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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 03-10-2013, 18:08   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Who Remembers This?

Basically it was a leaflet that said,'if the worst happens kiss your backside goodbye'.

Protect and Survive

Though I must admit, in the original leaflet pushed through the door, there was information saying not to expect buses to be running once you came out of your shelter, but, joy of Joy's, full time employment, squads of us would be assigned to fly swatting duties.

Weren't you glad when this leaflet dropped through your letterbox?

At least you'd have an extra piece of paper to wipe your arse on during the fortnight you were entombed, ha, a fortnight? They just wanted us to dig our own graves!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 03-10-2013, 18:35   #2
I am Banned

Re: Who Remembers This?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Basically it was a leaflet that said,'if the worst happens kiss your backside goodbye'.

Protect and Survive

Though I must admit, in the original leaflet pushed through the door, there was information saying not to expect buses to be running once you came out of your shelter, but, joy of Joy's, full time employment, squads of us would be assigned to fly swatting duties.

Weren't you glad when this leaflet dropped through your letterbox?

At least you'd have an extra piece of paper to wipe your arse on during the fortnight you were entombed, ha, a fortnight? They just wanted us to dig our own graves!
We had all sorts of lectures on that subject when I was in the Fir Brigadee, we even had a gadget on the control room wall which we had to test aout 4 times a day, if the signal was steady everything was ok, all those green Godesses & AFS were part of the system.
One officer (a right clever beggar) was telling us how we would be deployed in the event of a nuclear attack, he saw me shaking my head, and said what would you do then, I told him I would sod off home & protect my own as long as I could. every thing else would be a waste of time and effort.
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Old 03-10-2013, 18:42   #3
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Who Remembers This?

Luckily the late wife used to bin all the garbage,before i came home from work, so never even was aware of it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 03-10-2013, 19:25   #4
Senior Member+

Re: Who Remembers This?

I don't remember anyone worrying about a nuclear attack or even discussing it.
And yet it was a very real possibility! Did we just accept that if it came we were all dead but what could we do about it?
As for living behind two sloping doors for 14 days- how hopelessly unprepared we were.
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Old 03-10-2013, 20:07   #5
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Re: Who Remembers This?

I think I still have a copy somewhere - I could probably sell it on ebay .
...not that I had any intention of using the advice in it - just kept it for nostalgic reasons.

That doom cartoon 'When the Wind Blows' had some of its animators commit suicide.
When the Wind Blows Protect and Survive

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Old 04-10-2013, 07:02   #6
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Re: Who Remembers This?

One house we lived in had a cellar. The previous owners had bricked it up at one end and stored gallons of water behind the wall. I can only presume it was for such an attack. The water's probably still there because I couldn't be bothered to move it.
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Old 04-10-2013, 17:23   #7
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Who Remembers This?

Marvellous innit? Considering you'd only get a 4 minute warning of an imminent attack. It wouldn't give you much time to schlepp all the gubbins you need into place really.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 04-10-2013, 17:35   #8
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Re: Who Remembers This?

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Marvellous innit? Considering you'd only get a 4 minute warning of an imminent attack. It wouldn't give you much time to schlepp all the gubbins you need into place really.
And what about all that ale in the fridge
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Old 04-10-2013, 17:45   #9
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Who Remembers This?

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Marvellous innit? Considering you'd only get a 4 minute warning of an imminent attack. It wouldn't give you much time to schlepp all the gubbins you need into place really.
Not only that, what if you rent the place and your Landlord survives?

You are relieved because the worst you do nowadays is glow slightly in the permanent winter.

However, as soon as civilization takes a hold once more, you get an envelope through the hole were the door with the letterbox used to be, telling you you are being prosecuted for damaging his property!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 07-10-2013, 17:40   #10
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Re: Who Remembers This?

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Marvellous innit? Considering you'd only get a 4 minute warning of an imminent attack. It wouldn't give you much time to schlepp all the gubbins you need into place really.
It took almost that long to remember where your NBC kit was and then put it on - did work out that you could smoke a cigarette using the drinking tube
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Old 07-10-2013, 18:27   #11
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Who Remembers This?

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
It took almost that long to remember where your NBC kit was and then put it on - did work out that you could smoke a cigarette using the drinking tube
Typical Crab! Believe me, we knew exactly were it was, we'd spend most of the exercise wearing it.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 09-10-2013, 09:02   #12
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Re: Who Remembers This?

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Typical Crab! Believe me, we knew exactly were it was, we'd spend most of the exercise wearing it.
You probably looked like a refugee from the Black & White Minstrel Show when the activated charcoal filtered through the lining

Spent many hours every day in them during Gulf 1, bit of a problem when the temp was in the 40s

Last edited by Barrie Yates; 09-10-2013 at 09:05.
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Old 09-10-2013, 11:06   #13
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Who Remembers This?

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
Spent many hours every day in them during Gulf 1, bit of a problem when the temp was in the 40s
Tell me about it! And because you crabs have got crappy ozone unfriendly helicopters pumping out fumes all over the shop, the soddin' NAIAD kept kicking off! In the end I slung the gasperator & declared my panzer & scratcher a "Nuclear free zone".
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 10-10-2013, 13:15   #14
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Re: Who Remembers This?

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Marvellous innit? Considering you'd only get a 4 minute warning of an imminent attack. It wouldn't give you much time to schlepp all the gubbins you need into place really.
I remember having a discussion ... this would be back in the 60s ... with some dude in a pub, about the 4 minute warning ... we were both half-cut, at least; but I do remember the conclusion was that by the time the info from those who detected incoming nukes had gone thru the system and reached the guys who actually operated the sirens, the shiite would have already hit the fan. All that was, and perhaps still is, needed would be the advice: "Prepare to evacuate"

Me, I'd load my guns, and hang out for a bit, see how bad things were; and if it got too bad I'd off my critters, drink all my booze, smoke all my dope, and blow out what's left of my brain cells.
As a species, we ain't really all that important. We won't be missed. In fact, the planet, once it has recovered from the mess we have made of it, will probably be better off without us.

Since the end of the Cold War, we seem to have forgotten the threat of nuclear war ... I'm sorry folks, but it's still there, and so are most of the nukes. Think of this: many of the yanks in the missile silos are probably wacked out on some kind of dope .... many of their Russian counterparts are already into their second bottle of vodka when they show up for work. Let's ponder that as we worry about Iran, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Israel ..................
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Old 10-10-2013, 17:21   #15
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Re: Who Remembers This?

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I remember having a discussion ... this would be back in the 60s ... with some dude in a pub, about the 4 minute warning ... we were both half-cut, at least; but I do remember the conclusion was that by the time the info from those who detected incoming nukes had gone thru the system and reached the guys who actually operated the sirens, the shiite would have already hit the fan. All that was, and perhaps still is, needed would be the advice: "Prepare to evacuate"

Me, I'd load my guns, and hang out for a bit, see how bad things were; and if it got too bad I'd off my critters, drink all my booze, smoke all my dope, and blow out what's left of my brain cells.
As a species, we ain't really all that important. We won't be missed. In fact, the planet, once it has recovered from the mess we have made of it, will probably be better off without us.

Since the end of the Cold War, we seem to have forgotten the threat of nuclear war ... I'm sorry folks, but it's still there, and so are most of the nukes. Think of this: many of the yanks in the missile silos are probably wacked out on some kind of dope .... many of their Russian counterparts are already into their second bottle of vodka when they show up for work. Let's ponder that as we worry about Iran, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Israel ..................
Plus the one's the Russians have lost?????
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