fantastic and wonderful miracle advance. It leads me to ask the following question:-

For there to be have been so many improvements to the powders from then until the present day what was in the so called soap powder boxes of yesteryear that were sold to our parents and grandparents, MUD?

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Old 13-05-2005, 13:41   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Super New Improved

get the drift less-its new improved bullsh** lol
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Old 13-05-2005, 14:16   #3
Foreign Correspondent

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Re: Super New Improved

Originally Posted by Less
For there to be have been so many improvements to the powders from then until the present day what was in the so called soap powder boxes of yesteryear that were sold to our parents and grandparents, MUD?

"Improvements," much like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder. There's a lot more marketing power in terms like "new" and "improved" than there is in the concept of "the same great stuff your grandmother used." As a result, the folks selling the stuff are always looking for a frash angle. The truth is that the actual product may not have changed much at all. For all we know, they've done something minor to "improve" the box the soap is sold in.

I'm getting grumpy enough about adverts that the harder they try to sell me something, the harder I resist.

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Old 13-05-2005, 14:16   #4
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Re: Super New Improved

Originally Posted by cashman
get the drift less-its new improved bullsh** lol
That sums it up pretty neatly.

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Old 15-05-2005, 14:30   #5
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Re: Super New Improved

I was under the impression that it was impossible to be both new and improved. If it's new then that must mean that it is a completely new product. On the other hand if it is improved then that's just the old product with some alterations. I have a wail of a time picking holes in adverts. I have yet to see an advert for anything which has made me want to rush out and buy the product.
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Old 16-05-2005, 14:07   #6
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Re: Super New Improved

One of the great things about not having a TV is never seeing TV ads!
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Old 16-05-2005, 15:31   #7
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Super New Improved

Originally Posted by pendy
One of the great things about not having a TV is never seeing TV ads!
ah but one of the great things about technology is the VIDEO,if theres a good programme on the advert channels we tape it,then just skip through the ads when watching i also hate the ads pendy but love the VIDEO lol
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Old 22-05-2005, 20:34   #8
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Re: Super New Improved

I dont think any of the washing powders/liquids are that great, my whites are still stained, maybe I'm using the wrong stuff, the staines fade after about 3 washes I've even tried that vanish oxy stuff and that didn't make any difference, so dont think they're improved at all!
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