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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 10-10-2006, 21:54   #31
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Last Tuesday me and the old feller clocked up 40 years married.
If we search our hearts, think we all are after a long and happy marriage Margaret ..... sigh .. x
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Old 10-10-2006, 22:56   #32
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

awwww congratulations margaret. I hope i will be married for a long long time too
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Old 10-10-2006, 23:45   #33
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

nice one margaret, makes a cynical old get happy that does.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-10-2006, 12:57   #34
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I married at 19....The wedding was done on a shoe string......seventeen and sixpence for the licence.....two pounds ten shillings for the taxi to take the whole of the wedding party up to the Haslingden Register Office......Bride Groom and two witnesses. My wedding outfit came to the grand total of twelve pounds.......someone gave us a bottle of bubbly which was left over from their daughters wedding....someone else gave us a tier from a wedding cake.......we didn't have a reception and our honeymoon was a daytrip to Blackpool...with chips walking along the sea front. My father said he would give the whole thing six months! 25 years later he handed me some Hong Kong Dollars and a Silver Tea Service and congratulated me 'been a bloody long six months Dad' I told him....he grinned. Last Tuesday me and the old feller clocked up 40 years married. So it can't have been bad luck to see the bride before we got maried....or can it?
Anyone who fancies a good read should look at Marg's wonderful journal, which has the whole story of her courtship, but have your hankies ready.
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Old 11-10-2006, 14:45   #35
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

Originally Posted by katex
Glad to see that the Accy Observer is now giving space to local weddings again, seemed to be a bit thin on the ground for a long while, and I love to read them.
Why does the Accy observer not report on Muslim/Hindu weddings? Any ideas, anyone.
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Old 11-10-2006, 16:00   #36
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Why does the Accy observer not report on Muslim/Hindu weddings? Any ideas, anyone.
Well I don't know for definite but this might have something to do with it.

The 'reports' in the paper are actually filed by the bride and groom just before the wedding. The photographer e.g. Reg at Garth Dawson handed us a form which we filled in and handed back to him - he then took the pictures and decided which one to submit to the local paper and they took the information from the form.

(I was actually quite annoyed because one of the questions on the form is about the bride's dress, which of course, I didn't want Chris to know about, so I didn't fill that question in. When the piece was printed they had obviously looked at the photo and made a guess about the dress saying it had a purple front panel when in fact my wedding dress was purple and I had a white coat covering it.)

Anyway, I digress - it is possible that muslim weddings are not reported because they do not use the regular photographers and so do not get the forms and therefore don't get printed.

Hope that helps a bit!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 12-12-2015, 22:32   #37
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

I have never seen a Hindu or Sikh in Accy. Strange and its the same in Rochdale.

Last edited by Bolton in Ossy; 12-12-2015 at 22:33. Reason: Wrong quote replied to
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Old 15-12-2015, 10:41   #38
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

I used to love watching "Charlie Williams" on the comedians when he stated that the initials O.H.M.S. on official letters stood for "Only Hindu's, Muslims and Sikh's.

Oh dear I will probably now have the politiclly correct police inspectors at the door whithin hours. Never mind, stay happy as always, Your's Taddy.
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Old 15-12-2015, 12:01   #39
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

Katex's thread has been running for nine years, but it is the first time I've seen it.. It must surely be one of the most long-running, even though it was dormant for so long. How did 'Bolton in Ossy' come across it ? I shall message Katex to express my pleasure
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Old 15-12-2015, 14:23   #40
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

I too have only just seen this tread. Re pensions..... Being married or not has no baring on whether you get a full pension. It is whether you have enough National Insurance contributions. I have a full pension in my own right as I always paid a 'full' stamp. Many married women opted to pay what years ago was a 4p stamp then it went up to 6p. This only covered statutory sick pay but did not allow them to claim dole and did not contribute towards their pension. When actual stamps were done away with and contributions were a percentage of earnings married women could still opt to pay a lower rate which again affected their pension. I worked 20 years part time but still paid the full rate ensuring a full pension at 60yrs. The irony is that when the new pensions come into effect I along with others my age will not get the £140 or whatever the figure is so it seems I wasted my time paying the top rate after all.
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Old 17-12-2015, 21:07   #41
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I married at 19....The wedding was done on a shoe string......seventeen and sixpence for the licence.....two pounds ten shillings for the taxi to take the whole of the wedding party up to the Haslingden Register Office......Bride Groom and two witnesses. My wedding outfit came to the grand total of twelve pounds.......someone gave us a bottle of bubbly which was left over from their daughters wedding....someone else gave us a tier from a wedding cake.......we didn't have a reception and our honeymoon was a daytrip to Blackpool...with chips walking along the sea front. My father said he would give the whole thing six months! 25 years later he handed me some Hong Kong Dollars and a Silver Tea Service and congratulated me 'been a bloody long six months Dad' I told him....he grinned. Last Tuesday me and the old feller clocked up 40 years married. So it can't have been bad luck to see the bride before we got maried....or can it?
Are you sure about the seventeen and sixpence Marge ? I got married eight years before you and I could have sworn my missus only cost me Seven and sixpence, unless inflation went through the roof in eight years that is. Yours taddy
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Old 17-12-2015, 22:06   #42
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

Yes....I am sure that himself got half a crown change......because he often remarked that he thought it was good value for money.
Heck my parents got married at the end of the war and they paid ten bob......I know this because my dad borrowed the money off my Mum and didn't pay it back until my sister got married in 1985(he had to get a special red ten bob note to give her the money back) it was the talk of the wedding reception.
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Old 17-12-2015, 23:24   #43
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

1958, and I am sure it cost 7 shillings & 6 pence.
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Old 18-12-2015, 08:16   #44
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

On that day I was not in charge of the money....he was. He told me he paid 17 shillings and change from a pound.
I did not see the transaction. Don't tell me our marriage of nearly fifty years has been based on lies and that he pocketed ten bob for beer money!
Anyway, we aren't living over the brush
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 18-12-2015, 09:57   #45
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Re: Weddings /'Over the brush'

7/6d it was - hence the bingo caller's "£Was she worth it?" when No 76 drawn.
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