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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 31-07-2009, 23:31   #31
Passed away 25-11-09
West Ender's Avatar

Re: What food did your Mum make you eat when you had nowt else!!

I, honestly, can't remember being made to eat anything. I know I avoided bread, until I was about 8, then discovered a liking for it. Up to then I'd been eating just meat or fish and vegetables - I suppose that was, really, a very healthy diet but I was small and very thin, not good in the 1940s, they wanted chubby children in those days. I never quite made it.

There were certain meals my mother used to make specially for my dad; rabbit pie and pigs' trotters comes to mind. I wouldn't eat either of them (more on moral grounds than taste-wise) but there was always something different for us children.

I used to get dosed every morning. For a while it was Cod Liver Oil and Malt, which I absolutely loved, and later it was Rose Hip Syrup - mmmmmm! I still love Cod Liver Oil - yes, honestly - and I make my own Rose Hip Syrup. All the above were supposed to keep me healthy and, my mother prayed, stop me being so thin. It didn't work. Oh I was healthy enough but when Nature says you're gonna be skinny until you hit 45 - that's how it is.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 14-08-2009, 01:36   #32
shazfury1's Avatar

Re: What food did your Mum make you eat when you had nowt else!!

Had it for lunch today, lovely done right.
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Old 14-08-2009, 10:03   #33
Resting in Peace
darwendosser's Avatar

Re: What food did your Mum make you eat when you had nowt else!!

my mom would boil a sheep's head up and dad would tell her to leave the eyes in so it would see us through the week
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Old 14-08-2009, 10:45   #34
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Re: What food did your Mum make you eat when you had nowt else!!

swedes.. mixed with carrots,so i wouldnt notice
as if
its just

like i've never been gone
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Old 14-08-2009, 11:50   #35
Full Member

Re: What food did your Mum make you eat when you had nowt else!!

My Mum would boil the sheep's head then take the brains out, mash them with salt and pepper and vinegar then make a sandwich of it!!!! Thankfully she was greedy and never made us eat it!!
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Old 14-08-2009, 12:09   #36
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Re: What food did your Mum make you eat when you had nowt else!!

Originally Posted by beechy View Post
swedes.. mixed with carrots,so i wouldnt notice
as if

we love carrots and swede mashed with a bit of butter mmmm one of my favourites
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 23-08-2009, 05:40   #37
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Re: What food did your Mum make you eat when you had nowt else!!

Can remember a family who lived across the street from us , must have been the mid/late 50s when cheap plastic products first came on the market , the Mother decided to make a potato pie. In those days the white enamel washing-up basin (used in a slop stone) served a duel purpose as a cooking utensil for pratie pie/hot pot .
needless to say the 'new' plastic washing up bowl did not withstand use in the oven and the fire brigade made a visit much to the merriment of the local kids .
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Old 10-03-2011, 22:10   #38
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Re: What food did your Mum make you eat when you had nowt else!!

I remember when we had our 1st roast chicken Sunday dinner, that was in the late 50's. Home made spud pie until then.
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Old 11-04-2011, 03:38   #39
Junior Member+

Re: What food did your Mum make you eat when you had nowt else!!

darn right....i still love it...and i'm real name...just cheese and egg done in the oven...cheers
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