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10-08-2007, 19:29
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Re: wot treats.
Originally Posted by staggeringman
nearly forgot this one,when i was younger i lived over bridge street and one night my elder brother and sister babysat whilst mam and dad went round to commercial,i got sent to bed so i put electric blanket on!i was soon snug as a bug in a rug and went to sleep.The next thing i knew all this shouting and commotion ,the bedroom full of smoke and my brother dragging me out of bed me still half asleep climed back in under the smouldering blankets.Next thing my sister comes running in with a pan of water not satisfied with burning me to death she wanted to electricute me as well!
Hey staggers, tell us about the night you went to the 'Langs' for your tea, the night you broke the world record for power supping.
10-08-2007, 19:44
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Re: wot treats.
Originally Posted by mthead
"Andrews"that fizzy stomach powder you mix with water.Used to love the stuff.Havent seen it for a bit.Is it still available?
i have some here ian lol i'll fetch you some up tomorrow, but why andrews? its not pop, i always knew you where weird 
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
10-08-2007, 20:53
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Re: wot treats.
Originally Posted by katex
Gosh, reminded me of cheese, soaked in milk in a small pie tin (not deep one) ..just put under grill and eat with toast, loved this, sometimes egg was dropped in. Of course, was cooking cheese .. can you get this now, perhaps under another name ? lovely and stringy as you ate it .. 
My great gran used to make this for me when I was little. She always dropped an egg in the middle of it. She used to use lancashire cheese so that it went really stringy, with bread and butter soldiers to dip in, it was a treat for when we were ill, it always made me feel better.
Haven't had it in years.
At home my parents didn't have a lot of money when we were growing up, but they always made sure that we got fish and chips for tea on friday's and on Saturdays if we had all been good, we would get a scoop of ice cream in a glass topped up with lemonade.

Last edited by buttonsmum; 10-08-2007 at 21:00.
10-08-2007, 21:02
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Re: wot treats.
Originally Posted by flashytart
i have some here ian lol i'll fetch you some up tomorrow, but why andrews? its not pop, i always knew you where weird 
Dont overdose - its a laxative too 
10-08-2007, 21:06
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Re: wot treats.
Dont overdose - its a laxative too 
An expensive laxative 
10-08-2007, 21:12
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Re: wot treats.
Originally Posted by mthead
"Andrews"that fizzy stomach powder you mix with water.Used to love the stuff.Havent seen it for a bit.Is it still available?
My mum would give us this when we had stomache ache, i used to love the way it fizzed when it mixed with the water, we had to drink it while it was still fizzing. I used to drink it down in one and give a big shudder afterwards as I always thought it tasted vile.

10-08-2007, 21:15
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Re: wot treats.
Originally Posted by buttonsmum
My mum would give us this when we had stomache ache, i used to love the way it fizzed when it mixed with the water, we had to drink it while it was still fizzing. I used to drink it down in one and give a big shudder afterwards as I always thought it tasted vile.
Yeh cant say it tastes nice either lol.
10-08-2007, 21:18
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Re: wot treats.
Why is it stuff thats meant to make you feel better always tates vile?

11-08-2007, 00:56
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Re: wot treats.
Never heard ov cheese wi egg in till we moved to accy. We had cheese in thoven. Lancashire cheese crumbled into a dish with milk poured over top. It was cooked on a high heat for about half an hour. Some times tomato or onion were added.
It was eaten with loads of bread to dip in it or toast. Mmmm loverly.
Mick cant stand it says it stinks. But he wont even try it. When our eldest had just started eating solids he said. " Your not going to feed her that."
When we used to have pobies it was just 2 slices of bread broken up in a bowl sugar on top and then hot milk added.
11-08-2007, 03:38
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Re: wot treats.
My mum had to go over to northern ireland - granny had died and left us kids in the caring hands of dad. Every night he made us mashed spuds and 2 boiled eggs with runny yokes cut up on the top of it - mum was away for a week was I ever so glad to get mum back!!!! Didnt like it - used to just eat the mashed spuds and leave the egg white!!! lol He could only make fried fish, that and fried spuds and bacon and egg. We got the fried spuds and bacon and egg on sunday but the rest of the time we got mashed spuds & egg.
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11-08-2007, 22:29
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Re: wot treats.
My mum used to go round the corner to Britcliffe's selling-out shop and buy a bottle of lemonade and a brick of ice cream. She'd pour the lemonade out, plonk the brick into it and we'd eat the resultant gooey mess as it slowly melted.
...I wonder if their son, Peter, ever had it?
12-08-2007, 01:54
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Re: wot treats.
My sister used to treat me when out shopping with her - ginger beer and ice cream in it or dandelion & burdock (fizzy) with ice cream or fizzy vimto with ice cream. It was the stall in accy market hall or if we went to blackburn or bury but mainly at accrington. Might have to sweet talk her into taking me out again!!! lol
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
12-08-2007, 07:34
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Re: wot treats.
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
My mum used to go round the corner to Britcliffe's selling-out shop and buy a bottle of lemonade and a brick of ice cream. She'd pour the lemonade out, plonk the brick into it and we'd eat the resultant gooey mess as it slowly melted.
...I wonder if their son, Peter, ever had it?
i dont think peters ever had it
we use to buy a tablet ? of jelly and
tear of chunks and chew on it blackcurrant jelly sweets
its just
like i've never been gone
16-08-2007, 12:46
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Re: wot treats.
ummmmm i used to love cubed bread with oxo over em ... yummy
when ever i was ill my mum always tried to do a pan full of broth or spud pie my two fav meals of all time and always made me feel better ..
16-08-2007, 22:48
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Re: wot treats.
When I was suffering from tonsillitis as a child, which was quite often until my tonsils were removed, my mum would warm some milk, add a small nob of butter and a spoonful of pure honey. Whilst the milk was heating up she would soak a cloth in either meths or vinegar and wrap it around my throat. It never worked but the milk and honey tasted great.
My all time favourite snack was and still is a couple of slices of buttered toast liberally spread with jam, preferably strawberry jam, with slices of a good quality sharp Cheddar cheese on top. It’s almost a meal in itself.
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