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Old 19-12-2012, 23:08   #16
I am Banned

Re: Wellington Street

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Years and years ago(over 50 years) I had a friend called Margaret Duncombe...her parents had a TV(repair) shop across the road from this house. I always wanted to live in this corner house....just so that I could play out more with my friend.
I remember a TV repair shop on Welly Bob St, but it was on the corner with Cotton St, used to get resistors & capacitors from him for my experiments, some body is in the process of doing it up, they were fitting new double glazing yesterday.
The place where they built the new Pop Club is about a third of the way along Welly Bob St, from Church St End, the 1909 map shows some spare land about there., facing the end of Napier St.
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Old 19-12-2012, 23:21   #17
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Re: Wellington Street

I can also remember the house corner of cotton st that was a tv repair place, never actually used it, but was told he was a good un n reasonable, But tellys were heavy n cars non existent to me back then.
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Old 20-12-2012, 00:02   #18
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Re: Wellington Street

I used to live on Nelson/Napier St and seem to remember a cottage near where the Pop is, unless I'm loosing my marbles too! That was back in the 50s.
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Old 20-12-2012, 00:05   #19
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Re: Wellington Street

Originally Posted by ossy kid View Post
I used to live on Nelson/Napier St and seem to remember a cottage near where the Pop is, unless I'm loosing my marbles too! That was back in the 50s.
Was it sideways on? am sure it had gone in mid 60s when i used to go pop club.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-12-2012, 07:59   #20
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Re: Wellington Street

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
I remember a TV repair shop on Welly Bob St, but it was on the corner with Cotton St, used to get resistors & capacitors from him for my experiments, some body is in the process of doing it up, they were fitting new double glazing yesterday.
The place where they built the new Pop Club is about a third of the way along Welly Bob St, from Church St End, the 1909 map shows some spare land about there., facing the end of Napier St.
Yes Retlaw, I know where the Pop club is(not being fly here), but just mentioned this house because it isn't facing the same direction of the other houses on Wellington could be considered sideways on.
I lived up in that region for the first 19 years of my life, so I thought I knew it pretty well....can't say that I remember any other dwelling place that was sideways on.
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Old 20-12-2012, 10:58   #21
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Re: Wellington Street

Thanks Ossy kid. At least Im not the only one now. Maybe we are both losing our marbles!!!!!!
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Old 20-12-2012, 12:53   #22
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Re: Wellington Street

Originally Posted by lindashanks2 View Post
Thanks Ossy kid. At least Im not the only one now. Maybe we are both losing our marbles!!!!!!
Or better still you 2 are correct n we all lost ours.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-12-2012, 13:18   #23
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Re: Wellington Street

You never know.Lol!!
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Old 20-12-2012, 18:20   #24
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Re: Wellington Street

Originally Posted by lindashanks2 View Post
Does anyone remember a cottage, sideways on to Wellington Street, near the Pop Club. Don't know if I have imagined it or not!!
You got me thinking Lindashanks2...”Thought as much” says the current Mrs P, “You look flushed”” “Well its either that or the Novo virus ” was my witty reply, but I digress. Wellington St, I’ve had a decko at a Ordnance Survey map from 1892 and where Napier Street runs down and sort of across Wellington at the back of the alley overlooking Back Atlas Street and the old Perseverance Mill (now Parker Engineering Ltd). I can see a dwelling a lot smaller than the terraces mapped along Wellington. Maybe that's, your sideways cottage?
Interestingly there also seems to be two or three allotments sited where the Pop’ club now stands as mentioned by Retlaw in his post.
As a bonus to you aerating my grey matter Lindashanks2 I now also remember the little cottages below the road level at the end of Nuttall Street just before it changed to Sykes St continuing up onto Manchester Road by the Hargreaves Arms, now Grants of course. The bedroom windows were level with the pavement and the fronts doors were accessed by going down a flight of stone steps? Thanks for that.
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Old 20-12-2012, 18:35   #25
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Re: Wellington Street

Originally Posted by lindashanks2 View Post
Does anyone remember a cottage, sideways on to Wellington Street, near the Pop Club. Don't know if I have imagined it or not!!
Of course the small building may well have been the communal outside "lavvy".?.. last ones I recall were behind the houses bottom of South Street onto Nuttall Street.
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Old 20-12-2012, 19:17   #26
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Re: Wellington Street

Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post
You got me thinking Lindashanks2...”Thought as much” says the current Mrs P, “You look flushed”” “Well its either that or the Novo virus ” was my witty reply, but I digress. Wellington St, I’ve had a decko at a Ordnance Survey map from 1892 and where Napier Street runs down and sort of across Wellington at the back of the alley overlooking Back Atlas Street
Do you mean back Wellington St, wev'e never had a back Atlas St in Acc.
and the old Perseverance Mill (now Parker Engineering Ltd).
I can see a dwelling a lot smaller than the terraces mapped along Wellington. Maybe that's, your sideways cottage?
Interestingly there also seems to be two or three allotments sited where the Pop’ club now stands as mentioned by Retlaw in his post.
As a bonus to you aerating my grey matter Lindashanks2 I now also remember the little cottages below the road level at the end of Nuttall Street They were not little cottages, but normal size dwellings demolished in 1966, and Sykes St was demilished in 1934 (now called Spring Gardens), to make way for the new Police Station, which opened in May 1935 just before it changed to Sykes St continuing up onto Manchester Road by the Hargreaves Arms, now Grants of course. The bedroom windows were level with the pavement and the fronts doors were accessed by going down a flight of stone steps? Thanks for that.
Most if not all the above happened long before Linda was born.
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Old 20-12-2012, 19:34   #27
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Re: Wellington Street

I do remember the houses below street level. Used to swing on the railings!
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Old 20-12-2012, 19:43   #28
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Re: Wellington Street

I dont remember a Back Atlas Street or back Wellington Street. I moved to Woodnook in 1952 when I was 3. The image I have in my mind is definitely the bottom of Napier Street. Glad your brain cells are working DtheP47!
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Old 20-12-2012, 20:12   #29
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Re: Wellington Street

Was there a butchers shop there also? Or was that on the corner of Napier and Grange St? I know I had to get my grandma a sheep head there every Friday for her tea. I had to clean for her and chop wood while the stinking thing cooked and then put it on a plate for her, I tried to get out before she ate the eyeballs??? She lived to 93? I can see that little cottage now Linda, the cottage was to the right facing towards Cotton St with a garden in front of it and wrought iron railing on a low wall. Or am I dreaming?
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Old 20-12-2012, 20:31   #30
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Re: Wellington Street

Originally Posted by ossy kid View Post
Was there a butchers shop there also? Or was that on the corner of Napier and Grange St? I know I had to get my grandma a sheep head there every Friday for her tea. I had to clean for her and chop wood while the stinking thing cooked and then put it on a plate for her, I tried to get out before she ate the eyeballs??? She lived to 93? I can see that little cottage now Linda, the cottage was to the right facing towards Cotton St with a garden in front of it and wrought iron railing on a low wall. Or am I dreaming?
The only butchers shop I remember in Welly Bob St, was Kemp & Murrays on the corner with Nuttall St, diagonaly opposite Littlefairs.
The premises is still there, but has had several occupants since 1966, the rest of Welly St, from Nuttall St to the top of Church St didn't have any shops, the frontage's didn't lend themselves to such enterprises, they were very much like those from the Pop Club to Church St, before they were demolished.
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