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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 10-03-2012, 17:31   #46
Resting In Peace
susie123's Avatar

Re: wellington street

Just been up Nuttall Street on streetview, didn't realise there were so many shops up there. In the fifties my great aunt and uncle had a green grocers up there, seem to remember it as on the left going away from town but may be wrong.

Interesting taggy you say there was a Fred's butchers - think my g/aunt and uncle sold some fish but not meat... and he died in the fifties - but his name was Fred!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 11-03-2012, 10:51   #47
Resting in Peace
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Re: wellington street

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
Yep, before it become Wibis (Wines, Beers, Spirits) Jaysay. it was owned by a woman called Mary Capel, it sold Alcohol then too, appropriately enough she had a Dog called Whisky!! Lol!...It used to let us kids take a ride on its back, but it had a "thing" about uniforms & the Postman used to dread coming along that stretch of Royds Street!

There was actually another off license on Royds Street too, it was on the left hand side going up past Nuttall Street, just before Clement Street. They used to sell Sherry out of a Cask, so you could bring a bottle in to be filled. Later on another corner shop on nuttall street i think sold alcohol too, it was the one straight across from "Fred's Butchers" which later became a chippy!

Best Regards - Taggy
Wibis, When I worked for Valley Refrigeration and Shopfitters, we had the contract to do all the Wibis shops the Guy who owned it was a foreigner, can remember his name for the life in me, Hand a very big house in its own grounds on the Longsight Road, he had around 15 shops in Lances, was quite a good bloke to work for, always kept the beer flowing if we were pushing for a deadline
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Old 11-03-2012, 10:57   #48
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Re: wellington street

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post

There was actually another off license on Royds Street too, it was on the left hand side going up past Nuttall Street, just before Clement Street. They used to sell Sherry out of a Cask, so you could bring a bottle in to be filled. Later on another corner shop on nuttall street i think sold alcohol too, it was the one straight across from "Freds Butchers" which later became a chippy!

Best Regards - Taggy
I remember that selling out shop to belong to Mc Cartneys. The daughter of the owners was called Janet Mc Cartney and went to Woodnook school.
The selling out shop was opposite to a pub......which if my memory serves me rightly, was called The Star(I am happy to be corrected if anyone knows differently) I am talking about the late fifties and early sixties here.

Oh and the butchers which was across from the other off licence on Nuttall street was Harry Booths.
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Old 12-03-2012, 17:15   #49
Senior Member+

Re: wellington street

Have just quickly read through all the answers to the original question and the RISHTON family lived at Poplar Cottage (Wellington Street cottage) on Wellington Street. The house DID have a garden and railings around it and the front of the house faced along Wellington Street, in the direction of the Police Station area. The Rishton family attended Christ Church and the last member living was a Miss Rishton.

Last edited by Atarah; 12-03-2012 at 17:25.
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Old 14-11-2013, 18:45   #50

Re: wellington street

Originally Posted by annlez View Post
sorry about the lack of details i've put on but it was a friend who says he remembers playing in the garden as a boy was there anything near there that had large gates and garden sorry i can't give more details
I think the Whittaker family lived in that house as i remember,
We lived just a few doors away.
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Old 08-08-2016, 10:46   #51

Re: wellington street

The children names were jaquline and the boys name was Rory I'm not sure
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