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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 20-10-2005, 14:46   #1

The Warriors

Has anyone got any info on local sixties Pop Group - The Warriors.
I have come across a photo of them in Mary's Music record shop, while I am researching a book with Garth Dawson.
www.lancashirebooks.couk :engsmil:
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Accrington Web
Old 20-10-2005, 21:50   #2
Resident Waffler

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Re: The Warriors

I remember them well. John and Tony Anderson lived round the corner from us when I was at Peel Park. They lived on Norfolk Street. We lived in Sultan Street. I remember them playing locally but I never actually liked John's voice (He had an "h" in his name in those days before he became famous and dropped it.)

Is there anything in particular you'd like to know?

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Old 21-10-2005, 12:58   #3
Super Moderator

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Re: The Warriors

The Warriors' line-up was Jon and Tony Anderson on vocals, Mick Brereton on lead guitar, Rod Hill on rhythm guitar, Dave Foster on bass and Ian Wallace on drums. They had two singles out on Decca in 1964, "You Came Along" and "Don't Make Me Blue". Neither record made the charts. They used to drive around in a van with a pair of horns on the roof. They eventually split up in 1968.

Jon, of course, went on to worldwide fame with Yes and Vangelis. Ian Wallace, meanwhile, joined King Crimson and later played in Bob Dylan's band. I worked with Mick Brereton on Accy Corporation Highways Department in 1969.

Like Willow, I never much liked Jon's voice. I remember reading a review of a Yes concert at the Apollo a few years back which described him as singing with "a strange Accrington-American accent"!
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Old 21-10-2005, 21:43   #4

Re: The Warriors

Thanks to Wynonie and Willow for your replies. I think I have enough to be going on with for now!
www.lancashirebooks.couk :engsmil:
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