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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 29-01-2006, 22:51   #1
Resting in Peace

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The elastic that held up ya' socks.

Bin ta' gym, wore ankle socks and Oh dear! changed into swimming cossie, after very mild workout you understand. Deep inverted rings round the ankle area, not sitting very well with the cellulite.
Reminded me of the elastic mothers used to give us to hold up our winter socks .. they were made of elastic tied in a knot and invariably lost during the day so that one sock would be up, one round yer ankles like 'Just William'. As long socks were the apparel of winter, taking these off at night was an excruciating experience ... legs cold from the frost and by hek! did the elastic marks itch for a while, used to scratch until they nearly bled, apart from cutting your circulation off for most of the day of course. Some things have definitely improved.
Do men still wear those suspender things for socks, can't see the point myself, and was never privvy to where exactly they were put, below the knee or above.
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Old 29-01-2006, 23:16   #2
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

Originally Posted by katex
Bin ta' gym, wore ankle socks and Oh dear! changed into swimming cossie, after very mild workout you understand. Deep inverted rings round the ankle area, not sitting very well with the cellulite.
Reminded me of the elastic mothers used to give us to hold up our winter socks .. they were made of elastic tied in a knot and invariably lost during the day so that one sock would be up, one round yer ankles like 'Just William'. As long socks were the apparel of winter, taking these off at night was an excruciating experience ... legs cold from the frost and by hek! did the elastic marks itch for a while, used to scratch until they nearly bled, apart from cutting your circulation off for most of the day of course. Some things have definitely improved.
Do men still wear those suspender things for socks, can't see the point myself, and was never privvy to where exactly they were put, below the knee or above.
Yes people still wear them. It was one of the less exciting things I had to buy in my old job.

They are worn in the middle of the calf, with the little suspender type fastner holding up a quarter hose sock [short sock.]

There are also sock suspenders for three quarter hose socks [knee length ones.] They are really very much like the knotted bits of elastic of old, and are mainly used for shooting, or to wear with plus twos or fours.

All sock suspenders aren't that good for your circulation.
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Old 29-01-2006, 23:30   #3
Accy Goddess

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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

I only had to put lastic on my socks when the elastic went.
It was horrible.
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Old 29-01-2006, 23:36   #4
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

At least Kate's Mum didn't fasten her socks together with elastic, like they used to with mittens so you didn't loose one.

That would have produced some dreadful chaffing.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 30-01-2006, 00:00   #5
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

Ugh!......Those awful elasticated Mitten's now they were worse than the flippin sock's.
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Old 30-01-2006, 12:47   #6
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

our gloves were on a long piece of string and threaded down each sleeve
Not a full brick
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Old 30-01-2006, 18:53   #7
Resting in Peace

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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

Originally Posted by garinda
At least Kate's Mum didn't fasten her socks together with elastic, like they used to with mittens so you didn't loose one.

That would have produced some dreadful chaffing.
Aaah the mittens, yes, but at least you didn't lose one.

Used to chaff my legs anyway as was quite chubby and top of legs met in the middle rubbing together .. worse in the cold. Also think when I was little used to have one or two 'accidents' .. used to giggle a lot ... and didn't help
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Old 30-01-2006, 20:21   #8
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

Talking about suspenders...what about the ladies version......when the button fell off you used a sixpence......the older ladies on here will know exactly what I'm talking about. That was the era before tights. Does that make me very old then?
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Old 30-01-2006, 20:21   #9
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

Talking about suspenders...what about the ladies version......when the button fell off you used a sixpence......the older ladies on here will know exactly what I'm talking about. That was the era before tights. Does that make me very old then?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 31-01-2006, 12:21   #10
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

Afraid so Margaret ...............and

Afraid so Margaret
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Old 31-01-2006, 12:58   #11
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

John.....I was looking to be cheered up......and told 'Of course not!.....just mature' Now you have gone and dashed my hopes.......I should perhaps have told you that i was only 18 months old when I started to wear suspenders
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 31-01-2006, 14:26   #12
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

I remember the awful elastic holding my long white socks up! Didn't the top of your legs get really cold in the winter? Mine did. Even though I had a skirt down to my knees and socks up to my knees it was always the tops of my legs that felt the cold. There, and my nose!

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Old 31-01-2006, 15:40   #13
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

Originally Posted by katex
they were made of elastic tied in a knot and invariably lost during the day so that one sock would be up, one round yer ankles like 'Just William'.
I hope you didn't scweem & scweem & scweem until you were sick!!!


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Old 31-01-2006, 19:00   #14
Resting in Peace

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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

Originally Posted by Romps
I hope you didn't scweem & scweem & scweem until you were sick!!!

Oh, my Gawd Romps ... looks just like that me when I was little, don't think I had a speech impediment though
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Old 31-01-2006, 22:16   #15
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Re: The elastic that held up ya' socks.

First the flesh went from white to red,then a nasty purple colour that hurt and stung at the same time.
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