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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 27-03-2006, 09:58   #1
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Anyone got an answer ?. Are you Lobby Ludd ?.
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Accrington Web
Old 27-03-2006, 10:18   #2
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I did a google and came up with this:

The daily papers at that time were the Daily Mirror and Daily Sketch, as tabloids, amongst the broadsheets we had the Daily Mail with my favourite cartoon strip Teddy Tail. The Daily Mail promoted their paper during the summer months with a stunt involving a character named Lobby Lud. His silhouette would appear in the paper the day prior to his a seaside town; the idea was that you had to try to spot him. If you thought you had got it right, and with a copy of the Daily Mail under your arm, you had to approach him and issue a challenge, in these exact words. (You are Lobby Lud and I claim the Daily Mail five pound prize.) When you realise one could obtain weeks accommodation I/e Full board for a family of four for 4 pounds. It was worth taking a chance of making a fool of yourself! As you can imagine, many a young man would deliberately try to look conspicuous, by perhaps leaning against a lamppost and hoping a delightful young lady would issue him the challenge. This was a stunt by the paper, which, sad to say, would not be advisable in this day and age.

Full article here:
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Old 07-04-2006, 22:51   #3
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Originally Posted by Alan Gilmartin
Anyone got an answer ?. Are you Lobby Ludd ?.
Lobby Ludd was a newspaper selling gimmick. The Daily Blah would tell punters that Lobby Ludd was today in Xtown and that if you identified him whilst carrying a copy of the Blah you could claim ten bob off him. See Banking on Form by Peter Pook
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Old 07-04-2006, 22:59   #4
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Originally Posted by egg&chips
Lobby Ludd was a newspaper selling gimmick. The Daily Blah would tell punters that Lobby Ludd was today in Xtown and that if you identified him whilst carrying a copy of the Blah you could claim ten bob off him. See Banking on Form by Peter Pook
I remember this tactic, memories of looking for this guy on holiday in Fleetwood, but was it not the Daily Herald then ?? It changed it's name along the lines and can't see that my mum and dad would have bought the Daily Mail as they were strong Labour supporters
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Old 07-04-2006, 23:03   #5
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Originally Posted by katex
I remember this tactic, memories of looking for this guy on holiday in Fleetwood, but was it not the Daily Herald then ?? It changed it's name along the lines and can't see that my mum and dad would have bought the Daily Mail as they were strong Labour supporters
The Mirror had their own version in the 60's/70's. The name Chalky White rings a bell........
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