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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 23-05-2012, 17:54   #106
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Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
It's called poetic license - and before you say you've never heard of them that's NOT the name of the band. (Actually I have to admit I was trying to be clever by adding this to my message but somehow it didn't work properly - oops!).
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Old 10-12-2012, 00:38   #107
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Re: The Con club

Looking at that picture depresses me as I am 16 years old so I had never been there when it was open. But being a kid, me and a couple of my friends often go in there as it is a beautiful building and webalways try to picture what used to happen there. But the ballroom looks nothing like this now, it looks like hell. It is destroyed - probably the work of mindless yobs. I am hoping to get a professional camera for christmas and then I can go back there and take a few shots and post them here. None of you will like what you will see though. Its in a dreadful state. I bumped into the owner and he is a lovely guy. He paid me to do a little weeding out the front and plant some flowers in pots. I just wish he would save the place. If anyone has ANY more photos of when the place was open then please email them to me. Ive looked everyewhere for photos, the internet, library, parents, my neighbour who used to work there. But i have had no luck. So please email me some photos, [email protected]
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Old 10-12-2012, 00:49   #108
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Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by claytonx View Post
In the early to middle 50s Alec Higgins played snooker on the Con club tables, you could not get into the snooker room when he played. In those times there was dancing Wednesday nights and Saturday nights as a post said long queue's for Christmas or New Year dance tickets we were lucky we had a mate who worked at the printers so no problem getting them. As far as after's was concerned nothing better than a 1d platform ticket and a warm empty railway carraige which was parked up for the night.
Can anyone tell me which room was tge snooker room please and which floor it was on as it is very hard to tell as the building is empty now. cheers.
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:02   #109
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Wink Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by steve50brown View Post
Yea definantly no tables and chairs around the side.If it kicked off can you imagine the carnage!!I also seem to remember they wouldn't serve bottles over the bar in case you took them onto the dance floor.I remember the doors at either side of the stage. The one to the right led to the coffee bar,I think there was another door leading to the landing. The stage was higher which created a good atmosphere.
p.s.Wasn't mondays ladies night or something????
Hi, the door on the right leads to a spiral staircase that goes down to a fire exit. The door on the left leads to another fire exit which leads down to the next floor with the small stage and bar and what looks to be a kids bedroom as it says Rory Campbell's Room on the door and it has lots of posters and pictures of bart simpson. When you walk up the stairs and into the ball room there is a small door on the left leading to the attic and some toilets. Were thse staff or public toilets? Also the door next to the big bar in the ball room which says toilets is no longer accessible as the floor has collapsed. Does anybody know what was in the small room inside these toilets? The cellar is very hard to get to as both sets of stairs leading to it have collapsed. The roof is broken so the water damage is horrific. I tell you the place looks like a bomb hit it. I will take some shots and post them around Christmas Time.
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:12   #110
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Question Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
They didn't serve ale in the ball room period back in the 60s, well not on Monday or Saturday night, there was a soft drinks bar behind the stage. If you wanted a drink you had to be a member of the Middle Bar and you weren't allowed to take bottles or glasses through the door
How could they fit a soft drinks bar behind THAT stage. Was the stage in a different place before or something??

It would be really good if somebody who went here during the 50's/60's/70's/80's/90's/early2000's would take me around this building and tell me the history because I really want t find out what it used to be like.
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:26   #111
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Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong but surely one of the stumbling blocks here is that the building is not a "public" building as such and doesn't belong to the council but is in private hands. That means there would be more hoops to jump through if the council did decide they wanted to save the building.

