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Old 02-06-2004, 10:59   #1
Registered User
Jimbo T Hornblower's Avatar

Question Advice needed on Broadband

Ive been asking around everywhere and its a simple question but no-one seems to know the answer.

I currently have a 512Mb Broadband connection with one of those Alcatel Speedtouch ADSL external USB modems. I want to upgrade my connection to 1 Meg and was wondering if I need another modem or whether my existing modem will support the 1 Meg connection.

I thought as long as you had an 'ADSL' modem, no matter what speed the connection was it would support it because its ADSL. Is this right or not?

Jimbo T blower

Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class

"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )

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Accrington Web
Old 03-06-2004, 23:00   #2
Perran's Avatar

Re: Advice needed on Broadband

Your existing modem should support the faster service. May need a little tweaking but should be ok. Check the Alcatel website for full spec on your modem.

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Old 04-06-2004, 13:06   #3
Full Member

Re: Advice needed on Broadband

yep should be fine, who are you getting 1mb with? I currently get it from bulldog and can recommend it.
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Old 04-06-2004, 15:24   #4
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Talking Re: Advice needed on Broadband

Perran - thanks for the advice - dont know why I didnt look at speedtouchs website before. My modem can cope with up to 8Gb so its the connection only package for me

Jr - I was just thinking of going with Wanadoo (simply for less fuss - existing Freeserve customer) but now thinking I might give these Zen geezers a look at ....

Jimbo T blower

Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class

"We invented the big time now we're back in the big time" ( Loweiy circa 2006 )

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