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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 01-04-2004, 19:37   #31
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Or my underpants
I'm not sitting next to you at the Easter bash........
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 02-04-2004, 11:00   #32
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

was sitting at a garage at 3.30am on the sunday morning when I caught the news all it said then was that dodi had died and diana was seriously injured - went home and got up 4 hours later to the classical music they play when a member of royalty dies - kinda figuered it out then.
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Old 03-04-2004, 14:44   #33
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

mum n dad told me on the sunday morning. Didn't really believe them at first. I was only a kid too.

Last year I went to Paris with college. We where shown where she had set off from and even went through the tunnel. Wasn't very plesent. Sent shivers down my spin.

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Old 03-04-2004, 21:17   #34
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

I understand what AccyStanFan means - I was the same age as William when Diana died. My mum woke me up & she was crying her heart out - I asked her what was wrong & when she said Diana had died, to be honest, I was relieved it wasn't a family member. When your a kid, if it isn't happening in your world or to someone your close to, you just can't understand. I was very upset for William & Harry because all I could think about is how I would feel it my mum died. Now I realise how much she meant to everyone and understand why people were so upset & shocked.
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Old 03-05-2004, 07:39   #35
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

I remember it was a beautiful sunday morning and I was sat on the bog when I heard the news. I remember thinking that, all things considered, it was perhaps the best thing that could have happened. I was convinced then as I am still, that had she lived, she would have brought the monarchy down. You only need to look at the effect she still has to see the truth of that observation.
I know that it is still not fashionable to hold such views and I am regularly criticised for voicing them. But nothing I have heard in the intervening years has changed my opinion. She was the wrong person in the wrong position.
I agree that the manner of her death was horrific. No-one should have to die that way. But, like Teeleaf, I found the hysteria distasteful, morbid and embarrasing. Earl Spencer's speech showed a disgraceful lack of respect for his sister, her children and the person and dignity of The Queen. Elton John's song is the sort of response to be expected from tired old queens with more money than taste.
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Old 03-05-2004, 11:37   #36
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

I used to stay with my grandparents at the weekend, and my grandad is a vicar so when i got up for church he bought me in a cupa and told me the news.The whole congregation were distraught at the 10 o' clock service and we had a book at the back that anyone could sign.I stayed in the church all day with my grandad cos people just kept comin in to sign it and to offer prayers, a very weird weekend that was too. Then with Mother Theresa passing away not long after we did the same.
Horrible thinking about it.

Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling,Edna Ferber.

check out our wedding pictures taken by the lovely gareth at studio25....
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Old 03-05-2004, 12:14   #37
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

Don't know when this question was asked but, I was in bed on the Sunday morning when the phone rang. It was a friend of mine from Wales who told me about it. I got up and switched on the tele. I started to cry and, when I told the congregation at my church, no-one seemed to have heard about it. I cried throughout the whole of the service!
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Old 03-05-2004, 13:00   #38
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
" it was perhaps the best thing that could have happened. I was convinced then as I am still, that had she lived, she would have brought the monarchy down. You only need to look at the effect she still has to see the truth of that observation.
I know that it is still not fashionable to hold such views and I am regularly criticised for voicing them. But nothing I have heard in the intervening years has changed my opinion. She was the wrong person in the wrong position.
I agree that the manner of her death was horrific. No-one should have to die that way. But, like Teeleaf, I found the hysteria distasteful, morbid and embarrasing. Earl Spencer's speech showed a disgraceful lack of respect for his sister, her children and the person and dignity of The Queen. Elton John's song is the sort of response to be expected from tired old queens with more money than taste.
I agree Acrylic. Although I went to see the funeral pocession, it was simply to say "been there & seen it", on the basis that one day I would possibly change my mind about the woman. The intervening years have had the opposite effect. I am convinced more than ever she was no more than a scoundrel and a harlot, financing her shameless affairs with whichever minor celebrity of the week from the public purse. As for her wastrel brother - another serial adulterer - then he should have been arrested on the spot and charged with conspiracy and high treason. Of course, nothing could happen because of the beying mob outside. Worse of all, of course, was that we the taxpayer had to pay for this monsterous farrago.

God Save the Queen.
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Old 07-05-2004, 16:45   #39
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

I had just walked in from Manchester Airport, as I had been on holiday in Spain. The news broke that Dodi was dead, and Diana was critical but alive. Then I went to bed, and woke up the next morning and she was dead. Was a bit shocked but its one of those things. Must admit the funeral was a bit upsetting but only because of the way it was. I think the funeral upset people more than the fact it was Diana's.
Psychopaths are underated conversationalists!
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Old 23-05-2004, 12:24   #40
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

I was at a friends place, just after a lunchtime BBQ, washing up, when they told me that on the news Diana had passed away. I will never forget the shock of it personally, and thought to myself.."what a waste of an influential person who had the unique ability to make a difference in this world."
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Old 23-05-2004, 12:25   #41
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

Must say, that I am now the proud owner of 14 collector Diana Plates, all of which hold pride of place, in turn, on my loungeroom walls.
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Old 10-06-2004, 16:42   #42
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

We had just got back from England the day before.We drove over and i was the first up.My 2 girls got up and told their mum that daddy was crying.Wife got up to come and see what was going on and ended up crying along with me.
She was a special women and i do believe i will never forget her as long as i live.I still believe she was gotten rid of, but well some people believe that Elvis is still alive.We all have our dreams
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 10-08-2004, 12:51   #43
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

A late response, but then I'm a new girl at AccyWeb.

This is one where I can't agree with Tealeaf (although my partner does). My daughter worked for Prince Charles as a polo groom and met Diana lots of times. Catie says she was friendly, charming, and loved chatting to the girls. She could always remember who was going out with who, and was very much a nice normal girl. One of my friends was at the funeral, because she was on Diana's Christmas card list, and she thought a lot of her. It does seem that people who knew her have a different slant ...

However, as for memorials, the only two foreigners' memorials in Cuba are Princess Diana Park, and John Lennon Square. Both very big in Cuba, for some reason.
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Old 10-08-2004, 17:18   #44
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

Cannot agree with that Tealeaf.As for the Royal Family well, i have never been a Royalist and as far as i am concerned there should not be one anymore.Totally uncalled for in this day and age.Abolish them , and as for Charles, well leaving Dianna for somébody who is about as good looking and has a mouth on her like the Donkey in Shrek well what more can i say
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 10-08-2004, 17:21   #45
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Re: where was you when you found out dianna had died.

I can understand your viewpoint, Mik.....afterall, you guys abolished their cousins, the German Royal Family.....what was the name of the little fella with the 'tash who replaced them?
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