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20-08-2003, 20:04
Accy Goddess
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Were was you the day Elvis died?
Can you lot out there remember were you was and what you were doing the day the king died?
I will always remember were i was. In the ozzy aving our Daughter and i didn`t find out till two days after he died when i saw the paper. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
20-08-2003, 23:18
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
Funny you should say that. I was at home on the sofa, having been told to rest due to high blood pressure, and having just recovered from pluerisy (My daughter was eventually born on 13th september). The Doctors worried me sick cos they said they thought she was going to be a very small baby. She turned out to be the biggest of the lot!
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke
I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
20-08-2003, 23:33
I am Banned
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
At home, hubby came home with the Daily Mirror (which I still have) and gently broke the news to me, :'( Not long before that I was in Vegas where Elvis was playing at the Hilton, we managed to get black market tickets but mother in law was with us and she didnt like Vegas and wanted to leave, I agreed for a quiet life saying I could see Elvis another time, as it turned out I couldnt. I will never forgive her for that, I loved Elvis. One night with you, hooooooooooo if only
21-08-2003, 00:06
Accy Goddess
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
Ur lucky, the only way i`l get there is in my dreams.
Perhaps one day i`l be able to follow that dream were ever that dream will lead me.
There NEVER has been or Ever will be to match him.
Love a wide range of music fom M & M to Enigma, soul to country. But my great love is R `N`Roll.
The king. How great thou art.
21-08-2003, 00:12
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
My daughter in law wasn't born till after he died, and she's fanatical about him!
He did just have something that certain something.
Like you I like all kinds of stuff, and I especially think Robbies great. But you can't top Elvis.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke
I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
21-08-2003, 09:47
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
I was working at eubank at the time, making carpet sweepers.where asda now stands when a friend showed me the front page of the daily mirror saying THE KING IS DEAD.
21-08-2003, 09:48
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
I was a child when he died, all the family were fans, and we loved watching the movies as kids. I was at home sat on my dad's knee when his friend came round and told us. He and his wife were crying on the doorstep. It was a miserable few days in our house following that, but we all still sing along now!!
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
21-08-2003, 20:14
Accy Goddess
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
Wot is it with Robbie Williams. Think I must be the only femail who dosn`t think hes the bees knees. Think he`s a bleep bleep.
Love Marc and think his 4 minuit warning brilliant.
In the looks and talant department think M & M brill.
25-08-2003, 06:57
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
I was camping in Devon with my husband & two sons. I came out of the tent and heard the news on someone's radio. I can still picture the scene. The news spread around the campsite like wildfire.
08-09-2003, 07:54
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
was playing football and ended up consoling my bruvv who was afanatical Elvis fan.The joys of being the eldest in the family i suppose
BigMikDick from krautland
08-09-2003, 12:40
Resting In Peace
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
When the news broke of the death of Elvis, I was driving a double decker bus along Blackburn Road towards Accrington, listening to the news on my transistor radio which I used to have carefully balanced on the dashboard, I remember there were two ladies who got off the bus in Accrington and one of them seemed to be quite upset by the news.
08-09-2003, 14:45
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
Hey you guys!!
I never died, it was just a publicity stunt. I've been living on Willows Lane in Accy since I disappeared!!!!!!
08-09-2003, 14:48
I am Banned
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
Well I was getting worried.. Its been years since your last sighting.. I thought something must have happened to you... But here you are.. Nice one
Now gissa choon ;D
08-09-2003, 21:55
Accy Goddess
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
Post us a piccy then Elvis. !!!!!!!!!
27-12-2003, 12:47
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Re: Were was you the day Elvis died?
I remember the day like it were yesterday...Was a bit of an Elvis freak back then...still am at heart.....my mate runs and Elvis club...holds regular disco nights and meetups, check the site for details.
Take it Eaaazzzyyy...
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