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Nostalgia aint what it used to be... The "I remember when......." section is finally with us - lets reminisce!

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Old 16-10-2007, 16:07   #1

WMC's picnics and xmas parties

Whenever I think of the wonderful old days the working mens club picnics and christmas parties of the 50's and 60's always come to my mind. I have not lived in Accrington for many years, so these annual events could still be around today.
But to me as a kid they were many times the highlight of my year.
When the coach (or sharrabang as my dad called it) drew up to the club door we all piled on with our name badges in case we got lost. My Dad was a member of the AEU and Willow Mount, my uncle Canine and Band Club so even if we could not afford a holiday at least I was guaranteed 4 days out. Southport, Blackpool Tower Circus and a Fun Fare in Manchester but I can't remember the name were always the favourites.
At Christmas I loved the parties with fun and games and of course anyone who could sing a song got sixpence, and we never left without a gift. The Canine club in addition to the gifts always gave fruit a big red apple and tangerines.
Does anyone else have fond memories of these wonderful days.
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Old 16-10-2007, 16:56   #2
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Re: WMC's picnics and xmas parties

i remember many an annual outing from the sydney st club
in the 50/60s we always went to southport in the sharabanc
e had to wear a carboard badge with our name on for if we got lost
always stopped on the way back at the tickled trout
its just

like i've never been gone
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Old 16-10-2007, 17:01   #3
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Re: WMC's picnics and xmas parties

I used to go on the AEU trips and we also used to go to the Tower Circus at Blackpool when my mum worked at Burco.
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Old 16-10-2007, 22:12   #4
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Re: WMC's picnics and xmas parties

ooooohhhh my grandad was a member of the canine and i used to love the xmas parties as a child . once remember them doing a float in the accy carnival and all the kids were allowed to be on it .. it was just the best feeling. also remember the annual coach trips to come and see the lights .
(sigh!!!) awww those were the days .
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Old 16-10-2007, 22:18   #5
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Re: WMC's picnics and xmas parties

Springhil WMC for me. Southport in the summer with a ham &chips tea + icecream then 50p to spend in pleasureland?/funland? The tide was always out. Always 2 corporation buses(no seat belts) and a race between the drivers to see who got there first.Lots of rude songs that I didn't understand too eg "The first time I met her, I met her in pink...."
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Old 11-11-2007, 16:56   #6
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Re: WMC's picnics and xmas parties

Originally Posted by beechy View Post
i remember many an annual outing from the sydney st club
in the 50/60s we always went to southport in the sharabanc
e had to wear a carboard badge with our name on for if we got lost
always stopped on the way back at the tickled trout
yep many happy days to southport from sydney st club, always got 10 bob spending money also.
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Old 11-11-2007, 17:14   #7
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Re: WMC's picnics and xmas parties

Park View (better known as the bottom club), Clayton for me. I remember going to Blackpool Tower Circus on one of the trips. As well as taking the kids on trips out, when the members went on their own trips they used to throw money out of the bus windows for us kids to pick up - ah memories
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Old 14-11-2007, 22:18   #8
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Re: WMC's picnics and xmas parties

Originally Posted by egg&chips View Post
Springhil WMC for me. Southport in the summer with a ham &chips tea + icecream then 50p to spend in pleasureland?/funland? The tide was always out. Always 2 corporation buses(no seat belts) and a race between the drivers to see who got there first.Lots of rude songs that I didn't understand too eg "The first time I met her, I met her in pink...."
Thanks for the memories, I was there, I remember going back to Southport with my wife about 15 years ago to try and relive a bit of those great days out only to come away depressed. I guess it was a kind of magic something only a child could enjoy.
I had trouble going to sleep last night as the song you quoted was buzzing around in my head for ages.

Faster faster, alley alley aster!!!

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Old 14-11-2007, 22:31   #9
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Re: WMC's picnics and xmas parties

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
Thanks for the memories, I was there, I remember going back to Southport with my wife about 15 years ago to try and relive a bit of those great days out only to come away depressed. I guess it was a kind of magic something only a child could enjoy.
I had trouble going to sleep last night as the song you quoted was buzzing around in my head for ages.

Faster faster, alley alley aster!!!
its even more depressing now for kids, Pleasureland is gone.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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