Don't know if it's still a fashionable idea in architectural circles but recently one trend has been facadism - saving the front of a building and constructing a new one behind it. If the Con Club really is in such a bad state then this might be an idea as the front is the memorable bit. It might be cheaper in the long run than trying to renovate what is there already. I don't know, I'm not an expert in these matters, but I wonder if the idea has been given any thought.
Yes you are correct it is privately owned. I am not willing to give out the name of him for moral reasons but I can say he is a lovely friendly man. He is currently awaiting planning permission to demolish the back end of the building including the Majestic Ballroom. I would prefer for it to stay though and be repaired.
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Old 10-12-2012, 01:30   #112
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Talking Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Perhaps one of our Accyweb "heritage" newhounds might have a photo of the state it's in after the fire.
I will post some recent photos of the interior and exterior around Chritmas time.
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Old 10-12-2012, 06:52   #113
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Question Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by Ewoodsambo3 View Post
Looking at that picture depresses me as I am 16 years old so I had never been there when it was open. But being a kid, me and a couple of my friends often go in there as it is a beautiful building and webalways try to picture what used to happen there. But the ballroom looks nothing like this now, it looks like hell. It is destroyed - probably the work of mindless yobs. I am hoping to get a professional camera for christmas and then I can go back there and take a few shots and post them here. None of you will like what you will see though. Its in a dreadful state. I bumped into the owner and he is a lovely guy. He paid me to do a little weeding out the front and plant some flowers in pots. I just wish he would save the place. If anyone has ANY more photos of when the place was open then please email them to me. Ive looked everyewhere for photos, the internet, library, parents, my neighbour who used to work there. But i have had no luck. So please email me some photos, [email protected]
I cant understand all this interest that you have in the Con Club. You say you are 16. but your profile say,s you are 22. And in another post you are doing a survey in the New Year for the owner. I take it that its a Paid Survey. Whats going on then. !!!!!!!
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Old 10-12-2012, 17:20   #114
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Re: The Con club

Recent postings seem to have been scattered over a number of threads. I may be doing Ewoodsambo3 an injustice but if he is 16 or even 22 years of age, he just wouldn't have the experience and/or qualifications to carry out a survey on an outside long drop never mind the remains of the Con Club
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Old 10-12-2012, 17:42   #115
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Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
Recent postings seem to have been scattered over a number of threads. I may be doing Ewoodsambo3 an injustice but if he is 16 or even 22 years of age, he just wouldn't have the experience and/or qualifications to carry out a survey on an outside long drop never mind the remains of the Con Club
I think if you read his post on one of the other threads he is talking about a questionnaire type survey rather than an architectural one. Still a bit weird though.
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Old 10-12-2012, 20:40   #116
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Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by Mog View Post
I cant understand all this interest that you have in the Con Club. You say you are 16. but your profile say,s you are 22. And in another post you are doing a survey in the New Year for the owner. I take it that its a Paid Survey. Whats going on then. !!!!!!!
We've had "bods" in the past who've been excessively fixated on various subjects, shops, cars .................Hmm.
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Old 10-12-2012, 21:35   #117
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Re: The Con club

'buzz' in
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Old 10-12-2012, 23:32   #118
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Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by walkinman221 View Post
If you drive past the back of the con now you can see the ballroom ceiling through the missing windows
I've come late to this thread and remember when we arrived here by train circa 1970 we were impressed by the beautiful architecture as we walked along that side of town.

It's an absolute shame that the Council hasn't made sure this beautiful building is protected. The window wasn't missing - if you look at these photos you'll see it was inside the room. Once kids or thieves get into a place there's bound to be more damage, such as the fire or as seen in the pictures

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Last edited by Lucysgirl; 10-12-2012 at 23:42.
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Old 11-12-2012, 10:29   #119
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Smile Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
Recent postings seem to have been scattered over a number of threads. I may be doing Ewoodsambo3 an injustice but if he is 16 or even 22 years of age, he just wouldn't have the experience and/or qualifications to carry out a survey on an outside long drop never mind the remains of the Con Club
What is wrong with me trying to do a survey?
Whats wrong with me being interested in things other than drugs and violence like a lot of people my age.
Why cant I do some research of my own? It keeps me busy, surely you would prefer me to be interested in things like this rather than me just being a yob?
Im not trying to get into anybodys bad books but I don't see how me doing a little research and survey about the place will harm anybody?

I am sincerely sorry though if I have upset or annoyed anybody.
Thanks for your honest thoughts and replys though.
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Old 11-12-2012, 16:16   #120
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Re: The Con club

Originally Posted by Ewoodsambo3 View Post
What is wrong with me trying to do a survey?
Whats wrong with me being interested in things other than drugs and violence like a lot of people my age.
Why cant I do some research of my own? It keeps me busy, surely you would prefer me to be interested in things like this rather than me just being a yob?
Im not trying to get into anybodys bad books but I don't see how me doing a little research and survey about the place will harm anybody?

I am sincerely sorry though if I have upset or annoyed anybody.
Thanks for your honest thoughts and replys though.
You're quite free to talk about what you want on here, mate. It just seems a little curious that all 14 of your posts have been on one subject so far, but it's a free country (relatively speaking), so that's up to you. Personally, I'm far more concerned about your user name which leads me to suspect that you might be an unbeliever in the one true faith!
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