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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 27-12-2005, 19:40   #1

Uncle Dick?

Does anyone have any info about a Market Trader in Accrington during the 1960's who held the dubious nickname of 'Uncle Dick'???
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Old 28-12-2005, 07:35   #2
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Re: Uncle Dick?

I remember him well, he used to sell all sorts of household goods. He would offer something for a price and then say, "Wait a minute, I,ll throw in another," and then, "Just a minute I,ll give you one of these as well'. He used to have a great following and you always left feeling you had a bargain. His wife was one of his sellers, they were both dressed like a couple of spivs but were a lot of fun. I,m guessing now but I think he died about 1975.
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Old 28-12-2005, 10:37   #3
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Re: Uncle Dick?

i can just vagually remember him ...yes he was a great character.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 28-12-2005, 14:19   #4
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Re: Uncle Dick?

I remember seeing him as a child, and can remember exactly where his pitch was. It was very exciting watching him sell to the crowds gathered round his stall.

I always thought he looked like Johnny Morris from BBC's Animal Magic, and for a long time actually thought he was one and the same.
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Old 28-12-2005, 17:41   #5
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Re: Uncle Dick?

he sounds a lot like BARMY MICK on burnley market........wonder if it was him...
Not a full brick
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Old 28-12-2005, 17:47   #6
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Re: Uncle Dick?

I remember him. It wasn't a sort of a stall you could go and browse around. He was more like a fairground entertainer. "I'm not here today and gone tomorrow!"

Crowds gathered round to listen to the spiel and then some would buy whatever he was promoting at the time. You didn't get chance to interrupt and ask for some entirly different thing. I don't think anyone would have dared. Mind you I was only very young at the time so perhaps my perception was different.

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Old 28-12-2005, 18:59   #7

Re: Uncle Dick?

Thanks to all for the info-It will come in handy.
The reason I asked is that Garth Dawson has a picture of him and we may include it in our next book released in May.
www.lancashirebooks.couk :engsmil:
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Old 28-12-2005, 21:13   #8
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Re: Uncle Dick?

I remember my Grandad buying my Gran some miniature Toby Jugs off Uncle Dick's one Christmas......Gran put them on the mantelpiece.....pride of place.
They had an 'all night burner' fire and when Gran came down to breakfast the following morning there were just three lumps of multi-coloured wax......Grandad was not impressed.....he had spent two shillings and sixpence on those toby jugs! Grandad always called him a 'spiv' after that.
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Old 07-03-2006, 00:01   #9
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Re: Uncle Dick?

Uncle Dick and his wife came from Blackpool. Accrington has never been the same since. I just loved watching, Her all dolled up, and him with his spiel. Wonderful times.
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Old 12-03-2006, 17:34   #10
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Re: Uncle Dick?

Originally Posted by thindle
Uncle Dick and his wife came from Blackpool. Accrington has never been the same since. I just loved watching, Her all dolled up, and him with his spiel. Wonderful times.
got it in one thindle! i used to work for home supplies on accy market in those days which was virtually next to uncle dicks and used to love listening to his patter.
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Old 12-03-2006, 17:35   #11
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Uncle Dick?

Originally Posted by thindle
Uncle Dick and his wife came from Blackpool. Accrington has never been the same since. I just loved watching, Her all dolled up, and him with his spiel. Wonderful times.
got it in one thindle! i used to work for home supplies on accy market in those days which was virtually next to uncle dicks and used to love listening to his patter.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 16-03-2006, 21:59   #12
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Uncle Dick?

I often used to go and watch him do his stuff. It never ceased to amaze me how he juggled plates and never dropped one. The world's a poorer place without characters like him.
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